Abridged CV:
Name: / Prof DW (Douglas) OliverRank: / Director: School of Pharmacy
Telnr: / 018 299 2270
E-mail: /
Qualifications: /
- B.Pharm (1976) distinction Pharmaceutical Chemistry,
- M.Pharm (1978) distinction (Thesis: The synthesis and antiviral actvity of selected polycylic compounds)
- D.Sc[Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry] (1981) (Thesis: Pentacyclo undecylamines)
- Honns.BSc[Pharmacology](1982) Distinction
- Certificate of Business Management PU for CHE 1997 distinction in all six subjects
- PhD [Pharmacology] (2003) Thesis:Cerebral Blood Flow in the Non-Human Primate. An In Vivo Model and Drug Interventions
Experience (teaching and otherwise): /
- Pharmacy Internship (Community Pharmacy) 1979
- Lecturer, Pharmacology, PU for CHE (1982-4)
- Snr Lecturer, Pharmacoloy, PU for CHE (1985)
- Professor and Head, Pharmaceutical Medicinal Chemistry, Univ. Pretoria (1986-1992)
- Professor and Head, Pharmacology, Potchefstroom Univ for CHE (1992-6)
- Visiting Professor Pharmacology, (1989-1990), Washington Univ., St Louis USA
- Director of Research, Faculty of Health Sciences: Drug Research and Development (1998-onwards)
- Visiting Researcher (1998), University of Queensland, Center for Drug Design and Development, Brisbane, Australia
- Visiting Professor Drug Design (2000), Laboratoire de Physico-Toxicochimie des Systemes naturales, Bordeaux Univeristy, France, Drug Design
- Community Pharmacy experience since 1979- Acting Pharmacist in more than 50 pharmacies in South Africa and Namibia
Research area: /
- Pharmacodynamics (drug action): Medicinal Fields include antiviral (HIV, Rhino, Influenza, Herpes); Parkinson's Disease; Cerebrovascular Disorders; Cardiovasular; Drug Design and Development;Computer Aided Molecular Modelling; G-protein coupled receptors; Biostudies (animal, non-human primates and human); Quality assurance and control of medicine; Natural Products (medicinal value); Plants used during labor (pharmacological studies).
Best recent publications /
- Guanidines: From molecule to primate. DWOliver, ICDormehl, JESWikberg, MDambrova, 2ndInternational Symposium in Drug Discovery Research CTDDR-2004, 17-20February2004, Lucknow, INDIA, Medicinal Chemistry Research, 12(4) 180-181 (2003)
- Phenylpuryvic acid derivatives as enzyme inhibitors: Therapeutic potential on Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor. AJMCarpy, PPHaasbroek, DWOliver, 2nd International Symposium in Drug Discovery Research CTDDR-2004, 17-20February2004, Lucknow, INDIA, Medicinal Chemistry Research, 12(4)163-4 (2003)
- In vivo measurements of the cerebral perfusion and cardiovascular effects of the novel guanidine ME10092 in the non-human primate Papio ursinus. DWOliver, ICDormehl, JESWikberg, WKALouw, MDambrova, AvanGelder, EKilian, EJansenvanRensburg, Life Sciences, 75(17), 2057-2064, (2004)
- Investigations on the pharmacology of the cardioprotective guanidine ME10092. MDambrova, ELiepinsh OKirjanova, RPetrovska, OPugovich, LBaumane, SUhlen, IKalvinsh, DWOliver and JESWikberg, Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 44(2), 178-186, (2004)
- Design and synthesis of 2,4-difluorophenylpyruvic acid for microphage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) tautomerase activity. PP Haasbroek, DW Oliver, AJM Carpy, Journal of Molecular Structure 690, 89-94 (2004)
- Recent advances in drug action and therapeutics: Relevance of novel concepts in G-protein-coupled receptor and signal transduction pharmacology (ms no. REV-00170-03-NB.R1). CBBrink, BHHarvey, JBodenstein, DPVenter, and DWOliver, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 57(4), 373-387 (2004)
- Guanidines: From molecule to primate. DWOliver, ICDormehl, JESWikberg, MDambrova, Medicinal Chemistry Research, 13/6-7 427-438 (2004)
- Phenylpuryvic acid derivatives as enzyme inhibitors: Therapeutic potential on Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor. AJMCarpy, PPHaasbroek, DWOliver, Medicinal Chemistry Research Vol 13, No. 8,9, 565-577 (2004).
- Non-human primate SPECT model for determining cerebral perfusion effects of cerebrovasoactive drugs acting via multiple modes of pharmacological action. DWOliver, ICDormehl and WKALouw, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 229-230, 255-259 (2005)
- Cerebral Perfusion changes in a non-primate Model and in humans compared to EEG Changes after Pentifylline and Nicotinic Acid treatment, ICDormehl, DWOliver and BJordaan, 54th Annual Convention, Czech Society of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, together with 11th Conference of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 8th Conference of DURG, Czech Republic and 6th Congress of Clinical Pharmacology held as joint Conferences In cooperation with and under auspices of South Bohemia Province, South Bohemia University, Hospital Budweis Inc., European Medical Agency-EMA, Embassy of the Republic of South Africa, and North West University of the Republic of South Africa. , 8-11September2004, České Budĕjovice, CZECH Folla Phoenix Proceedings, p9-15 (2005)
- Cerebral Perfusion changes in a non-primate Model and in humans compared to EEG Changes after Pentifylline and Nicotinic Acid treatment, ICDormehl, DWOliver and BJordaan, Journal of the Neurological Sciences (submitted) (2006)
- Handling Tautomerism and Geometrical Isomerism in Drug Design and Synthesis: The Case of Phenylpyruvic Acid Derivatives, ACarpy, PPHaasbroek, DWOliver, Proceedings of the 4th Indo-US Workshop on Mathematical Chemistry, Pune, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (formerly JCICS), (Submitted) (2006)
- Integrating the Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacology and Toxicology of the Statins, DWOliver and AJMCarpy, 3rd International Symposium Computational Methods in Toxicology and Pharmacology Integrating Internet Resources (CMTPI-2005) (2006)
- The Pharmacological Effects of Ozone on Isolated Guinea Pig Tracheal Preparations, JCLotriet, DPVenter and DWOliver, 17th World Congress & Exhibition, Ozone & Related Oxidants, Innovative & Current Technologies, Archives of Toxicology (Electronic Published, 2006-10-13) / (2007) 81:433-440
- Medicinal Chemistry of Polycyclic Cage Compounds, DW Oliver and SF Malan, Medicinal Chemistry Research Vol 16, No. 8,9, XXXX (2007).
Current projects: /
- N-hydroxyguanidines and guanidines in the treatment of ischemia related diseases.
- Drug discovery research for Perfusion Disorders Brain and Heart.
- Brain Bloof Flow. Novel Active Drugs.
- Novel compounds for HIV inhibition.
- Drugs for Immunoregulatory Proteins.
Collaborations: /
- University of Bordeaux (France)
- Washington University St Louis (USA)
- Uppsala University (Sweden)
- University of North Texas (USA)
- University of Queensland (Australia
- University of Virginia (USA)
- Research Institute Julich (Germany)
- Isotope Research Centre Faure
- University of Stellenbosch
- University of Port Elizabeth
- AEC Life Sciences Institute Pretoria
- University of Pretoria
Abridged CV: Prof DW Oliver