IHE July 2017 Meeting
Monday, July 17, 2017
Present: Thom Kuhn, Anne Diamond, Thierry Dart, Brian Reinhold, Sheryl Reyes, Nadia Ramey, Andrea Fourquet,
Phone: Tone Southerland, Anna Orlova
Reviewed agenda, need technical committee co-chair, nominations for co-chairs end July 19th, starting call for proposal August 4 close September 22nd, Connect-a-thon January 18-19th 20018
Reviewed process for submitting comments for the Profiles
Update about the CP process, discussed completion of a CP if it is not fully completed (i.e., section or content that needs to change) it should be rejected and sent back to the submitter.
Present: Thom Kuhn, Anne Diamond, Thierry Dart, Brian Reinhold, Sheryl Reyes, Nadia Ramey, Andrea Fourquet,
Phone: Tone Southerland, Anna Orlova
Received about 36 comments, mostly editorial, highlighted ones not sure of, 2 outstanding comments that need revisions – will review the changes made to these comments tomorrow.
Present: Thom Kuhn, Anne Diamond, Thierry Dart, Brian Reinhold, Sheryl Reyes, Nadia Ramey, Andrea Fourquet, Charles Parisot, Gregio
Phone: Tone Southerland, Anna Orlova, Fabio Buti
Reviewed all Medium to High comments with committee, will resolve Low priority comments which are primarily editorial and send out an updated document for review by the committee
Present: Thom Kuhn, Anne Diamond, Thierry Dart, Brian Reinhold, Sheryl Reyes, Nadia Ramey, Andrea Fourquet, Steve Moore, Chris Melo
Reviewed all comments, resolved half of the comments today
Present: Thom Kuhn, Anne Diamond, Thierry Dart, Brian Reinhold, Sheryl Reyes, Nadia Ramey, Andrea Fourquet, Chris Melo
Reviewed comments, will update Glossary terms and Structured Definitions
Present: Thom Kuhn, Anne Diamond, Thierry Dart, Brian Reinhold, Sheryl Reyes, Nadia Ramey, Andrea Fourquet, Chris Melo, Steve Moore, John Moehrke
Phone: Anna Orlova, Vassil Peytchev, Rob Rose, Brett Andriesen, Holly Miller
Reviewed comments, discussed C-CDA being used as the National Extension, put two options out to the committee one being other IHE specific and the second being C-CDA that users need to conform to
Added a comment about clarifying the document type option between recipient and initiator (sender of the referral) and which document type is appropriate, there is an inherit preference which is CDA
Use XDR as a mandatory grouping to the base profile for international uptake, John added a suggestion to add MHD using a RestfulPush, will not add XDR or MHD to the US National Extension, this will need further vetting, have XDM with ATNA as a secure transport, but there is a call for other types of transport, conclusion to have both XDR and MHD as the options in the base profile
Present: Anne Diamond, Thierry Dart, Brian Reinhold, Sheryl Reyes, Nadia Ramey, Andrea Fourquet, Chris Melo, Steve Moore, John Moehrke
Reviewed where the separation is between PCC and PCD, PCD is not interested in anything outside the PCHA and the Device Observation Consumer/Creator side of the transaction, PCHA (Continua) links the device data into the HCO enterprise system, Continua has a profile how to do XDS
PHMR uses C-CDA universal realm header for template sections, original CDA templates expired and harmonized the document with the Universal Realm Header so it can be restricted to use the US Realm Header format
Is there any HL7 efforts – Devices on FHIR, developing a universal way of representing the data in a FHIR Resource, what is the Role of IHE since HL7 FHIR is developing profiles, etc. and testing the Resource
Will close out the 2 Open Issues for tomorrow’s discussion
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Pt Registration
Present: Thom Kuhn, Thierry Dart, Brian Reinhold, Sheryl Reyes, Amit Popit, Chris Melo, Andrea Fourquet
Phone: Anna Orlova, Diana Warner
Updated the committee about the 42 comments received thus far, Comment period ending July 24th, Anna has reviewed the comments and she didn’t see any comments that change the data content or HL7 structure, will setup conference calls to discuss the comments with PCC and AHIMA SME’s
Next Steps:
- Send schedule of T-cons to Jeremiah to do the Doodle Pool
- Send Celina an email to setup T-con timeswith IHE USA for amending PAM with this as a national extension
Present: Thom Kuhn, Thierry Dart, Brian Reinhold, Sheryl Reyes, Amit Popit, Chris Melo, Andrea Fourquet, Charles Parisot
Phone: Diana Warner, Fabio Buti, Tone Southerland
Updated the committee about tomorrow’s joint meeting for QEDm and PDLS, it is scheduled for Thursday from 11-12:30 in ITI Room
Reviewed comments related to:
- Provenance will add text to explain the option
- Security issue resolved, added text to reference ITI Appendix Z
- QEDm Medication section (request and statement) is not adding any other advantages as compared to HL7 FHIR Medication Resource or US Core specifications thus the profile is not requiring search parameters for Medication Resource and putting an Open Issues about specifying search parameters for medications
- Provenance can be related to 1 or more entities and have 1 or more targets, as a clinical data consumer the resources you’ll receive for a list of allergies point to the list of allergies, can the Provenance be pointing to 1 target or multiple targets in one list or multiple lists from 1 or more documents, can this happen? To discuss this issue in the joint meeting tomorrow with ITI & PCC
- Name change for PDLS, ITI voted and it will be named mXDE (Cross-enterprise Document Data Element Extraction)
Next Steps:
- Update document with resolutions discussed today with PCC
- Send updated document with comment resolutions from today’s discussion to PCC
- Discuss Provenance issue at joint tomorrow (11-12:30 July 20, 2017)
- Setup T-con to review Provenance resolution and move the profile to publication
Present: Thom Kuhn, Thierry Dart, Brian Reinhold, Sheryl Reyes, Amit Popit, Chris Melo, Andrea Fourquet
Phone: Tone Southerland, Diana Warner, Dr. Holly Miller, Rob Rose
Discussed the following comments:
- Handling Two Different Referrals – a referral for a procedure and an exam which are for two different providers, the referrals need to be handled differently, the provider must decline the referral if it can’t fill the request, if there are two referrals to one provider this isn’t clinically performed, the reasons for referral would state the issues the one provider would address, each referral needs to have its own workflow
- Secondary referrals from the original referral, this is not out of scope it is encouraged, need to edit text to state that
- Referral Status Change OSU^O51
- Scheduling Option – “No Show” notification option, use the “Decline” message and the reason the pt didn’t show e.g., No-Show, a new referral will need to be made if the “Decline” message is used, will explain this in vol 1 text for scheduling option and in vol 2 with transaction “Decline”
Present: Thierry Dart, Brian Reinhold, Sheryl Reyes, Amit Popit, Chris Melo, Andrea Fourquet, Steve Moore, Vassil Peytchev
Phone: Tone Southerland
Put an updated version in the Care Team folder on the ftp site ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Patient_Care_Coordination/yr13_2017-2018/Technical%20Committee/Care%20Team%20Management/Trial%20Implementation/
Discussed the following:
- Updated all the Care Team Resource and a Care Team Service terms as discussed yesterday using camel casing and
- Did a Structured Definition for the profile, spliced the Resource ID as an IHE Resource ID by splicing the HL7 FHIR Resource Identifier value
- Worked on Wiki Profile page, added picture, summary, details
- Added an Open Issue #2 - Logical ID or Conditional ID – ID unique to the Resource or let the Server determine the ID, the way will determine the way the Resource is handled and how versions are updated
- Closed an Open Issue
- Open Issue that hasn’t been resolved – Channel Type – “email” should the pt receive an email from the provider about their Care Team being updated, or should only the subscribers receive the update
Present: Thierry Dart, Brian Reinhold, Amit Popit, Chris Melo, Andrea Fourquet, Thom Kuhn, Lori Fourquet, Vassil Peytchev
Phone: Tone Southerland
Discussed the following comments:
- Content Consumer and Receiver diagram for supporting the two formats: FHIR and CDA