Working Women’s Golf League
Article I – Objectives
Section 1. The trade name of this association is the WORKING WOMEN’S GOLF LEAGUE. The association operates as the Working Women’s Golf League or WWGL in accordance under the definition of not for profit association as defined in the IRS section 501(c) 7.
Section 2. The WWGL is sponsored by the City of Aurora, Golf Division. Meadow Hills Golf Course is the WWGL’s home course. Tournaments will be played only on golf courses approved by the Aurora?Manager of Golf.
Section 3. The purpose of the WWGL is:
- To promote, educate and maintain the best interest of the game of golf.
- To hold amateur golf tournaments and to coordinate the date of amateur club tournaments held by the members.
- To promote good fellowship among the members of the club.
- To adopt, enforce and interpret the USGA Rules of Golf in all events.
Section 4. Meetings: An annual Membership Meeting shall be held in the spring to discuss upcoming golf activities, rules and regulations of the WWGL, the Aurora golf courses and/or the CWGA, and to conduct other WWGL business. An annual Awards Banquet shall be held in the fall to award major tournament trophies and prizes, elect new Board members and conduct other WWGL business.
Article II – Membership
Section 1. Application for membership shall be submitted to the WWGL along with annual membership dues.
Section 2. The acceptance of membership shall bind each member to abide by all the conditions, rules and regulations of the WWGL and to accept and support all decisions of the Board. Refusing or neglecting strict and honorable compliance with the rules and regulations of the WWGL or with the Board will render any member liable to suspension or expulsion. expulsion or suspension.
Article III – Dues
Section 1. Annual membership dues will be established and reviewed annually by the Board. Changes to WWGL dues must be approved by a majority of the members of the Board.
Section 2. Collected membership dues shall be used to pay GHIN handicap fees, annual dues for each of the Board officers, reasonable administration costs and prizes. The Board will determine the distribution of the prize awards. Each year, the Board shall leave between $200 and $400 in operating funds in the WWGL’s bank account for the following year. The Board shall leave a minimum of $200 in operating funds in the WWGL bank account for the following year.
Article IV – Handicap
Section 1. All members shall utilize the USGA Golf Handicap and Information Network (GHIN) computerized handicap service through the Colorado Women’s Golf Association (CWGA). A minimum of five (5) posted18-holesposted scores is required to receive a handicap.
Section 2. All members will post casual round ESC (Equitable Stroke Control) adjusted scores into the GHIN system to maintain an accurate handicap indexas long as you(they)abide by USGA Rules.
Section 3. Maximum allowable handicap of 45 shall be used for all tournaments.
Article V – Tournament Rules
Section 1. A member(Members), regardless of established handicap, will be allowed to play in all league events. To be eligible to compete for prize money, the member(members)must have an established GHIN handicap.
Section 2. Members shall register/sign up for tournaments and prepay green fees as set forth in the WWGL club rules, which are maintained on the WWGL website and updated periodically by the Board.
Section 3. All USGA rules of golf and the WWGL by-laws, club rules and local rules of play will apply.
Section 4. Members will play within the recorded maximum time frame for 18 holes of the applicable course. Slow play may cause a 2-stroke penalty (one stroke per 9 holes) and/ordisqualification of the foursome from that tournament. All members are responsible for keeping the pace of play.
Section 5. The WWGL will post ESC (Equitable Stroke Control) adjusted scores for member players to the GHIN system after each WWGL round.
Section 6. Club Championship:
- In order to compete and play in the Club Championship tournaments, a member must have established a Handicap Index, be in good standing with WWGL and have played a minimum of four (4) WWGL play dates (excluding match play)prior to, but not including, the two club championship rounds.
Article VI – Board Members
Section 1. The WWGL Board shall consist of a maximum of seven (7) members. Officers shall include: the President, Treasurer, Secretary and chairpersons responsible for Tournaments, Tee Times, Membership/Events, and Handicap. In addition, the position of Webmaster may or may not be assigned as a Board member position. Positions may be combined in order to remain within the maximum of seven (7) members, however, the President and Treasurer may not be held by the same person.
Section 2. Each Board officer may serve two consecutive, one-year terms in each office. Exceptions are at the discretion of the Board for the purpose of continuity in administration.
Section 3. When a Board position opens, the names of new volunteers shall be presented on a ballot at the annual fall Awards Banquet for a vote by the membership. Nominations from the floor will also be accepted at the meeting, provided that the nominee has agreed to run. New Board members shall be elected by ballot, and election shall be by made in order of highest number of votes of banquet attendees. Members may vote once for as many names on a ballot as there are Board vacancies to be filled.
Section 4. The current year’s Board members shall elect the following year’s Board President by a majority vote of Board’s members. The incoming President will then appoint the officer positions from the returning and newly appointed members of the Board.
Section 5. In the event of a mid-season Board vacancy the Board President may appoint a current league member to fill this open position until a formal vote can be held at the next fall Awards Banquet.
Article VII – Books and Records
Section 1. The Association shall keep current and complete books and records of account for a minimum of five years.
Article VIII – Committees
Section 1. Audit: The Audit Committee shall consist of three (3) members. The President and Treasurer may not be members of the Audit Committee. At least one member of the Audit Committee shall come from the membership at large and not be a member of the Board of Directors. Audit Committee members shall be elected by two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members present at the spring Membership Meeting and shall serve a one-year term. In the event that there is a vacancy on the Committee, the remaining committee members of the Audit Committee shall constitute the entire Committee for the remainder of that year. The Audit Committee will be responsible for reviewing and approving the immediately preceding calendar year-end financial statement(s) prepared by the WWGL Treasurer. Once approved, each member of the audit committee will sign the statement(s), to reflect the member’s review and approval, and then submit their approved statement(s) to the Aurora Golf Business Manager. This is to be completed by February 1st each year.
Article IX – Nondiscrimination
Section 1. The officers, members, employees and persons served by the Association shall be selected entirely on a nondiscriminatory basis with respect to age, sex, race, religion, national origin or sexual orientation.
Article X – By-Law Amendments
Section 1. Additions, repeals and amendments to these By-Laws will be recommended from time to time by the Board and mustbe approved by a two thirds (2/3) majority of the members present at an annual Membership Meeting and/or Awards Banquet. Members will receive a copy of the proposed changes via email or postal service a minimum of two weeks prior to any upcoming vote. A copy of the most current By-Laws will be posted to the WWGL website within 10 days of any approved change.
Working Women’s Golf League By-Laws Updated March 1, 2016 page 1