Date and time / WEDNESDAY 25 JANUARY 2017 at 18:00
Present / Joyce Guest(JG), Chair
Margaret Guy (MG), Non-Executive Director and Vice-Chair
Des Persse (DP), Executive Director
David Sargent (DS), Non-Executive Director
Anne Joseph (AJ), Executive Director - via conference call, for Agenda Items 1-4 only
In attendance / Martyn Jewell (MJ), Board Business Manager
Martyn Webster (MW), Healthwatch Dorset Manager
Louise Bate (LB), Healthwatch Dorset Engagement &
Communications Lead
Caroline Buxton (CB), Executive Manager, CAiD
Lucy Cribb (LC), Senior Administrator, Healthwatch Dorset
Members of the Public None present
1.Welcome, introductions and apologies for absence JG welcomed everyone present to the meeting.Apologies for absence were received from: Anna Anderson (AA), James Palfreman-Kay (JP-K) and Chris Williams (CW).
It was noted that the meeting was initially quorate (but see Minute at end of Agenda Item 4).
2.Conflicts of interests
2.1To note any changes to the Register of Declared Interests
JG agreed to email JP-K to remind him to register his declared interests.
AJ reminded the Board that Roger Tilley was still listed as CAiD’s Executive Director. MJ agreed to amend the Register accordingly.
2.2To note any conflicts of interest related to items on this agenda None.
3.Notification of any items of extremely urgent business
JG informed the Board that MJ would be on annual leave 7 Feb - 9 Mar. / JG/JP-K
4.1To receive the 2016/17 Quarter 3 Performance Report and Update on
2016/17 Work Programme
MW presented the report (circulated before the meeting) and drew attention to the progress made on the work priorities so far, including:
•The ‘Be Yourself’ Project: it was noted that AFC Bournemouth were very interested in supporting this project
•The Care Home Project: The pilot phase of the Care Home Project was now complete and the first draft of this phase of the Project had been forwarded to Board members. Helpful feedback on the process had been gathered from both staff working in the homes and members of the visiting team. Each home visited will be provided with an individualised report of the Visiting Team’s findings.
•The Clinical Services Review: The Public Consultation had so far been running for nearly two months (since 1 Dec 2016). There had been some recent media publicity involving Healthwatch Dorset Champions. Healthwatch Dorset Champions have been encouraged to attend
Consultation drop-in events that are local to them and the Healthwatch Dorset Team has received some good feedback from those Champions who have attended. The Board agreed that the Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) also needs to organise a series of public meetings to enable the Public to express their opinions on the proposed changes to services and for all to hear the CCG’s responses. JG agreed to write to the CCG accordingly.
•Mental Health Crisis Care: Discussions with Bournemouth University about the possibility of the two organisations conducting a piece of research into mental health crisis care services were ongoing.
CB drew Board members’ attention to the interesting case studies included in her report (included as an appendix to the main report), particularly those concerning fuel poverty, deprivation of capital and the physical healthcare provided for people receiving long-term mental health institutional care.
CB and MG also reported that they had each recently met with Annie Dimmick, Research Officer for Healthwatch Dorset, to review the data included in the Quarterly Reports.
At this point, AJ left the meeting (she had been listening in via a
conference call, but the reception was poor), after which the meeting was
no longer quorate. It was agreed that alternative technologies would be
explored for future meetings.
5.To receive a presentation on the Community Investment Projects
LB delivered a presentation on the Community Investment Projects.
The main aim of these projects is to capture the views of the harder to reach communities.
Healthwatch Dorset is currently supporting 12 projects:
•EDP – Flourish pop up cafes in Bridport, providing support for vulnerable people experiencing drug & alcohol problems and/or homelessness
•Ideal Health Exhibition – event organised in Sturminster Newton by Blackmore Vale Patient Participation Groups
•Parkinson’s Dance – community-based classes across Dorset for people with Parkinson’s Disease and their carers
•Refresh – Portland Job Club providing literacy and numeracy skills for vulnerable people
•Salvation Army BH1 Project – homeless support in Boscombe
•Yewstock School Radio Club – school in N Dorset for pupils with learning disabilities
•Christchurch Activities for Young People (CAYP)
•Dementia Friendly Films at Poole Lighthouse
•Dorset Blind Association – new Bridport support group
•Friendly Food Club – food bank cookery project
•Musica Dorset – interactive music sessions in care homes
•Restore – support for older ex-offenders across Dorset.
LB went on to describe the first six projects listed above in more detail and also showed the Board a video made by members of the Yewstock School Radio Club.
In relation to the Ideal Health Exhibition, DP asked about access to social prescribing within the Blackmore Vale GP Surgeries. LB agreed to raise this with the PPGs. CB also spoke of the importance of receiving good information and referred to a neighbour of hers who had received an information booklet from Southampton Hospital providing clear and detailed information about the specific surgical procedure she was about to undergo, but which included little information about travel issues.
DP highlighted the level of mistrust towards health services that some of the communities served by these projects had expressed and felt that this was possibly an issue Healthwatch Dorset should focus on.
6.Minutes of previous meeting held on 26 October 2016
6.1To agree minutes of meeting held on 26 October 2016 The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.
6.2Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting
Item 9.1 iv – Copies of the revised policy entitled “Reimbursement of Non-Executive Directors for Loss of Earnings” had now been sent to CAiD, DREC and Help & Care.
Item 10 – JG confirmed that Healthwatch Dorset’s representation at the
following strategic meetings would now be as follows:
•Bournemouth and Poole Health and Wellbeing Board – JG
•Dorset Health and Wellbeing Board – MG
•Bmth Health & Adult Social Care Overview & Scrutiny Panel – CW
•Poole Health & Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee – AA
•Dorset CCG’s Primary Care Commissioning Committee – MG.
DP agreed to attend future meetings Dorset Health Scrutiny Committee om behalf of Healthwatch Dorset; MG agreed to be his alternate.
6.3To note updated Action Log
The Board reviewed the Action Log and noted all outstanding actions.
7.To agree the draft 2016-2019 Strategy
MG explained that the latest draft of the revised Strategy (circulated prior to the meeting) was now a shorter document with 3 Strategic Objectives.
MG welcomed people’s views – particularly in relation to the format used to present proposed actions and desired achievements under each agreed objective. It was acknowledged that the draft Strategy already included the set of Key Outcomes and Performance Indicators agreed with our
Commissioners, but it was still felt that it would be helpful to also specify desired outcomes under each agreed objective.
It was agreed that this would be discussed further at the forthcoming Priorities Setting meeting.
8.Reports from Chair, Vice-Chair and other Directors
8.1To receive Chair’s Report
JG presented the Chair’s report, which had been circulated prior to the meeting.
8.2To receive Vice-Chair’s Report
MG presented the Vice-Chair’s report, which had also been circulated prior to the meeting.
8.3Feedback from other Directors about meetings they have attended
It was noted that, prior to the meeting, AA had circulated a report about the meeting of the Poole People Overview and Scrutiny
Committee (Health and Social Care) she had attended on 12 Dec 2016.
8.4To receive an update on the NHS 111 service
It was noted that, prior to the meeting, MG had circulated a report of the meeting of the Joint Health Scrutiny Committee held on 23 Jan 2017 to discuss the NHS 111 service provided in Dorset.
The report of the CQC’s latest inspection of the service, undertaken in Dec 2016, was awaited – the Joint Health Scrutiny Committee would be meeting again once this report has been published.
9.Feedback from meeting of Audit & Risk Committee held on 25 Jan 2017
9.1To receive the 2016/17 Quarter 3 Accounts
MG informed the Board that no financial data had yet been received from Help and Care for Quarter 3, but that expenditure by the CIC, CAiD and DREC had been in line with expectations.
MJ agreed to circulate the Quarter 3 accounts once all the data on expenditure in this Quarter had been received.
9.2To receive the updated Risk Register
It was noted that no further amendments had been made to the Risk Register (latest version circulated prior to the meeting).
MG explained that MJ had proposed a new format for the Risk Register and that she and DS would be meeting to finalise this.
9.3To receive feedback on any other items discussed
MJ reported that the Healthwatch Hampshire VAT Tribunal is scheduled for 4and 5 April 2017.
10.Policies and Procedures
10.1To approve the following updated policies/procedures
i. Process for agreeing Annual Priorities and Work Programmes
MG presented the draft revised version of the Process for agreeing Annual Priorities and Work Programmes (Version 3: Draft 1 – circulated ahead of the meeting) and explained that she had amended the document in line with the comments she had received on Version 2 of the document.
All present approved the revised Process. However, as the meeting was no longer quorate, it was agreed that MJ would email the revised document to all Directors requesting they confirm their approval of the revised process by email, following the procedure for taking a unanimous decision without a meeting, as set out in our Articles of Association.
Ii. Equality and Diversity Policy
In JP-K’s absence, this item was deferred until the next meeting.
10.2 To note that the following Procedure had been approved by email
i. Volunteer Dispute Resolution Procedure
It was noted that JG had circulated this document to all Directors by email in Nov 2016, seeking their approval of the document.
All Directors had confirmed their approval, by email, by 10 Nov 2016.
All those present at the meeting confirmed that they would have been
happy to formally approve the Procedure. However, as the meeting was
no longer quorate, it was agreed that the formal process for taking a
unanimous decision without a meeting, as set out in the CIC’s Articles of
Association, would now also be followed for this procedure.
11. Any Other Business
MG reported that she had received an invitation to participate in the CCG’s 360º Survey on behalf of Healthwatch Dorset. MW confirmed that he had also been invited to participate, but advised that the CCG should have invited JG to also participate in her capacity as Chair of Healthwatch Dorset. He therefore advised MG to request that the invitation to participate in the survey be forwarded on to JG.
10.Date of next Board meetings and Forward Plan of Board Meetings
Priority Setting Meeting: 22 February 2017, 6pm at Help and Care
Board Business Meeting: 15 March 2017, 6pm at Help and Care
Board Meeting: 26 April 2017, time and venue to be confirmed
The Meeting closed at 20.20 / JG
Healthwatch Dorset - Minutes of Board Meeting held in Public on 25 January 2017 Page 1 of 6
Signed as a correct record: Date: