Liver EQA Scheme Circulation LQ – Autumn 2017
Draft answer sheet:
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Where there are special stains, this is indicated in the text for the case.
The hyperlinked text should take you straight to the virtual slide.
Small photos are included in the slide boxes, but the virtual images on the website are recommended, especially for connective tissue stains.
Case number: / LQ1Clinical Information: / ALT 1102; Gamma GT 84; Raised IgG. Alk phosphatase normal. ANA positive 1:80; Anti Smooth muscle AB positive. AMA negative. IgM normal. History breast carcinoma
Specimen: / liver biopsy
Age: / 60
Sex: / Female
Macroscopic description: / 2 cores of liver combined length 25mm
Immunohistochemistry: / Reticulin, PAS, Masson
.View Slides: / H&E
Masson trichrome
Morphological assessment:
Clinicopathological diagnosis:
Case number: / LQ2Clinical Information: / Chronic pancreatic insufficiency. Type 2 diabetic on insulin, Deranged LFTs, fatty liver on ultrasound, elevated fibroscan.
Specimen: / Liver biopsy
Age: / 63
Sex: / Female
Macroscopic description: / Two cores of liver 18mm and 17mm
Immunohistochemistry: / Picro Sirius red, reticulin
View Slides: / H&E
Picro Sirius red
Morphological assessment:
Clinicopathological diagnosis:
Case number: / LQ3Clinical Information: / History of alcohol excess, currently abdominal pain, jaundice. Liver screen normal, ?fatty liver on CT, oesophageal varices
Specimen: / Liver biopsy
Age: / 57
Sex: / Male
Macroscopic description: / Two cores 20mm and 17mm
Immunohistochemistry: / Picro Sirius red, reticulin
View Slides: / H&E
Picro Sirius red
Morphological assessment:
Clinicopathological diagnosis:
Case number: / LQ4Clinical Information: / Abnormal LFTs, AMA strong +ve, fatty liver on ultrasound, ?PBC
Specimen: / Liver biopsy
Age: / 44
Sex: / Male
Macroscopic description: / One core 20mm
Immunohistochemistry: / Picro Sirius red, reticulin,
the Orcein was negative for copper associated protein.
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Picro Sirius red
Morphological assessment:
Clinicopathological diagnosis:
Case number: / LQ5Clinical Information: / 'Liver lesion segment 6/7'. From electronic patient record IgG kappa paraproteinaemia. Section is from background liver.
Specimen: / Non anatomical resection segment 6/7
Age: / 74
Sex: / Male
Macroscopic description: / 292g liver wedge containing a 9cm tumour. The section submitted is from background liver not the tumour.
Immunohistochemistry: / PASD, Masson trichrome, IgG, lamda, kappa, congo red,
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Masson trichrome
Congo red
Morphological assessment:
Clinicopathological diagnosis:
Case number: / LQ6Clinical Information: / Recurrent abscess in left lobe of liver.
Specimen: / partial liver resection
Age: / 85
Sex: / Male
Macroscopic description: / Left lobe of liver: segment of liver measuring 135 x 85 x 40mm. On slicing there is a cystically dilated area measuring 20mm. Macropath image has been taken.
Immunohistochemistry: / None
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Morphological assessment:
Clinicopathological diagnosis:
Case number: / LQ7Clinical Information: / Chronic hepatitis C. Positive mitochondrial antibodies and raised IgG. Type II diabetes and obesity. Liver biopsy to rule out autoimmune hepatitis.
Specimen: / Liver biopsy
Age: / 51
Sex: / Female
Macroscopic description: / One core, 20mm long
Immunohistochemistry: / VG, CK8/18
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van Gieson
Morphological assessment:
Clinicopathological diagnosis:
Case number: / LQ8Clinical Information: / ? HCC pre-ablation. 18G biopsy.
Specimen: / Liver biopsy segment VI
Age: / 69
Sex: / Male
Macroscopic description: / One core, 12mm long plus fragment.
Immunohistochemistry: / Perls (little tissue left in block).
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Morphological assessment:
Clinicopathological diagnosis:
Case number: / LQ9Clinical Information: / Acute Hepatitis. Liver biopsy. Additional information from urgent Liver biopsy booking from 'BG hypothyroidism. A/W Deranged LFT's. Acute hepatitis, Coagulopathy, high IgG hepatitis negative, ? Autoimmune hepatitis'.
Specimen: / Liver biopsy
Age: / 49
Sex: / Female
Macroscopic description: / One green speckled core of Liver tissue measuring 20mm in length.
Immunohistochemistry: / VG, DPAS, Shikata,
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Van Gieson
Morphological assessment:
Clinicopathological diagnosis:
Case number: / LQ10Clinical Information: / Increased fibroscan (11) ?NAFLD ?degree of fibrosis.
Specimen: / Liver biopsy
Age: / 53
Sex: / Female
Macroscopic description: / 20mm core
Immunohistochemistry: / Alpha 1 antitrypsin, ubiquitin, cytokeratin 8/18, PASD, HVG
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Alpha 1 antitrypsin
CK 8/18
Morphological assessment:
Clinicopathological diagnosis:
Case number: / LQ11Clinical Information: / Intra-abdominal mass involving right lobe of liver
Specimen: / Right hemihepatectomy
Age: / 43
Sex: / Female
Macroscopic description: / Segment of liver 265x175x115mm almost completely occupied by a circumscribed haemorrhagic lesion.
Immunohistochemistry: / None
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Morphological assessment:
Clinicopathological diagnosis:
Case number: / LQ12Clinical Information: / Lesion left lobe liver
Specimen: / Left lobe liver
Age: / 28
Sex: / Female
Macroscopic description: / Liver resection 135x95x60mm with a circumscribed lesion 35x32x24mm
Immunohistochemistry: / None
View Slides: / H&E
Morphological assessment:
Clinicopathological diagnosis: