Intel Retiree Organization Board Meeting Minutes - Draft15 April2009

Roll Call - Barb- 5 mins

Cheryl Pruss, Suzanne Boyd, Judy Goodman, Sharon Bernier, Caspar Helmer, Ben Manny, Barb Frank, Jim Hoffman;

Apologies were received from: Elyce Wair; Diana Daggett; Carl King will be phoning in late.

Others not in attendance:Alan Strong, Barbara Brazil, Debra L Silva, Dollie Smith, John Coutu, Laura Good, Pat Mitchell

Review & Approve February & March Minutes-Caspar- 5 mins
Caspar sent out the Feb. & March min'sand went section by section through the Feb minutes and ARs (see below) for revisions and updates. Some minor changes were noted: "Jumbla" should be "JOOMLA".Barb moved a motion to approve the Feb. minutes; Cheryl seconded; no further discussion; all were in favor.

AR Caspar to add header with title and date and post the minute documents on Yahoo.DONE, see posted documents at

Caspar then took the meeting through the March minutes and ARs.

Barb moved motionto approve the March minutes; Judy seconded; no further discussion; all in were favor.

AR Review- Barb- 10 minsSee above under "Minutes" and in the attached revised and approved Minutes documents for Feb and March.

Feb: -

  1. AR ALL: any further input before March 2nd to Barb who will present the Bylaws at next Board meeting. DONE
  2. AR Barb to follow up with Ken Epps and Roz Hudnall to simplify the two documents to remove duplication. DONE, pending feedback fro Ken & Ron
  3. AR ALL send any other input about Facebook etc. to Elyce.DONE, on agenda for May Board meeting; this was something RT suggested; maybe Elyce can get an update together
  4. AR Sharon- to publish a correction on the web-site via Judy DONE, corrections were published
  5. AR Debby to take this back to Judy. DONE, Ben: Keith agreed to join Health C’tee as advisor – he has yet to attend
  6. AR Ben to draft email requesting retirees to join the volunteer committee DONE
  7. AR Elyce is willing to look over the draft DONE
  8. AR Judy to email to the opt-in list. NOT DONE; Ben will still draft email; still need more people; alternatively or in addition approach people at site meetings
  9. AR Ben to get site coordinators together for a brainstorm/prioritized strategy ;not in place yet; Carry FWD
  10. AR Sharon Write up an announcement/erratum. DONE
  11. AR Judy to send the email procedure out to the Board;DONE
  12. AR Barb: she has copy of collateral and will forward it to the board;DONE to Comms committee; Ben has received them; Caspar can’t remember but will ask when needed
  13. AR Elyse to check with Diane DONE

March: -

  1. AR Caspar to send out revisedminutes DONE, minutes were sent out today
  2. AR Sharon to convert documents into PDF and send to Judy DONE
  3. AR Judy topost new Charter and Bylawson the web-site DONE
  4. AR Elyce to check whethershe can get funding for printing the brochure. DONE
  5. AR Judy to send out brochure to the board for comments DONE, received minor comments from Diana (correction on her area) and Ken Epps (shouldn’t commit to 24h response time) – we’ll get back with an acknowledgement)
  6. AR Site Coordinators to send an email to their local Public Affairs to find out.Update
  7. Bay Area, Barb send email to Rita Holiday and are connecting
  8. Not Sharon
  9. AR ALL: email Elyce any thoughts, suggestions and comments about the newsletter going electronic only by Wednesday 25 March This is on the agenda
  10. AR Barb to chase up Richard Taylor and his admin for the next meeting; DONE, phone meeting on May 1st; primary agenda item is to follow up on the open ARs; Cheryl, Barb and Elyce. Barb will put a few foils together for the meeting and them out ahead of time.
    Elyce asked Debbie if we could do a mailing
  11. New AR Elyce to give us an update; Comms C’tee next Monday; another re-org and Debbie apologies she’s buried
  12. AR Ben to resend the information he wants to have posted; DONE
  13. AR Cheryl to publish disclaimer on the web-site; is there a disclaimer? Judy: “use these as a resource only; always consult with your doctor”; this will need to be updated; AR Cheryl to draft disclaimer; e.g. back of Newsletter.
  14. AR Jim to send information to Judy to post on calendar
  15. AR Jim to send Judy 'bounces' so Intel can send a follow up letter to the bouncees
  16. ARForward these emails to Debbie Sylva - she has the home addresses and can validate the retirees. Regina ... Caspar doesn't have a vault card - this is a US programs only. Obviously people read the Newsletter as we did get responses especially on discounts! DONE
  17. AR Elyceand Judy to analyze 2008 emails and see how we can classify and use the data OPEN

Committee Updates:

Communications- Elyce - 10 minsCheryl and Elyce got together; Elyce sent email to Debbie but have no response yet. Proposed process is

- Q2:Intel to do standard Newslettermailing and include a cover letter (flyer) stating that we'll be going electronic only; if not opted in, send email address to our mailbox; OR if you do not haveaccess to computing/network/email, call or write to Debbie Silva to continue receiving a hard-copy. If Debbie, doesn't agree then Sharon and Elyce can manage the home address list and mailings themselves. If letter/email doesn’t' come from Intel then some people will be suspicious.

[Dianedropped off]

- Q3: Intel to send a post-card with a link to the IRO website and a reminder to opt-in; discussed option for site coordinators to send out a follow up email too.

- Q4:final reminder; opt-in or you will no longer receive the Newsletter.

We'll then need to review whether we are actually going electronic only; sending a post-card will save Intel a 'ton' of money;

[Diane re-joined the meeting]

So, Q2 will be last printed Newsletter. We have our brochure and web-site and references embedded in Intel retiree material. What is our cut-off for opt-in? 80% is lowest we would accept to electronic only. Discussed retirees not having computers: possibly only the older (pre 1990 retirees do not have computers. Why wouldn't retirees have a computer? Affordability? Should we ask the computer-les retirees why not?

We will put a blurb in the coming newsletters; the newsletter also mentions that therewill there be a flyer - Elyce is drafting this flyer for insertion. Only hold up is whether Debbie is willing to merge it into the mailer. This is expected not to be a problem as the mail room will be doing this anyway.

Ben agrees that this a good plan. Do we send a copy of the newsletters to e.g. RT, Diana? Cheryl has a separate list in her 'head' that will be gettingan electronic version already: -Ken, Diana and Richard.

Going electronic will also save a couple of weeks on theproduction process timeline.

Saving of 5-6k$; trying to get numbers from Diana - approx.2900 copies; 5c/page to print plus postage.

We have hit a ceiling with our Opt-ins:we are hovering around 850-900 ... this is only 30%!

For the last newsletter, Barb had retiree numbers from Ken: 2300 for USA; checking with Debbie she's mailing 2900. So what is the right number? Debbie gave a number of 28xx. A week ago, asked for the correct number:22xx; when queriedshe said she'sbeen very busy; she'llbe getting help andpull the right numbers but it isn't that easy!

ARCheryl to publish the final numbers as soon as they are in.

Website - Judy - 10 mins

Judy reports that the Website C’tee will be meeting this coming Tuesday to evaluateour web-siteback-end options.There is good information on the use of various technologies and there are good reviews available on the internet; the C’tee willdo a technical review of which back-end to use; then plan the migration. In the meantimewe're stillputting updates on the website. Elyce & Judy got togetherand gave anAR to her team to review 2-4 existing web-pages each and suggest updates. Announcements are being put on each section as'News' in red. We can't do this on the individual C’tee pages but only on the home page of the different sites. Comms team to look at this.

Barb asked whether they will be ready to review Facebook. Facebook is another networking, communication web-site; these will be treated by reference from the IRO web-site; our web-site will disseminate 'official' information to Intel Retiree, e.g. vault-cards. Ben comparedour websiteto a library, while Facebook is more like a pub. He registered a while back and people just found him. Caspar suggested that this is due to the official groups and networks that people can only join based on email address - e.g. to join the 'work' network 'Intel'. Some of this is done based on official email addresses or aliases, e.g. various official school and alumni networks. A good discussion on Facebook ensued; Barb suggested this issue should be owned by Comms and Web-site C'tees andshould be taken off-line. Ben also mentioned this as an identity issue; adding an email address may help with recognition and registrations.

AR Judy to post theweb-site minutes on Yahoo Groups

Newsletter-Sharon- 10 mins

Sharon thanks everyone for getting the information to her in time; she's having back issues which gave her a lot of time at home to spend on the computer;so,the newsletter is ahead of schedule. Articles will go to the authors for final review and then to Debbie next Tuesday.

[Carl Joined ...]

Benefits-Ben/Cheryl- 10 mins

Cheryl reports that there was a meeting yesterday;there will be a meeting with Intel Benefits dept tomorrow. There were not a lot of attendees - only 4 due to conflicts and scheduling problems;one member dropped off the group (Mary Lane). The meeting tried to accomplish two things: prepare for meeting with Intel Benefits and set C’teeobjectives.

Four objectives: 1st: Ensure Health benefits best meet retirees' needs. Current situation is that we may not be able to effect change to meet our needs but we do have backing and support from RT to change things. Creating plans what we should do hoping that we'll get support from Intel. We need to get a good understanding from ourretirees what they want and needand how to remain competitive, e.g.CIGNA, SERMA; also want to understand what our population is and what the health insurance requirements are. Maybe we can do a survey in the future but for now will use data from Intel and the needs as understood and identified by the committee members. We need to educate the retiree population about the competitiveness of the plan. HR SLRP considerations with regard to retirees; there is some data gathering happening about how companies should be treating retirees. Hope to get feedback from Debra Johnson; RT has asked her how to best work with the IRO. She's located in SC and will be meeting with Cheryl over lunch.

Ben noted that this is mostly about health benefits; there are other 'benefits': e.g. volunteer hours and matching; will these be included in the Retiree T-comp comparison; also United Way, Vault. Cheryl wants to keep the medical benefits separate. C'tee is called "Health and Benefits C'tee"however; the other benefit areas are not really in our Objectives. We agreed to add them; some benefits are being reduced like matching no longer at 100%.Caspar asked if the minutes could be sent to the board.

Barb reminded the meeting that theminutes for all C’tees should be posted on yahoo group.

Volunteer- Ben- 10 mins

Judy has been helpful updating the web-pages. There are a lot of links to other organizations and opportunities; Ben has been working on this putting it in table format and adding a comment section. Some events are short-term and will need frequent updating on the web-site. Ben did an article for the Newsletter; met with Bill McKenzie Corp Affairs, OR, - he mentioned the "Intel in the community" newsletter; Bill sent one and Ben askedhim to do an article for the Intel Retiree newsletter.Bill has already sent an email to Bob Indahl (sp?) - Other sites may also have publications andthere are a number of folks who are leading volunteer efforts. See the Intel Corp website for site/community communications. Barb mentioned that Rita Holliday publishes an email bulletin - she'll forward to Ben when she receives. Ben will have a meeting with the two folks interested working on the C’tee so far to review possible activities.

Site Updates:

AZ-Sharon- 5 mins

Same as last month

Folsom-Carl- 5 mins

Carlreported that FM is planning to have lunch at end of the month (28th or 29th)- same number may turn out (6-8) - going to the same restaurant staying in the FM area. Sharon asked whether this should go into the newsletter but the dates are not finalized yet. Carl to senda note to include by Monday. Judymentioned she can put this can on the web-site - Carl will send email by end today. Carl is still using the old e-mail list; Judy (?) just received new list from Bob; Carl can then resend the information to everybody.

Oregon-Judy- 5 mins

Judy reported a low turn out for last mo's lunch - this mo there were22 peopleat Benny Hannah (sp?) - had 3 tables, 6-8 per table - chopping frying table; box food. Good time was had and it was adifferent experience. Talking about going to the winery. Had a new retiree (3 weeks, still dressed in biz suit!) andanother couple (retiredsince 2006 with wife). Pot Luck at the Winery (Booknell) which will waive the entrance fees.

New Mexico- Jim- 5 mins

Jim was planning to set up meeting in April but fell by the way side to be revisited.

MA-Suzanne- 5 mins

Elyce did send updates on websites (?)

Santa Clara– Barb - 5 mins

Same as last month

GER- Caspar- 5 mins

Nothing new

Opens-All- 5 mins

Sharon re. Vault card; heard from Diane Simon that there is a discount expo at Intel FM on May 13th; retirees have to be escorted. Contacta buddy if you have one on the "inside".

Sharon needs helpvolunteer matching:Audrey Clark received email from OR retiree who had done quite some work for a school but missed the submission dead-line and wondered whether he could still get credit. Suggest he get back to Audrey. Does anyone know why there was this sudden deadline? Ben: did right - some hours were turned in late. It was time for the big volunteer event; Audrey just added the hours to the following year, but of coursebudget situation now is much tighter. Was there a change in policy?

AR Ben, as chair of Volunteer C’tee, to follow this up with Audrey.

Ben further about Intel emailaddresses: redirecting of email could possibly be done with Intel Retirees ... e.g. could be just a forwarding address to his personal email. We could potentially do these ourselves. One step better would be could also be redirected. Judy has the AR to take this back to the web-site and CommsC’tees to discuss along with Facebook.

AR Judy to talk to Ben about this

Barb - meeting monthly is still o.k. - we still need to book two hours; 9-11 PST/PDT 3rd Wed. each month.

Bin Items

Revisit small site strategy. Define: "What is a 'small' site?"
