Kensington and Chelsea College
Assignment Brief
Title of Access to HE Diploma:
Unit title(s): Diet and Nutrition
/ Unit code(s):NH2/2/LN/014
/Tutor/Assessor: Chad Gunasinghe
Title of Assignment:
/ Assignment Number: 1Assignment outline
1.Describe the digestive processes. You must include the mechanical processes of digestion, the key chemicals involved and the method of absorption.
2. Explain the primary roles of a) carbohydrates, b) proteins and c) lipids in the body. For each of these nutrients you must explain what they are used for and how they support the body’s functions.
3. Produce an information leaflet to explain the importance of fluid intake to health and physical performance.
Give definitions for hypotonic, isotonic and hypertonic and explain why sports drinks are one or other of these. You must also describe the effects of dehydration and hypernatremia on performance.
4 Explain why and how two different types of athletic performance require adjustments to be made to the average dietary intake.
You should compare endurance based activities and power events. Where possible you should highlight any areas where an athlete’s diet may be different to government recommendations for a healthy diet with an explanation of why this would be the case.
5 Review three weight loss plans
Describe the plan
You must describe each of your chosen plans and the method(s) it uses to obtain a weight loss effect.
You must analyse any effects these weight loss plans may have on the physiological functions of the body.
Date set:08.05.2013 / Date for draft submission
(if applicable): N/A / Date for final assignment
submission: 14.06.2013
Extension date
(if agreed): / Signed by Tutor/Assessor to agree extension: / Date
Learner declaration:
I agree that the attached work is all my own and that the work of others has been referenced appropriately.
Signature: Date:
The learner will: / The learner can:
1. Understand the roles of
carbohydrates, fats, proteins,
vitamins and minerals. / 1.1. Compare and contrast the function of
carbohydrates, fats and proteins in
physiological function.
2. Understand some of the specific
nutritional needs for athletic
performance. / 2.1. Explain the relevant nutritional
requirements for different athletic
3. Understand the progression of food
through the digestive system. / 3.1. Analyse the relevant chemical
breakdown and absorption of food in the digestive system.
4. Understand the effects of dieting on
the body. / 4.1. Assess the potential effects of a restrictive diet on physiological
function and weight loss.
5. Understand the role of fluids. / 5.1. Explain the range of physiological functions linked to adequate fluid intake.
TO THE LEARNER: Please attach this assignment brief to any written work you are handing in for assessment, or submit the brief as instructed. YOUR WORK CANNOT BE ASSESSED UNLESS YOU HAVE SIGNED AND SUBMITTED THIS FORM.
Pass, Merit or Distinction
/Unit title: Diet and Nutrition
If you have achieved all Level 3 criteria you will receive a grade (Pass, Merit or Distinction) against the following Grade Descriptors. (There are no descriptors for Pass; learners achieve a Pass by meeting all ACs for the unit at Level 3.)Grade Descriptor
/ To achieve a Merit :The learner, learner’s work or performance: / To achieve a Distinction :
The learner, learner’s work or performance:
GD2: Application of knowledge / a) makes use of relevant:
with breadth that goes beyond theminimum required to Pass
and very good levels of
insight analysis / a)makes use of relevant
with both breadth and depth
and excellent levels of insight analysis
GD7: Quality / is structured in a way that is generally logical and fluent;
may contain some ambiguities or limitations in the expression of arguments or ideas;
taken as a whole, demonstrates a very good response to the demands of the brief/assignment / is structured in a way that is consistently logical and fluent;
arguments and ideas are unambiguous and cogent;
taken as a whole, demonstrates an excellentresponse to the demands of the brief/assignment
What this means for this assignment
(Please give guidance to the learner on how they may be considered for a Merit or a Distinction)
To achieve the higher grades of merit and distinction, you should really be focusing on the extent to which you are analytical in your answers. The depth and breadth of answers, the use of the correct terms alongside showing your knowledge the roles and sources of the key Nutrients. You must analyse the impact of nutrients and fluid on physiological performance and the response of the body to a reduction of caloric intake. To be considered for merit and distinction the overall structure must be very good or excellent with relevant examples and accurate references/bibliography and appendices. Whole assignment should be 3500 word long and this exclude tables and diagrams.