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Training Printer: Lookup into the OPS Remote Printer Dictionary
Enter the mnemonic of the device that you want to print to while training and testing. All automatic background print jobs (e.g., labels generated by requisitions and auto broadcast results)
NOTE: After the system goes live, you must delete the device in this field in the LIVE directory. It should remain, however, in your test directory so the training printer can still be used to try out software changes and enhancements.
LMB Priority String: Free Text
Use the prompt to set up the priorities that you will be using for LAB, MIC, and BBK. These priorities should match those used in the LIS System Parameters set up by your application specialist.
Auto Broadcast Priorities: Free Text
Enter the Priorities for which you want to auto broadcast reports if ‘Broadcast Print’ is set to ‘Y’ in the test dictionary and ‘Auto Broadcast?’ is set to ‘N’ in the MIS location Dictionary.
Broadcast Too Old Index: Free Text, 99999 maximum
Enter the time (in minutes) that the system should continue to attempt a failed broadcast. For instance, if the printer in the nursing station is down, any specimens that have been waiting longer than this period of time will not auto broadcast to that location.
Auto Broadcast Too Old Rcv: Free Text, 99999 maximum
Enter the time elapsed (in minutes) since receipt after which a specimen will be considered to old to be broadcast.
Broadcast/Autofax Wait : Free Text
Enter the time amount of time (in seconds) that the background job should delay before broadcasting results after verification. This prompt is intended to prevent duplicate specimen reports. For instance, if a test result triggers a reflex test, the specimen would become eligible for broadcast twice: when the test is first verified and the reflex is added and then again when the reflex test is verified. Setting this prompt to delay broadcast for 10 seconds or so will prevent the duplicate broadcast.
Auto Call Result Priorities: Free Text
Enter the priorities for which specimen should be automatically indexed for the Call Back List. If they have access, users can also manually index a specimen of any priority to the list.
Broadcast Auto-Can Req’s?: U, A, B, N
Use this prompt to determine if a report should be broadcast to the patient’s location when a requisition is cancelled.
U / Onlyrequisitions cancelled by an Order Entry user will be broadcast.A / only requisitions automatically cancelled during the midnight run will bet broadcast.
B / Both user cancelled and auto cancelled requisitions will broadcast.
N / No requisition cancellations will be cancelled.
Start Midnight Run Time: Free Text
Enter the time for the system to begin the Midnight Run. The Midnight Run is started once a day by a Lab Background Job that runs continuously. It compiles workload, billing revenue, billing batches for B/AR, and requisition/specimen/order count reports. It also starts file maintenance which deletes old data for various patient and statistical reports.
Pending Alert Frequency: Free Text, max 9999
Enter in the frequency (in seconds) of the pending alerts defined in the Test/Procedure Dictionaries. Users defined to receive pending alerts in the Access Dictionary, will be alerted once per time frame entered here.
Fax Audit Delay: Free Text
Enter the number of seconds that the system should wait for the MIS Fax to complete before running the Fax Audit job to add a comment that the specimen results have been faxed. The system will ignore any value smaller than 30 seconds as it is a hard coded minimum. If there is a large amount of fax activity, you may need to increase this number if specimen comments are appending before the fax has been performed.
Collected by Required: Y/N
If set to Y, a username will be required in the ‘Collected By’ prompt in the Enter/Edit Requisition routine (when the specimen are marked as Received? – Y) and in the Receiving routines.
If set to N, the ‘Collected By’ prompt will be optional.
Collected by Free Text: NONE, ACCEPT, MSG
Use this prompt to control how a username can be entered into the ‘Coll By’ prompt prompt in the Enter/Edit Requisition routine.If you enter NONE, the user must select or type a user mnemonic listed in the MIS User Dictionary. If you enter ACCEPT, the user will be allowed to free text a username or select a user mnemonic listed in the MIS User Dictionary without warning.If you enter MSG, free text will be accepted but the user will be presented with a popup message “Not found. New?”. If Yes is selected, the free text user can continue and the free text collected by user will NOT be added to the MIS User Dictionary.
Default Access Group: Lookup into the LIS Access Dictionary
When a user signs into the LAB Module but is not defined as a member of an LIS Access group, the user will be given the access control of the group defined here.
Restrict User Lookup: Y/N
If you enter N, all system users will be displayed on the Lookup (of the MIS User Dictionary) in the ‘Coll By’ field in the Enter/Edit Requisition routines.If you enter Y, only users belonging to an LIS Access group will be displayed in the Lookup.
Workbatch Sequence Control: AUTO, USER
If you enter USER, users will be able to change the sequence of patient vs. QC specimen in a Workbatch.If you enter AUTO, the users will be forced to use the sequence defined in the Worksheet Dictionaries.
Max Num Bkg LAB Verify: Free Text, max 9
Enter the maximum number of background result verifying jobs that can run at one time in the LAB Module. If several users were to verify a specimen at the same time, this prompt will set up a queue so that multiple requests do not overwhelm the background client.
Max Num Bkg MIC Verify: Free Text. Max 9
Enter the maximum number of background result verifying jobs that can run at one time in the MIC Module. If several users were to verify a specimen at the same time, this prompt will set up a queue so that multiple requests do not overwhelm the background client.
Max Num Bkg BBK Verify: Free Text. Max 9
Enter the maximum number of background result verifying jobs that can run at one time in the MIC Module. If several users were to verify a specimen at the same time, this prompt will set up a queue so that multiple requests do not overwhelm the background client.
Max Sum Compile Jobs: Free Text, max 9
Enter a number of summary report compiling jobs to be done at the same time in the background. The summary report print job is separate from the summary compile job.This number keeps the printer from having to stay idle while the system is compiling summary reports.
LIS Message Printer: Lookup into the OPS Remote Printer Dictionary
Enter the mnemonic of the printer in the lab to which you want critical system messages sent (for example, background job status, file maintenance messages).At present, such messages are sent to the system console and the system does not support a separate lab printer. This parameter is intended for future use.
Result Strings
Use this section to define the characters or text that should appear in Result Entry and on Patient reports for the following items:
- Greater Than
- Less Than
- Greater or Equal
- Less or Equal
- Test Not Done (TNP or ND)
- Quantity not sufficient
---Exceptional Result Flags---
Use this section to define the character(s) that should be displayed in Result Entry and on Specimen Reports to signify the following exception flags:
- Critical High values
- Critical Low values
- Abnormally High values
- Abnormally Low values
- Delta Results
- Abnormal High for Non-numeric Tests
- Abnormal Low for Non-numeric Tests
- Delta Results for Non-numeric Tests
- MIC Abnormal Results
Auto Adj Precision: Y/N
If Y, the system will automatically adjust the number of decimal places in entered results to equal the number specified in the Test Dictionary for each test.
Round Precision: Y/N
If Y, the system will round the entered result to the number of decimal places defined in the Test Dictionary. If N, the system will truncate the result.
Default To Broadcast Req?: Y/N
When a user cancels a test, specimen, or requisition from various routines, they will be prompted to broadcast the cancellation to the patient’s location. This prompt will set the default response to the popup prompt to ‘Y’es broadcast or ‘N’o broadcast.
Show Prev LAB Res On Critical?: Y/N
If Y, when a LAB Test result flags as critical the system will display a popup window with the patient's previous results of this test. Results are not saved the patient's report.
Show Prev BBK Res On Critical?: Y/N
If Y, when a BBK Test result flags as critical the system will display a popup window with the patient's previous results of this test. Results are not saved the patient's report.
Pending Receipt: Free Text
Enter the message for the system to print on all external and internal reports to indicate that patient specimens are not yet received in the laboratory (that is, specimens at a status of ORD or COLB). If the specimen has not yet been received, this message overrides the message at the ‘All Results Pending Msg’ prompt below and at the ‘Pending Message’ prompt in the Test and Procedure Dictionaries.
Pending Result: Free Text
Enter the message for the system to print on all external and internal reports to indicate that patient specimens that have been received but do not have a verified result.Any message defined at the Pending Message prompt in the Test and Procedure dictionaries overrides (for that test or procedure) any message you enter at this prompt.
All Results Pending Msg: Free Text
Enter a message for the system to print on reports to indicate that all results for a specimen are pending.
No Reportable Rslts Msg: Free Text
Enter the message for the system to print on reports to indicate that there were no reportable results for a specimen.
Micro: No Growth Msg: Free Text
Enter a default message for the system to print on reports to indicate that there was no growth for a microbiology procedure.If there is no canned text mnemonic defined in the MIC Procedure Dictionary for a no growth result on a procedure, then this default text is used.
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---Label Formats---
Use this section to define the default label format to be used for collection, specimen, QC, and aliquot labels for LAB, MIC, and BBK.
- Lookup into the LIS Label Format Dictionary
- LAB/MIC/BBK – select the appropriate non-barcoded label format
- LAB/MIC/BBK Bar - select the appropriate barcoded label format
- Collection – this label format will be used for labels that are printed before the specimen has been received, for instance when the collection batches are created and printed.
- Specimen – this label format will be used for labels that are printed after the specimen has been received, for instance when a label is reprinted.
- Std/Ctl Lots – this label format will be used when printing QC Labels.
- Coll Aliq – this label format will be used when printing aliquot labels for a specimen that has not been received.
- Spec Aliq – this label format will be used when printing aliquot labels for a specimen that has been received.
Default To Barcode Label?: Y/N
If Yes, the barcoded label defined above will be used by default when printing LAB, MIC, BBK specimen labels.
Label Type With Recd Req?: SPECIMEN, ALIQUOT, BOTH
Select the type of label that should be printed when specimen are marked as received in the Requisition routine.
MIC Unidentified Organism: Lookup into the MIC Organism Dictionary
Enter the mnemonic of the organism that she be used as a default in the event that the analyzer identifies an organism that is not in the MIC Organism Dictionary.
MIC Changed Result Text: Free Text
Using up to 14 characters of free text, enter the text you want to appear on specimen reports when a MIC result has been changed after initial verification.
E/E Req: Skip Doctors?: Y/N
Enter ‘Y’ if the cursor should skip the doctor section in the Enter/Edit Requisition routine.Users can still edit the doctors by clicking on the doctor fields or by using Shift+Tab to go backwards
E/E Req: Oth Subm Doc?: Y/N
If ‘Y’, tests and procedures added to a requisition by other doctors (who did not originate the requisition) will be counted in the totals for those doctors.If ‘N’, tests added by other doctors will be counted in the totals for the doctor who originated the requisition. This will affect the accuracy of reports such as:
- Billing Revenue
- Order Workload
- Requisition Statistics
E/E Req: ADM Fam Doc?: Y/N
If you enter Y, the provider entered at the Family Doctor prompt on the Admissions registration screens appears as the default response in the Other Doctor prompt field in the LIS Enter/Edit Requisitions Routines.All doctors listed on the requisition will be eligible for a patient report.
Acct Update Cutoff: In: Free Text, 9999 max
Enter the number of days, after an inpatient's discharge, after which account edits from Admissions no longer update the account information in the LIS database. This is useful if you do not want the patient's name to change on old reports even if it is edited in ADM.
Acct Update Cutoff: Out: Free Text, 9999 max
Enter the number of days, after an outpatient's service date, after which account edits from Admissions no longer update the account information in the LIS database. This is useful if you do not want the patient's name to change on old reports even if it is edited in ADM.
---Transmit Defaults---
Use this section to define defaults for the automatic faxing/printing feature. The autotransmit feature can be accessed from the E/E Requisition routine and will automatically generate a report when the specimen is eligible to be printed to a network printer or fax server. Users can access the autotransmit feature with “Shift ->” at the provider prompts or from the “Autofax?” prompt depending on how the “Req autofax data on Subm Doc or Prompt?” prompt is set on Page 7 of the Custom-Defined Parameters.
Rpt: Lookup into the LIS Report Dictionary
Define the default report that should be autotransmitted. This default can be overridden in the LIS Outreach Client Dictionary.
Dev: Lookup into the OPS Remote Printers
Enter the default printer device that should be use for automatic transmissions. This default can be overridden in the LIS Outreach Client Dictionary.
Type: Lookup into the Available Printer Types
Enter the default printer device type that should be used. This default can be overridden in the LIS Outreach Client Dictionary.
Broadcast Report: Lookup into the LIS Report Dictionary (Type: Specimen)
Enter the mnemonic of the report to use for reports that are broadcast to the patient’s location.This default report can be overridden in the LIS Lab Site Dictionary.
Broadcast Message: Lookup into the LIS Report Dictionary (Type: Specimen)
Enter the mnemonic of the report to use for the Auto Broadcast Message in the Office Automation Module.
Spec Inquiry Rpt: Lookup into the LIS Report Dictionary (Type: Specimen)
Enter the mnemonic of the report to use as the external specimen inquiry viewed through the ‘Print Specimen’ routine and EMR.
OV Inquiry View: Lookup into the LIS Report Dictionary (Type: Specimen)
Enter the mnemonic of the report to use for the Other Vendor Inquiry View Routine. This is only used if you have the Other Vendor LIS Inquiry option for non-DataGeneral terminals, such as the VT100.
Isolation Query: Lookup into the MIS Query Dictionary
Enter the mnemonic of the query that will be used to set up an isolation flag on a patient. If the same query is used in ADM, the isolation information can flow between the two modules. Any responses to the query that should not flag the patient as in isolation should be entered into the 'No Isolation' prompt on page 3. When a patient is flagged, an isolation symbol will appear next to the location in the patient header section in the Result Entry routine.
Diagnosis Query: Lookup into the MIS Query Dictionary
Enter the mnemonic of the query that you want to use for recording a patient's diagnosis.If the data collected is to be shared by both the Laboratory and Order Entry Modules, use the same query in both modules.When a diagnosis is entered, it will appear in Result Entry at the Dx/Rfv field in the patient header.