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Solicitation for Offers
Accounting Services
Part I. Administrative and General Information
1.1. Background
The Road Home Corporation dba Louisiana Land Trust (LLT) is a Corporation organized exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended and as hereafter entitled (the “Code”).LLT has been formed to manage the properties that have been purchased by the State of Louisiana under the current Road Home Program as part of the ongoing recovery effort from the damage caused by hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005.LLT has over 9,700 properties in its inventory and currently expects to incur over $26 million in expenses for the current fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. LLT is seeking to solicit a CPA firm to compile the balance sheet as of June 30, 2009, and the related statements of Revenue, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets, Statement of Activities and Statement of Cash Flow for the year then ended including in the accompanying prescribed form in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.”. See attached Statement of Work
1.2. Purpose
Although professional services may be acquired on a noncompetitive basis, this Solicitation for Offers (SFO) seeks to impose a competitive process to obtain proposals from bona fide, qualified Offerors interested in providing the described Accounting services.
1.3.Schedule of Events
Event / Date and TimeSFO issued to prospective Offerors / Friday, June 19, 2009
Deadline for submitting offers / Friday July 3, 2009, 4pm
Oral discussions with Offerors, if applicable / To be scheduled
Notice of Intent to Award / Anticipating Friday, July 10, 2009
Contract Initiation / Anticipating Wednesday July 17, 2009
Note: LouisianaLand Trust reserves the right to deviate from these dates.
Part II. Offer Information
2.1. Offer Submittal
All offers must be received in the Louisiana Land Trust Office no later than the date and time shown in the Schedule of Events.
Offers must be delivered by hand or courier service to:
Attn.: Edwin K Legnon
Chief Financial Officer
LouisianaLand Trust
11601 Southfork Ave
Baton Rouge, LA70815
Clearly mark the outside of the envelope, box, or package with the following description.
Offer for Accounting Services
Offeror is solely responsible for timely delivery of its offer.
2.2. Offer Response format
Offers should be submitted in letter size (8/1/2” X 11”) format. Offers should follow the format and order of presentation described below:
A. Cover Page
The following information should be included under the title “Solicitation for Offers of Accounting Services:
1. Name of the firm
2. Firm address
3. Firm telephone number
4. Firm federal tax identification number
5. Name of contract person authorized to act on behalf of the firm
6. Email address for the contact person
B. Offer
1. Introduction (Transmittal Letter)
- Include a brief statement of the firm’s understanding of the scope of the work tobe performed.
- Include a confirmation that the firm meets the appropriate state licensing requirements to practice public accounting in the State of Louisiana.
- Include a confirmation that the firm has not had a record of substandard work within the past five years.
- Include a confirmation that the firm has not engaged in any unethical practices within the past five years.
- Include a confirmation that the firm has complied with applicable requirements for peer review and continuing professional education.
- Include a confirmation that the firm is in compliance with Governmental Auditing Standards for Competence
- Include any other information that the Offeror feels appropriate.
- Be signed by an individual who is authorized to make offers of this nature in thename of the firm submitting the offer.
2. Firm Description/Professional Capacity
- Provide documentation showing that the firm is in good standing and is licensed practice public accounting in Louisiana.
- Describe any prior engagements firm conducted for a governmental or non-profit agency
- Describe any issue the characteristics of which would be uniquely relevant in evaluating the experience of your firm to handle the proposed project.
- Describe your firm’s presence in and commitment to Louisiana.
- Provide current information on professional errors and omissions coverage carried by your firm, including amount of coverage.
3. Team
a. Identify the member of your staff who would be assigned to act for your firm in
key management and field positions providing the services described in the
Solicitation and the functions to be performed by each.
b. Include brief resume or curriculum vitae of each such staff member, including
name, position, education, and years and type of experience. Describe, for each
such person, the relevant transactions on which they have worked.
c. Estimate the number of persons to be assigned to this project, indicating the
number working in Louisiana and the number working elsewhere.
4. Approach
a. Clearly describe the approach and methodologies to be employed in the
performance of the Scope of Services.
b. Present innovative concepts, if any, not discussed in the Scope of Service.
5. Project Schedule
A final schedule of tasks will be mutually agreed upon after a firm is selected.
6. Fee Proposal
Hourly rates proposed by the proposer should be submitted on the price schedule furnished in Exhibit B. The proposer’s rates shall be fully loaded and shall include all travel, living, and project expenses. Contractor staff will be paid the hourly rate while doing field travelon behalf of LLT under this contract. No other travel expenses or direct costs or hourly rates for any other staff classifications will be reimbursed under the contract.
Cost of Service points will be award on the basis of the following formula:
(A/B) * C = D
A is the lowest price proposal based on the Proposers’ Weighted Total Cost as submitted in Attachment V. B is the Proposer’s Weighted Total Cost of the proposal being graded. C is the maximum number of cost points and D is the cost of service points actually awarded to the proposal being graded.
2.3. Number of Copies
Offeror shall submit one signed original response. Four (4) additional copies should also be provided.
2.4. Subcontracting Information
The selected firm shall be the prime contractor responsible to the State. Offerors may enter subcontractor arrangements, however, they should acknowledge in their offer total responsibility for the entire contract.
If the Offeror intends to subcontract for portions of the work, Offeror should provide the specific designations of the tasks to be performed by the subcontractor. Information required of the Offeror in Section 2.2B (2) of this SFO is also required for each subcontractor.
Unless provided for in the contract with DOA, the prime contractor shall not contract with any other party for furnishing any of the work and professional services herein contracted for without the express written approval of DOA.
2.5. Costs Incurred in Preparation of Offer
All costs directly or indirectly related to preparation of an offer responding to this SFO, any oral presentations required to supplement and/or clarify an offer, and any reasonable appearance which may be required by DOA in connection with this Solicitation, shall be the sole responsibility of the Offeror.
2.6. Ownership of Proposal
All materials submitted in response to this request become the property of DOA. Selection or rejection of a proposal does not affect this right.
2.7. Proprietary Information
Only information which is in the nature of legitimate trade secrets or non-published financial data may be deemed proprietary or confidential. Any material within a proposal identified as such, must be clearly marked in the proposal and will be handled in accordance with the Louisiana Public Records Act, R.S. 44:1-44 and applicable rules and regulations. Any proposal marked as confidential or proprietary in its entirety may be rejected without further consideration or recourse.
2.8. Code of Ethics
Offerors are responsible for determining that there will be no conflict or violation of the Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics, R. S. 42:1101, et seq. if their firm is awarded the contract. Ethics issues are interpreted by the Louisiana Board of Ethics.
2.9. Cancellation of SFO or Rejection of Offers
LLT reserves the right to reject any or all offers, or to cancel this SFO if in the best interest of the State to do so.
Part III. Minimum Qualifications
Firms submitting offers must meet the following minimum standards:
- Firm must demonstrate experience in government and/or non-profit organizations in accordance with the Single Accounting Act and OMB Circular No A-133.
- Firm must demonstrate experience in Auditing governmental units and contractors using Governmental Auditing Standards.
- Firm must demonstrate experience inAuditingrecipientsof block grant funds.
- The firm must demonstrate multidisciplinary experience
Offers from consortiums of firms will not be considered.
Part IV. Scope of Work
4.1 Scope of Work
Exhibit A details the Scope of Work and desired results of the Contractor.
LLT will monitor and oversee the performance of the selected Contractor.
4.2. Period of Agreement
Upon the mutual agreement of the parties, this contract may be extended on an annual basis for up to two (2) years, for the purpose of conducting a similar service for the twelve month period ending June 30, 2010 to determine the items listed in Exhibit A – Scope of Work.
4.3. Location
It will be necessary for the Contractor to provide staff at Louisiana Land Trust corporate office located at 11601 Southfork AveBaton Rouge, LA70815
Part V. Evaluation and Selection
5.1. Evaluation Team
The evaluation of offers will be accomplished by an evaluation team which will determine the offer most responsive or most advantageous to the State, taking into consideration the evaluation factors set forth in this SFO.
5.2. Mandatory Administrative Evaluation
All proposals will be reviewed by the Evaluation Team based on the following:
- Prior experience of firm and project managers in dealing with contracts of this nature and scope.Maximum score of 30 points.
- Approach and methodologies to be employed in the performance of Offeror’s control and/or oversight functions relative to similar types of engagements. Maximum score of 15 points.
- Ability of the Offeror to perform the Scope of Work in a timely fashion. Maximum score of 15 points.
- Cost. Maximum score of 40 points
5.3. Oral Presentations
Oral presentations by Offerors reasonably susceptible of being selected for award may be required. LLT reserves the right to make an award without oral presentations.
5.4. Notice of Intent to Award
Upon review and approval of the Evaluation Team, a Notice of Intent to Award letter will be issued by the LLT. A contract shall be completed and signed by all parties.
5.5. Right of Negotiations
LLT reserves the right to negotiate with the successful Offeror on terms, conditions, and requirements, including cost.
5.6. Deliverables
A comprehensive reportas discussed in Exhibit A.
Exhibit A
Scope of Services
1. The Account shall:
- Compile, from information LLT provides, the balance sheet of the Road Home Corporation d/b/a Louisiana Land Trust (a non-profit corporation) as of June 230, 2009, and the related statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets, Statement of Activities and Statement of Cash Flow for the year then ended included in the accompanying prescribed form in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
- Prepare 2008 Federal Form 990, “Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax”
Exhibit B
Cost Proposal Format
The proposer shall provide hourly ratesfor all staff classifications listed below. The proposer’s rates shall be fully loaded and shall include all travel, living, and project expenses. Contractor staff will be paid the hourly rate while doing field travelon behalf of LLT under this contract. No othertravel expenses or direct costs or hourly rates for any other staff classifications will be reimbursed under the contract.
For each classification, the proposed hourly rate shall be multiplied by the stated weight factor to derive a Weighted Cost for that classification. The Proposer’s Weighted Total Cost will be computed by summing the weighted costs for all classifications. This will be the Proposer’s Weighted Total Cost to be used in the evaluation and scoring process stated in the Evaluation and Selection Criteria (section 5.2 above).
$______X___ 4______= $______
Partner/CPA/PFS Hourly Rate Weight Factor Weighted Partner’sCost
$______X ___ 3______= $ ______
Senior Accountant/CPA Hourly Rate Weight Factor Weighted Counsel’s Cost
$______X __2______= $ ______
Account Managers Hourly Rate Weight Factor Weighted Associate’s Cost
$______X __1 ______= $ ______
Junior Accountant Hourly Rate Weight Factor Weighted Paralegal’s Cost
$______X ___ __1______= $ ______
Clerical’s Hourly Rate Weight Factor Weighted Clerical’s Cost
$ ______
Proposer’s Weighed Total Cost