OEB GDAR EBT Standards Working Group
Information contained in working group notes represent the views of the individuals participating in the working gourp only, and in no way reflect official Ontario Energy Board position or opinion.
Minutes forJuly 27/28, 2005 - DRAFT
ATTENDEES:July 20, 200511:00 am – 5:00pm
Darcy HewgillDirect Energy
Brenda PinkeDirect Energy
Gord PotterOESC
Shiraz LadhaSuperior Energy
Carole HuntKitchener Utilities
Avery RhijnsburgerEnbridge
Lynne HamiltonEnbridge
Steve McGill Enbridge (part time)
Mark Van PraetUnion Gas
Jay LeeSPi Group
Tom StarkExtenSys Inc
Barb RobertsonOEB / ATTENDEES:July 28, 2005
8:30 am – 3:00pm
Darcy HewgillDirect Energy
Brenda PinkeDirect Energy
Richard JungasOESC
Samir KareemSuperior Energy
Carole HuntKitchener Utilities
Avery RhijnsburgerEnbridge
Mark Van PraetUnion Gas
Jay LeeSPi Group (via conference)
Tom StarkExtenSys Inc
Barb RobertsonOEB
Item / Discussion / Action Items
Item / Discussion
- Distributor Rate Ready Invoice Adjustments
- Transport Protocol
Item / Discussion / Action Items & Prime
- Outstanding Items
7CCL loose ends
6Cancel Rebill (for other than DC-rate ready)
1Submission Timelines
1Processing Timelines (Brenda to identify)
5Remittance and Settlement
4Pools and Price Points – creation, changes, contract transfer, price point transfer (Mark – see below)
1Change Billing Option
1Application Advice
1Status Advice
1Functional Acknowledgement
1Transaction Rules
1Payment Advice
1CSV Transport
0Meter Maintenance
3Validation of STRs
0Suspending of Enrols
2Introductory Sections
3Account Look-up / Legend:
0 = 0 hours
1 = 4 hours (total)
2 = 1 hour
3 = 4 hours
4 = 4 hours
5 = 4 hours
6 = 4 hours
7 = 2 hours
- Project Timeline
- Meetings at usual times during first and second weeks of August (Aug 3/4 and Aug 10/11) to address above items.
- Proposed “final draft” document, in its entirety, revised by Barb and distributed by end of day on August 15, 2005.
- No meetings during week of August 22 to allow for review of document by respective participants.
- Meeting August 24/25 (8:30 start on Wednesday proposed) to allow for final review of the document.
- Contract Creation Request
- Transaction List
- Reject Reasons
- Pools and Price Points
Item / Discussion / Lead
- Date / Logistics
- Date: Wednesday August 3, 2005 commencing at 11:00am and ending Thursday August 4, 2005 ending at 3:00 p.m.
- Location: Offices of OEB, 2300 Yonge St., Toronto, 24th Floor, Meeting Room 1
- Minute Taker
- Agenda Items
- Review of minutes of July 27/28, 2005
- Discuss Remittance Procedures
- Continue review of Document
Minutes Recorder: B. RobertsonPage 1 of 3Date: July 20, 2005