Welcome to an exciting new year in the TitanAcademy at SpringViewMiddle School.
Vision Statement
In the TitanAcademy, we believe that all students can learn through:
- differentiated instruction based on each students’ unique learning style(s).
- enriched academic environments.
- social opportunities fostered to build a community based upon recognition, tolerance, and respect.
All students will:
- line up in 2 single file lines outside each classroom. The teacher will greet and invite students to enter when the classroom is ready.
- show respect, responsibility, and safety to self, others and property at all times.
- turn in their best completed work, on time.
- never give up. Always do their best!
Homework will be assigned in every subject. Each student will have a weekly calendar in the student planner where they will record assignments and their due dates. A weekly calendar will also be posted in each teacher’s classroom. Parents are encouraged to review the weekly calendar with their student in order to be fully aware of class requirements. Please note that all calendars and grades can be accessed at any time on the Spring View website:
In order to receive full credit, all work must be:
- completed prior to the beginning of the class period.
- complete and written neatly.
- headed with the student’s name, date, class period, and assignment title in the upper right-hand corner.
** Major assignments in all subject areas must be typed unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor.**
Required Materials
For ALL classes / SCIENCE / MATH / ENGLISH / HISTORY- 1 three inch (3”) three-ring binder
- Subject dividers for each subject
- Binder paper
- Scientific calculator with a square root (√ ) key
- Ruler with both standard and metric scales
- Pencils and pens (AT LEAST two everyday)
- 1 ream of computer paper (give to HR teacher)
- 1 package of ¼ inch graph paper
- Highlighter (several different colors if possible)
- Set of colored pencils, pens, or markers
- Post-It notes
- Small, manual pencil sharpener
- Glue stick
- 1 spiral bound notebook (at least 70 pages)
- 1 spiral bound GRAPH–ruled notebook (at least 70 pages)
Additional materials may be required throughout the school year. Possession of materials will be checked at the end of the second week and occasionally throughout the year. Please note that preparedness and organization are key components of success.
Late Work
Late work, other than due to an excused absence, will be graded but not accepted for credit. The only exception to this rule is in regards to major projects and portfolio assignments. These large assignments will be accepted late with a penalty of 10% for each day of lateness, up to five days.
Make-up Work
Absent students will receive full credit for make-up work completed within the time allowed. TitanAcademy students have one week from their day of return to school to make up work assignedduring their absence. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain make-up work.
Check the posted calendars, collect any handouts from the classroom files and consult with a classmate before consulting your teachers. Please ask a teacher for help and clarification of homework outside of class time since work will be proceeding for those students who were present. Check with your teacher for an appropriate time (which may be at break, lunch, before or after school).
Exams and labs missed during an absence must be taken the day you return. The teacher will decide an appropriate time and place for make-up exams.
Assignments due on the first day of your absence will be due on the day you return since you were in attendance when it was assigned and only absent when it was due.
If you have an upcoming planned absence for five days or longer (vacations, trips, etc), an independent study contract from the office must be filled out. Before you leave, your teachers will give you the assignments during your absence. Any help needed must also be secured before you leave since work will be due immediately upon your return. Extra time will not be given.
Academic Grades
Grades will be based on accumulated point totals. Points may be earned in the following areas:
Daily assignmentsQuizzesTestsLabs
ProjectsSemester finalsClass participation
HomeworkEssaysVerbal presentations
The assignment of letter grades in all classes will be determined by a five point rubric:
4.0 – 5.0A
3.0 – 3.9B
2.0 – 2.9C
1.0 – 1.9D
0 – 0.9 F
Every effort is made to communicate grade information with students and parents. Please check the school website weekly for updated grades. All assignments will be graded and returned to students in a timely manner. Formal progress reports are sent home four times per year for parent review and signature. Please ask to see your student’s work and other grade-relevant information.
Extra Credit
Extra credit does not and cannot replace regular curriculum. Teachers may occasionally offer an extra credit assignment, but students and parents should not expect (nor demand) that extra credit be given to make up for poor or missed work.
Following the guidelines on the previous pages will help to ensure a pleasant and rewarding school year. Please feel free to contact us during the school day regarding student progress, extra help, or any other concerns you may have at 624 - 3381. Please utilize the following e-mail addresses for efficacy.
Cathy LeonLanguage
Please keep the first two pages of this packet for your own reference
Please sign, detach THIS PAGE ONLY, and return this page to your Homeroom teacher byTUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2008.
Student Name (print) ______Date ______
We have read, discussed, and understand the TitanAcademy’s policies and procedures.
Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature
Please provide the following OPTIONAL contact information to be placed on our Titan parent email list. We take every effort to communicate with parents using email addresses and ALWAYS send out parent emails as a blind carbon copy; in other words, your email address will NOT be visible to any other recipient.
Parent/Guardian Name(s) ______
Email Address(es)______