Multiple Choice Questions-
- Amarbel is an example of –
a-Autotroph b-Parasite c-Saprotrophd-Host
- The plant which traps an feed on insects is-
a-Cuscutab-Chinarosec-Pitcherplant d-Rose
3. Plant take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere mainly through their-
a-Root b-Stem c-Flower d-Leaves
4. Nitrogen of the atmosphere is absorbed by-
a-Autotrophs b-Leguminous plant c-Insectivorous plant d-None of these
- Which part of plant takes in carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis-
a-Root hair b-Stomata c-Leaf Veins d-Sepals
- Which of these component of food can be synthesized by plants-
a-Carbohydrate b-Fats c-Proteins d-All of these
- Which of these is/are necessary for photosynthesis to takes place-
a-Carbon dioxide b-Chlorophyll c-Water d-All of these
- The trapped insect gets entangled in the hair in-
a-Green plant b-Insectivorous plants c-Grass d-None of these
- Which gas release during photosynthesis-
a-SO2 b-CO2 c-NO2 d-None of these
- Which of these is not an insectivorous plant-
a-Pitcher Plant b-Mistle toe c-China rose d-None of these
*Very Short answer type questions-
1.Name an insectivorous plant?
2.Which is the ultimate source of energy?
3.Which part of the plant gets carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis?
4.Name a Parasitic plant.
5.Define autotrophs?
6.Name the end product of photosynthesis?
7.Name the green pigment present in the leave?
8.Give two examples to show symbiotic relationship in plants.
9.Write the equation for photosynthesis.
10.Cactus has leaves reduced to spines. Then where does photosynthesis take place in these plants?
*Short answer type questions-
1.Differentiate between a parasite and a saprophyte?
2.Why do organism need to take food?
3.What is nutrition?
4.Define the term photosynthesis?
5.What is a host and parasite relationship?
6.Why the plants are called autotrophs?
7.Define saprotrophic mode of nutrition.
8.What is the mode of nutrition in Fungi like molds?
9.What are heterotrophs?
10.What kind of nutrition do we see in lichens?
*Answer these questions-(3 MARKS EACH)
1. What do you understand by symbiotic relationship?
2. Why do some plants trap insects? Explain with an example.
3. How are saprophytes parasites & symbionts different from each other?
4. What are stomata? Write it function?
5. How are water and minerals transported to the plant?
6. Do red and brown coloured leaves also undergo photosynthesis?
*Long answer questions-
- How would you test the presence of starch in leaves?
- Show with the help of sketch that plants are the ultimate source of food?
- How are nutrients replenished in the soil?
- What are insectivorous plants? How do they derive their nutrition?
- Lichens are said to have a symbiotic relationship. How?
- Give a brief description of the process of synthesis of food in green plants?
- Explain with example symbiotic relationship?
- Why is it said that whether directly or indirectly all living things depend on green plants for food?
- Draw the modification of a pitcher plant and explain why it is called a partial heterotroph?