Please complete and return with payment proof to: THITA, PO Box 974, Stellenbosch, 7599
Tel (061) 062 7321 - Fax (086)77123 77 – E-mail:
Business Name (if applicable)
Your Name Title
Postal Address:
Phone Fax E-Mail Address
ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND RELEASE - (Please read carefully and sign below)
I hereby certify:
· That I have (or will) apply/applied to become a SASHI member, or am already a SASHI member or candidate member and undertake to adhere to all the terms and conditions of such membership application in all respects.
· That I understand and acknowledge that the THITA Home Inspection Course material which I am purchasing is copyrighted to the author and that I will not myself nor allow any third party to copy it or portions of it in any manner, format or style, except for the inspection templates and Home Inspection Report which the author has indicated in writing to THITA may be used by all THITA trainees and SASHI candidate members.
I understand:
· That as an enrolled student of the THITA Home Inspection Course, I am not a full MEMBER of SASHI and in order to perform inspections I am required to become a SASHI member.
· That until I receive written notice from THITA that I have officially been accepted as a inspector following successful completion of the THITA Home Inspection Course, I may not and will not use the THITA or SASHI name or logo to advertise, or imply in any promotional material that I am affiliated with either THITA or SASHI.
I have read, accept, and fully understand all statements in this THITA endorsed Home Inspection Course Application Form. I hereby certify that all statements are correct. I understand that any failure to comply with the above or falsification or breach of copyrights may exclude me from membership in the South African Society of Home Inspectors and The Home Inspection Training Academy or result in legal action.
For and in consideration of the course material provided to me as facilitated by THITA and endorsed by the South African Society of Home Inspectors, I hereby waive, release and forever discharge THITA and SASHI, its Board of Directors, officers, members, servants, agents and employees, of and from all suits, claims, causes of action, damages, losses or injuries that I shall or may have for any reason or cause including but not limited to those related to the implementation or enforcement of the SASHI Code of Ethics, Standards of Practice and/or any other activities relating to the completion of the THITA Home Inspection Course.
Unauthorized alterations/omissions found on this form (now or in the future) will void this application. The THITA (SASHI endorsed) Home Inspection Course enrollment is non-transferable and non-refundable.
Agreement Signature of Applicant for Home Inspection Course Date
I wish to register to participate in:
THITA Distance Learning Course at a cost of R8 000
In order to fully process your application for the THITA Home Inspection Course, sign this document and fax or post or e-mail it to THITA along with proof of payment
Cheque payable to “Max Lourens Attorneys t/a THITA”– enclosed for R8 000.
Proof of direct deposit or electronic transfer in the amount of R8 000 made to:
Max Lourens Attorneys, First National Bank, Stellenbosch, Account no: 53750066301, Branch Code: 200610. Ref – Your Initial & Surname “THITA”.
THITA Home Inspection Course Fees are non-refundable
All copyrights reserved to The Lourens Trust t/a THITA
Course Application Form