MAES Delivery Workshop, 16 December 2015

(version 01/12/15)

Theme 1

Mapping and assessing ecosystem condition and integrating ecosystem and ecosystem services


1)To reflect on the most efficient and effective ways of using available information to assess ecosystem condition at different spatial scales.

2)To reflect on the relationship between ecosystem condition and the delivery of ecosystem services.

3)To reflect on the relationship between ecosystem condition and asset condition in the context of natural capital accounting.

4)To identify information and knowledge needs to support policy development.

Structure of the Session

The session will be divided into two parts of 1h30 each, with a 30' coffee break in between.

The first part will focus mainly on the mapping and assessment of ecosystem condition at different scales and for different but related purposes (biophysical assessment, natural capital accounting).The second part will reflect on the relationship between ecosystem condition and ecosystem services and thepossible development of afirst European ecosystem assessment on the basis of existing data.

Each session will be introduced by the chair, followed by the presentation of an example of concrete application of the concept (roughly 10')that a group of panellists, including scientists will then discuss, followed by an interactive dialogue with the audience. The session will be animated by Rob Tinch from EFTEC.

Part I -9:30 to 11:00

  • Chairing and Scene Setter byPam Berry, ECI, Oxford University
  • Speaker and Panel member: Mapping and assessing the condition of Europe's ecosystems: progress and challenges, Markus Erhard, European Environment Agency
  • Panel member: Member State's perspective by (tbd)
  • Panel member:Contribution from science by Paula Harrisson, Oxford University,OpenNESSFP7 research project (tbc by RTD)
  • Facilitator for the discussion:Rob Tinch, EFTEC

Part II -11:30 to 13:00

  • Chair and Scene Setter:Pam Berry, ECI, Oxford University
  • Speaker and Panel member:An indicator framework for assessing ecosystem services in support of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020, Joachim Maes, JRC, Italy
  • Panel member:Member State's perspective by Fernando Santos, University of Madrid
  • Panel member:Contribution from science by Benjamin Burkhard, Kiel University, ESMERALDA Horizon 2020 research project (tbc by RTD)


These exchanges between members of the MAES Working Group and experts from relevant research projects will result in the identification of key users' questions to be further investigated by OpenNESS and OPERAs and addressed at a Policy Dialogue organised in the European Parliament by OPPLA in March 2016.