Logistics Checklist and Budget
Check your partnership agreement and obtain clarity on the financial arrangements for covering visit costs. Depending on your agreement, some or all of the following may apply:
Logistics checklist
/Who is responsible
/Budget allowance
Collection of the group from the airportBus hire or school bus booked?
Airport parking?
Who will meet and greet?
How will students meet with their host students and families?
Welcome arrangements at host school
School signage to display welcome message
Other forms of welcome such as a welcome banner
Formal welcome at a school assembly
Accommodation arrangements for visiting staff and students in home stay arrangements
Identify home stay families early
Provide parents with clear document of expectations of a host family
Match visitors with host families: use the biographical information as well as age, gender and English language proficiency to match students with homestay families.
Ensure you have a list of students whose families are hosting Chinese students
Information night for host families to provide cultural information and address any questions
Accommodation arrangements for staff and students not in home stay
Accommodation provider identified and room(s) booked as needed
Arrangements for transport to and from school
Meals during the day while at school
Expect host families will look after students
Anyone not in a home-stay will need a lunch arrangement
Arrangement for lunches
A bottle of water each day for staff
Gifts for visiting school and teachers in visiting party
Gift for school determined and purchased (ensure it is different from previous years)
Engraving arranged if applicable
Gift wrapped – use red and/or gold paper and ribbon
Gifts for visiting staff wrapped or in gift bag
Home base at school for visiting staff
Suitable furniture
Availability of refreshments
Toilet facilities
Communications/IT access
Other requirements
Meals and entertainment of visiting staff at night
Attendees identified
Restaurants identified and tables booked
Arrangements for any excursions during visit
People involved
Transportation arrangements
Documentation and permission slips
Formal farewell event program
People involved
Venue booked/setup
Return of group to airport at end of visit
Bus hire or school bus booked?
Airport parking?
Personnel involved?