Section 1: CRAFT Checklist
Therapist: ______Rater: _____ Rating Date: ______Subject #: ______Session # ____ Session Date: _____
1 234 5
poor needs satisfactory very good excellent
Done | Rating
Initial Meeting Motivational Strategies (Induction)
1. ______Had CSO vent; describe problems created by IP’s substance use
2. ______Explored CSO’s past attempts to help stop the substance abuse
3. ______Outlined CRAFT’s 3 major goals
4. ______Gave rationale for using CSOs & described CSO’s role
5. ______Explained CRAFT principles (reinforcement) & gave overview of procedures
6. ______Presented positive expectations (7/10 engage; variety of relat/drugs; CSOs improve)
7. ______Placed responsibility where it belongs
8. ______Discussed confidentiality and safety
9. ______Identified CSO’s reinforcers
Domestic Violence Precautions [Note: items #11-14 are only required if item #10 shows that a threat exists]
10. ______Assessed potential for violence & severity
11. ______Determined level of social support [required if threat exists]
12. ______Identified triggers or “red flags” for violence [required if threat exists]
13. ______Developed safer CSO responses [required if threat exists]
14. ______Discussed self-protection (escape, safe house, restraining orders) [required if threat exists]
Functional Analysis of IP Substance Use
15. ______Described FA & gave rationale as to why CSO should complete it
16. ______Focused on IP’s common using episode
17. ______Clarified using behavior during episode
18. ______Outlined triggers (external; internal)
19. ______Outlined positive consequences of the substance use
20. ______Outlined negative consequences of the substance use
21. ______Reviewed FA overall & discussed how CSO could influence positive change
Communication Skills
22. ______Discussed why communication is addressed
23. ______Described/reviewed the 7 positive communication components
24. ______Gave examples of good communications
25. ______Role-played and gave feedback; repeated
26. ______Did a reverse role-play
Use of Positive Reinforcement (Rewards)
27. ______Defined a positive reinforcer/reward and when to use it
28. ______Made distinction between enabling and positive reinforcement
29. ______Discussed whether CSO could recognize signs of substance use & why it’s important
30. _______ Generated a list of potential rewards & planned the delivery of one
Problem Solving
31. ______Described/reviewed steps of the procedure
32. ______Conducted problem solving procedure (e.g., defined the problem, brainstormed)
Time-Out from Positive Reinforcement (Withdrawing Rewards)
33. ______Discussed CSO’s current response to IP’s substance use & the outcome
34. ______Emphasized importance of withdrawing a planned reward if IP uses
35. ______Generated additional rewards to withdraw at times of IP use
36. ______Prepared to communicate the reason for withdrawing the reward
37. ______Reviewed potential complications upon withdrawing the reward
Natural Consequences of Substance Use
38. ______Explored CSO’s unintentional support of the substance-using behavior
39. ______Offered common examples of unintentional support & discussed the result
40. ______Selected a potential situation in which to allow natural consequences for using
41. ______Explored potential problems in allowing for the natural consequences
42. ______Prepared to communicate the reason for allowing the natural consequences
CSOs Enriching Their Own Lives
43. ______Discussed rationale for focusing on CSO’s own happiness
44. ______Provided rationale for Happiness Scale
45. ______Gave instructions for Happiness Scale
46. ______Reviewed some ratings on the Happiness Scale
47. ______Used Happiness Scale to select goal category
48. ______Set goal using guidelines
Inviting the IP to Enter Treatment
49. ______Reviewed motivational “hooks” for treatment invitations
50. ______Role-played the invitation using “hooks” + positive communication
51. ______Discussed “windows of opportunity” for extending the invitation
52. ______Discussed selecting an appropriate treatment provider
53. ______Arranged for a rapid intake
54. ______Prepared for possible refusal/dropout
Rate Each Session:
55. ______Assigned Homework (made specific, anticipated obstacles)
56. ______Reviewed Homework (assessed outcome; modified plan if necessary; reinforced)
57. ______Overall: stayed within CRAFT protocol (as far as philosophy & objectives)
58. ______Overall: introduced CRAFT procedures at appropriate times
General Clinical Skills
59. ______Warm/Understanding 61. ______Maintains session focus 60. ______ Non-judgmental 62. ______Appropriately active
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