Teacher: Marilea Frasik Smith / Grade: 6 / Subject: AMS Choir / 2006-2007 Page 1
August/September / October / November / December / January
Questions / What is your vocal range and vocal part?
What is proper vocal technique? How does technique change when performing various styles of music?
What is your vocal category? (Soprano, alto, tenor or cambiata)
What is the AMS Choral policy on Concert Attendance/absence?
What is the AMS Choral policy on Dress Code?
What is the AMS Choral policy on concert etiquette?
Why is it important to communicate with parents and teachers regarding in school and after school concerts and events? / What is the difference in vocal timbre between the following voice types: Soprano, Mezzo Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Baritone, Bass? (describe the differences in their vocal qualities)
What is the Circle of 5ths and how is it used?
What is the Solfege System, who introduced it and how is it used?
What are the definitions for these words: Solfege System, sharps, flats, accidentals, rests, Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, Chest Voice, Head Voice, Key Signature, C, G, & F Major Scales, Name the order of Major scales that use sharps, & Name the order of sharps, double barline, repeat sign, tied notes, Major Scale, Grand Staff, barline, Measure / What is the value of the following notes or rests: Whole note/rest, Half note/rest, Dotted rhythms (define), Quarter note/rest, Eight note/rest, 16th note/rest
What is an interval? How do you determine the interval between notes or syllables? / What are melodic & harmonic intervals?
What are the definitions for these words: Time Signature, improvisation, Call and Response, pitch, interval, Whole note, Whole rest, Half note, Half rest, quarter note, quarter rest, eight note, eight rest, dotted note value (define), sixteenth note, 16th rest, C, G, F Major Scales, Name the order of Major scales that use sharps & Name the order of sharps, dynamics, P, MP, MF, F, FF Crescendo, Decrescendo / ~How does written music translate to performance?
~How do we express this written language through sound?
(Nouns) / Students will read through portions of the AMS Choral Handbook.
Students will review the rudiments of music: the staff, clefs, barline, measure, pitch & note value recognition in bass & treble, time signature & the C Major scale
Students will read aloud from Experiencing Choral Music (Gr. 6-7) (purple) Chapter 1 & 2; also read aloud from Essential Sight Singing Vol. 1 (orange) chapters 1,2,& 3 / Differentiate Chest and head voice
Solfege System introduction
Introduction of the Circle of 5ths
Sight sing using tied notes & eighth notes/discuss & perform exercises in A minor / Echo or Call and Response Songs
Perform melodic and rhythmic sight singing exercises in the text books
Discuss & sight sing in the key of F Major & D minor/discuss dotted rhythms & dynamics / Improvise, compose, read and
notate music
~Read and perform solfege (do, re, me and sol)
~Identify contour of note movement
~Discuss & perform using 16th note rhythms
~Discuss & perform in F Maj. & D min.
~Discuss Tonic & Dominant chords / ~Read & perform using 16th & 8th note combinations
~Review tonic & dominant chords
~sight sing in minor keys & major
~review & know the order of sharps
~discuss & memorize the order of major scales using sharps (circle of fifths)
(Verbs) / Singing alone and with others using appropriate tone and vocal technique
~Utilize good breath support; know proper vowel placement
~Sing with an open tone and appropriate age level range
~Sing two-part harmony through partner songs, rounds and simple homophony
~Demonstrate appropriate expression and style for the work being performed. / Identify various vocal timbres and range using veteran & familiar artists
Demonstrate major scale patterns using solfege syllable with movable do.
Sing scale patterns using note names in the keys: C, G, F Major
Students will read aloud from Experiencing Choral Music (Gr. 6-7)(purple) Chapter 3; also read aloud from Essential Sight Singing Vol. 1 (orange) chapter 4 / Echo Call And Response patterns (rhythm & melody)
Practice pitch and interval skills
Demonstrate improvised rhythms using quarter notes, eighth notes, 16th notes, or dotted rhythms and their respective rest values.
Students will read aloud from Experiencing Choral Music (Gr. 6-7)(purple) Chapter 4; also read aloud from Essential Sight Singing Vol. 1 (orange) chapter 5 / Students will read aloud from Experiencing Choral Music (Gr. 6-7)(purple) Chapter 5; also read aloud from Essential Sight Singing Vol. 1 (orange) chapter 6 / Students will read aloud from Experiencing Choral Music (Gr. 6-7)(purple) Chapter 6; also read aloud from Essential Sight Singing Vol. 1 (orange) chapter 7
Assessment / Students will sight sing one of the exercises on page 16 in the Essential Sight Singing Vol. 1 (orange) for a grade using the computer stations set up in one of the practice rooms to take their test.
Students will receive an evaluation/test with questions that over the AMS Choral Handbook.
Students will be placed in vocal categories: Soprano, Alto, Tenor or Cambiata / 1. Sing sight singing exercises from the Choral text book(s) using the keys of C, G, & F Major.
2. Sing scales in class using the note names for C, G, & F Major scales.
3. Identify vocal categories (Soprano, Alto, etc) for each the of artists played for a grade. (describe their vocal qualities)
~Students will receive Vocabulary quizzes
~Students will receive a matching vocabulary test over the vocabulary words/definitions assigned to them for 1st quarter. / 1. Sing 3 note responses (sol-mi-la) to match pitch and interval~ (example: teacher sings a question and the student responds by improvising a sol-mi-la answer to the question.
2. Improvise a 4 measure rhythmic pattern and have the class echo those patterns (teacher and student lead activity)
3. Using SmartMusic, each student will record their performance of a sight singing test from our choral text books and be graded using the rubric sight singing template. (this will take place for quarters 2,3,& 4) / ~Students will receive Vocabulary quizzes
~Students will receive a matching vocabulary test over the vocabulary words/definitions assigned to them for 2nd quarter.
. / Students will sight sing one of the exercises on page 31 in the Essential Sight Singing Vol. 1 (orange) for a grade using the computer stations in one of the practice rooms to take their sight singing test.
Teacher: / Grade: / Subject: / 2006-2007 Page 2
February / March / April / May / June (1-2 weeks)
Questions / What are the definitions for these words: whole step, half step, dotted rhythm, mezzo piano, piano, mezzo forte, forte, pianissimo, (pp) a cappella, meter, downbeat, ritardando, dimenuendo, tempo, tempo marking, crescendo, decrescendo, Tonic & Dominant Chords, Natural , Harmonic & Melodic Minor Scales, D Major Scale / How does music influence culture and culture influence music?
How do we achieve balance and blend with our choral sound?
Why is articulation important in achieving proper diction?
Why is stage presence and posture important in a choral performance? / Why is it important to watch the director conducting cues when practicing or in a performance?
Why is it important to exercise contrast in dynamics during rehearsals and performance?
Why is it important to understand the different dynamic markings in a choral scores? / What are the definitions for these words: chromatic scale, solfege ascending chromatic scale, Traditional counting system (quarter, half, whole eight & 16th notes), dominant chords, subdominant chords, syncopation, minor scale, accent & syncopation & relative minor scales
~What does the music communicate?
~What techniques does the composer utilize to communicate?
~How does music communicate to me and others in ways other disciplines cannot?
~Describe the emotional connection to the musical
experience / ~How can awareness of other disciplines help me to better understand music?
(Nouns) / ~Review & perform using dotted 8th & 16th note combinations
~Introduce the G Maj. & E m scales
~Review the D Maj. scales & tonic & dominant chords
~Review & sight sing using mixed meters.
~Introduce natural, harmonic & melodic minor scales / Students will explore the relationships between music, history
and culture
~Review C Major & F Maj. scales & the Tonic, Dominant & Subdominant chords.
~discuss simple meter & compound meter
~Review triple meters (6/8) / ~Introduce the Bb Major scale
~Perform using accents & syncopation
~Discuss which solfege syllables are used with the tonic, dominant & subdominant chords.
~Discuss Major scales & their relative minors / ~Introduce the G minor melodic , harmonic & natural minor scale & name the notes in the scale
~Introduce Triplets / ~discuss altered pitches
~discuss & perform syncopated 16th & 8th notes rhythms
~Review the C Major scale & the A Major scale
~Discuss modes & modal scales
(Verbs) / Students will read aloud from Experiencing Choral Music (Gr. 6-7)(purple) Chapter 7; also read aloud from Essential Sight Singing Vol. 1 (orange) chapter 8
~Identify dynamic markings and common expression markings / Students will read aloud from Experiencing Choral Music (Gr. 6-7)(purple) Chapter 8;
Learn & Perform one piece of music in another language other than English / Students will read aloud from Experiencing Choral Music (Gr. 6-7)(purple) Chapter 9; also read aloud from Essential Sight Singing Vol. 1 (orange) chapter 9 / Students will read aloud from Experiencing Choral Music (Gr. 6-7)(purple) Chapter 10 & 11; also read aloud from Essential Sight Singing Vol. 1 (orange) chapter 10 / Students will read aloud from Experiencing Choral Music (Gr. 6-7)(purple) Chapter 12 also read aloud from Essential Sight Singing Vol. 1 (orange) chapter 10
Assessment / ~Students will receive Vocabulary quizzes
~Students will receive a matching vocabulary test over the vocabulary words/definitions assigned to them for 3rd quarter. / Students will sight sing one of the exercises on page 46 in the Essential Sight Singing Vol. 1 (orange) for a grade using one of the computer stations set up in one of the practice rooms to take their sight singing tests. / ~Students will receive Vocabulary quizzes
~Students will receive a matching vocabulary test over the vocabulary words/definitions assigned to them for 4th quarter. / Perform 3 pieces of music (2 selected from the OMEA Required Choral list) and perform at the OMEA Large Group Adjudicated Event. / Students will sight sing one of the exercises on page 63 in the Essential Sight Singing Vol. 1 (orange) for a grade using one of the computer stations set up in one of the practice rooms to take their sight singing tests.