Standard Operating Procedures For Hot Work Permit
1.Train all effected staff on when it is necessary to obtain a Hot Work Permit. A Hot Work Permit is required for any temporary operation involving open flames or producing heat and/or sparks. This includes, but is not limited to: brazing, cutting, grinding, soldering, thawing pipe, torch applied roofing, and welding.
2.Hot work must be conducted in accordance with required precautions checklist on the right hand column of Hot Work Permit and comply with requirements in Chapter26 of the International Fire Code.
3.The engineer-in-charge or the assistant engineer-in-charge as the Fire Safety Supervisor will issue Hot Work Permit to trades personnel and contractors doing work in district owned buildings. The Environmental Health and Safety Division will provide training on duties of the Fire Safety Supervisor.
4.District trades staff or contractor shall sign in to the building and obtain a Hot Works Permit from engineer-in-charge or the assistant engineer-in-charge. The trades staff and contractor must acknowledge that obtaining a permit does require the building manager or principal=s signature as well so approvals may not be immediate.
5.District trades staff will conduct a fire watch for one half hour after completing hot work in district buildings. Building engineer will conduct fire watch for one half hour after contractors complete the hot work. When hot work is conducted in areas with vertical or horizontal fire exposures that are not observable by a single person, additional personnel shall be assigned to fire watch to ensure that all exposed areas are monitored.
EXCEPTION: No fire watch required when area has no fire hazards or combustible exposures as determined by the engineer-in-charge or the assistant engineer-in-charge of the building. In the event of an emergency and the engineer-in-charge or the assistant engineer-in-charge are not available, contact the respective Area Supervisor of Plant Operations for the exception. Call the DistrictCommunicationCenter at 612-668-0322 to obtain the telephone number for the site specific Area Supervisor.
6.The Environmental Health and Safety Division shall train affected trades staff, engineersincharge and the assistant engineersincharge on Chapter26, record keeping, precautions checklist, and operation of portable fire extinguishers.
7.If hot work is conducted in close proximity to sprinkler heads, noncombustible barriers or damp cloths shall be used to shield sprinkler heads and shall be removed when hot work is completed. Care shall be taken to properly ventilate the space and prevent the escape of fumes into occupied spaces. Further, smoke detectors in proximity to the hot work shall be covered with a plastic bag to keep them dust free and prevent their inadvertent alarm.
Environmental Health and Safety Division is responsible for keeping these standard operating procedures current.