Jenkins Elementary Classroom Supply List

Kindergarten 2015-2016

1 / 1/2 inch white binder / Teacher Wish List
2 / spiral notebooks – 1 red & 1 blue / For Classroom
1 / pack of #2 sharpened pencils / Hand Sanitizer
1 / pack of washable markers / Lysol Spray
1 / pack of crayons / Play Dough
1 / pack of expo markers (skinny or fat)
1 / pair of scissors
1 / towel – child to lay on in classroom
1 / roll of paper towels
3 / large glue sticks
Clorox Wipes
Kleenex/Tissues – several boxes
Ziploc bags – all sizes

Each student needs at least ONE change of clothes

1st Grade 2015-2016

1 / red spiral notebook / Teacher Wish List
1 / blue spiral notebook / For Classroom
1 / green prong pocket folders / Kleenex/Tissues
1 / purple prong pocket folder / Clorox Wipes
1 / pack of expo markers (skinny or fat) / Ziploc bags, any size
2 / marble composition notebooks / Paper Towels
12 / glue sticks (NO LIQUID GLUE) / Expo Markers
1 / pack of crayons / Sidewalk Chalk
1 / Pair Fiskar Scissors
1 / pencil box
washable markers – all colors

Personal Materials (Please label with your child’s name.)


2nd Grade 2015-2016

1 / pencil box / Teacher Wish List
1 / box of crayons (no more than 16 count) / For Classroom
2 / packs of notebook paper / Kleenex/Tissues
3 / SOLID colored spiral notebooks / Ziploc bags, any size
4 / Marble composition notebooks / Hand Sanitizer
6 / SOLID colored pocket folders with clasps / Clorox Wipes (any brand)
Paper Towels

NO names on items please

3rd Grade 2015-2016

1 / 1 inch – 3 ring binder / Teacher Wish List
1 / zippered pencil pouch / For Classroom
1 / box of colored pencils or twistable crayons / Kleenex/Tissues
2 / jumbo glue sticks (NO liquid glue) / Clorox Wipes
2 / composition books (marble notebooks) / Paper Towels
4 / packs of wide rule filler paper / Hand Sanitizer
4 / plastic pocket folders –green, yellow, purple, red / Children’s Pointed Scissors
Pencil Top Erasers

4th Grade 2015-2016

1 / zippered pencil pouch (no pencil boxes) / Teacher Wish List
1 / pack of colored pencils (optional) / For Classroom
1 / regular sized bottle of hand sanitizer / Clorox Wipes
1 / 1 inch – 3 ring binder with window, white / Expo Markers
1 / package of regular pencils, no mechanical pencils / Ziploc Bags, any size
2 / boxes of tissues, regular size / Kleenex/Tissues
2 / red ink pens, no gel pens / Yellow Highlighters for students
2 / marble composition books, no spiral notebooks
4 / packs of wide rule notebook paper
4 / plastic pocket folders – 1 each-red, green, blue, & orange
pencil cap erasers

5th Grade 2015-2016

1 / pencil box or pencil pouch / Teacher Wish List
1 / 3 ring binder- at least 1 inch wide / For Classroom
1 / box of crayons or box of colored pencils (optional) / Clorox/Lysol Wipes
1 / Sharpie (permanent marker for student labeling) / Lysol Spray
2 / ink pens – blue or red / Hand Sanitizer
4 / highlighters – any color / Fine Tip Expo Markers
8 / two-pocket – 3 pronged folders / Kleenex/Tissues
2 / extra-large book covers (Cloth or paper only—NO STICK-ON COVERS, PLEASE!)
3 / packs of wide-ruled notebook paper-This will be stored at the school for use by 5th grade students
12 / pencil cap erasers
10 / one subject spiral notebooks
(These are used for spelling, reading, writing, math, science, and social studies;
they should be brought to school at the beginning of the year and kept here to use
throughout the year to replace full notebooks.)
Plenty of Number 2 pencils or mechanical pencils(Students using mechanical
pencils must always have enough lead.)