za evropske projekte
OBJAVLJENI RAZPISIH2020-CS2-CPW02-2015-01 Clean sky 2 call for core partners
Več informacij: /Domača stran razpisa
Rok prijave: / 30.7.2015
/ Call topics:
- JTI-CS2-2015-CPW02-AIR-01-03: Development of airframe technologies aiming at improving aircraft life cycle environmental footprint
- JTI-CS2-2015-CPW02-AIR-02-05: Optimized Composite Structures for Small Aircraft
- JTI-CS2-2015-CPW02-AIR-02-06: Airframe on-ground structural and functional tests of advanced structures
- JTI-CS2-2015-CPW02-AIR-02-07: More affordable small aircraft manufacturing
- JTI-CS2-2015-CPW02-AIR-02-08: Cabin systems and Ergonomics, comfort & human perception improvements
- JTI-CS2-2015-CPW02-ENG-01-04: Intermediate Compressor Frame for Ultra High Propulsive Efficiency (UHPE) Demonstrator for Short / Medium Range aircraft
- JTI-CS2-2015-CPW02-ENG-01-05: Turbine Vane Frame for Ultra High Propulsive Efficiency (UHPE) Demonstrator for Short / Medium Range aircraft
- JTI-CS2-2015-CPW02-ENG-01-06: Business Aviation / Short Regional TP demonstrator - Advanced Power & Accessory Gear Box
- JTI-CS2-2015-CPW02-ENG-01-07: Business Aviation / Short Regional TP demonstrator - Advanced propeller & controls design & manufacturing and IPPS aero-acoustic performance assessment
- JTI-CS2-2015-CPW02-LPA-01-07: Power Gear Box (PGB) of the flight demonstrator Contra Rotative Open Rotor (CROR) engine
- JTI-CS2-2015-CPW02-LPA-03-01: Maturation, validation and integration with the airframers of cockpit functions and avionics technologies
- JTI-CS2-2015-CPW02-LPA-03-02: Reduced cockpit workload
- JTI-CS2-2015-CPW02-LPA-03-03: "Cockpit utility management system Integrated cabinet for business jet and large passenger aircraft cockpits "
- JTI-CS2-2015-CPW02-REG-01-03: Green and cost efficient Conceptual Aircraft Design including Innovative Turbo-Propeller Power-plant
- JTI-CS2-2015-CPW02-REG-02-02: Wing Integration Regional Demonstrator FTB#2
- JTI-CS2-2015-CPW02-SYS-02-02: Adaptive Environmental Control System
- JTI-CS2-2015-CPW02-SYS-03-02: "Affordable future avionic solution for small aircraft, enablers for single pilot operation "
Vrednost razpisa: / 91.500.000 EUR
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control - Support to healthcare-associated infections-net coordination and analysis of HAI-Net data
Več informacij: /Domača stran razpisa
Rok prijave: / 3.6.2015
/ The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control invites tenders for support to healthcare-associated infections-net coordination and analysis of HAI-net data. The tenderer will provide support to the coordination team of HAI-net in terms of data analysis, writing of manuscripts or technical reports, scientific editing of HAI-net outputs, support to HAI-net meetings, external validation visits and technical support visits to EU and EEA Member states.
Legal and natural persons based in EU member states, EEA and SAA countries may submit bids.
Vrednost razpisa: / 470.000 EUR
DG for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion - Improving expertise in the field of industrial relations
Več informacij: /Domača stran razpisa
Rok prijave: / 30.6.2015
/ The Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion invites proposals for improving expertise in the field of industrial relations. Funding is available for projects that aim to support industrial relations, in particular those designed to develop expertise and the exchange of EU-relevant information, as well as actions to improve knowledge on industrial relations institutions and practices across the EU and dissemination of results.
Industrial relations analysis that contributes to the priorities and activities of European social dialogue, including those that form part of the European Commission's commitment to relaunch and strengthen social dialogue, will be welcome. In that context, particular emphasis is put on strengthening the involvement of social partners in the European Semester, enhancing their contribution to EU policy making, and on promoting industrial relations capacity building for social partners at national level.
Applications are invited from properly constituted and registered legal persons. The lead applicant must be based in an EU member state and co-applicants must be registered in EU member states or candidate countries. Applicants must fall within one of the following categories: social partners; non-profit-making organisations linked to industrial relations, including universities and research institutes; public authorities; international organisations active in the fields of social dialogue or industrial relations. Projects must be carried out in an EU member state or candidate country and include partners from more than one member state or candidate country if they are not submitted by a European level or international organisation.
Vrednost razpisa: / 4.000.000 EUR
EaSI-PROGRESS: Mobility for Professionals
Več informacij: /Domača stran razpisa
Rok prijave: / 26.6.2015
/ The general objective of the call is to test whether there is a need for a scheme for mobility for professionals with companies, in particular for SMEs and associations representing enterprises at European level. As part of the process of setting up and testing such a scheme, an analysis of the needs and feasibility to create it can be financed under this call. Consequently, the call aims to achieve the following operational objectives:
1) To examine the state of play and the need for action at European level and the situation of SMEs, in particular to assess the demand for EU action and to identify the obstacles faced by companies, in particular SMEs, based on the compilation of information on existing similar or complementary schemes atnational and European level, a survey carried among SMEs, workshops with employers, and consultations and market research among European organisations representing enterprises;
2) To design, test and evaluate a pilot scheme supporting short term cross-border secondments for employees, in particular from small and medium companies taking into account the results of the survey and workshops with employers, the existing studies and the initiatives in place and the evaluation of the pilot scheme
3) To explore possible options for a future EU intervention in this area, possible benefits and obstacles, taking into account the results of the results of the analysis and of the pilot action
Vrednost razpisa: / 2.000.000 EUR
Call for proposals: Supporting competitive and sustainable growth in the tourism sector
Več informacij: / Domača stran razpisaRok prijave: / 30.6.2015
Opis: / The main aim of this call is to strengthen the competitiveness and sustainability of the European tourism sector by encouraging the extension of the tourism season, by diversifying the EU tourism product and by enhancing its accessibility. Given these varied targets, this year's call is divided in three themes:
1. Increasing tourism flows in low/medium seasons for seniors and youth target groups
2. Diversifying the EU tourism offer and products - Promoting transnational thematic tourism products
3. Enhancing tourism accessibility – improving facilities and services for tourists with special access needs
The consortium must gather at least:
- Two SMEs – Small and Medium Sized enterprises - acting in the tourism sector
- A national or regional or local public governmental authority and
- An association, a federation or an organisation
- Active in the fields of youths or seniors (only for THEME 1)
- Active in any of the following fields: sport, wellness, natural heritage, cultural heritage or industrial heritage (only for THEME 2)
- Active in the field of accessible tourism or representing people with special needs (only for THEME 3)
Vrednost razpisa: / The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of projects is estimated at:
- EUR 1 700 000 for THEME 1 “Increasing tourism flows in low/medium seasons -for seniors and youth target groups”, divided as follows:
- EUR 1 000 000 earmarked for the co-financing of projects targeting seniors;
- EUR 700 000 earmarked for the co-financing of projects submitted targeting youths;
- EUR 1 700 000 for THEME 2 “Diversifying the EU tourism offer and products – Promoting transnational thematic tourism products”; and
- EUR 900 000 for THEME 3 “Enhancing tourism accessibility - improving facilities and services for tourists with special access needs".
EASME expects to fund approximately 8 project proposals for each THEME.
The grant is limited to a maximum reimbursement rate of 75% of eligible costs.
Prejšnji teden smo se sodelavci SBRA v Bruslju udeležili delavnice za izmenjavo projektnih idej INTERREG EUROPE. Predstavljenih je bilo 21 projektov, kjer koordinatorji iščejo partnerje. Projektne ponudbe so dostopne na spletni strani SBRA
Dogodek za izmenjavo projektnih idej Obzorje 2020, razpisi na temo co-creation, growth and inclusion
Predstavniki Univerze Wolverhampton bodo 15. junija v Bruslju predstavili svoje konkretne projektne ponudbe za bodoče razpise Obzorje 2020 2016-2017 na temo co-creation, growth and inclusion, ki je del delovnega programa SC6 Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies. Co-creation daje končnega uporabnika oz. potrošnika v center proizvodnega procesa in so-ustvarjačne verige, zato bodo projektne ponudbepredstavljene v kontekstu (i) namenskih inovacij, (ii) vključevanje končnih uporabnikov in (iii) interdisciplinarno sodelovanje.
Konkretno so zainteresirani za naslednje razpise, vendar so odprti tudi za predloge iz drugih področij:
- User-driven innovation: value creation through design-enabled innovation
- Piloting demand-side measures fostering optimal knowledge circulation in Europe
- Towards a new growth strategy in Europe - Better economic and social measurement
- Collaborative, innovative and cultural practices for dynamic urban futures
- Responsible Research and Innovation (specifically gender related)
- Virtual Museums and Social Platform on European digital heritage, memory, identity and cultural interaction
- Intra-EU mobility and its consequences for social and economic system
- Anti-corruption, fraud and cybercrime
Želijo povabiti raziskovalce, podjetja in predstavnike lokalnih skupnosti, ki bi jih zanimalo sodelovanje v partnerskih konzorcijih na zgoraj omenjenih razpisih, še posebej s področja ekonomije, ICT, tehnologije, zdravja in družbenih ved.
Dogodek bo potekal 15. junija 2015 od 13.00 do 18.00, sledil bo networking costail.
V prilogi pošiljamo osnutek delovnega programa za Obzorje 2020 - SC6 Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies, kjer so posamezne razpisane teme podrobneje opisane.
MSCA IF štipendije za izkušene raziskovalce
Objavljamo ponudbe institucij (večinoma univerz), ki so se odločile, da bodo podprle tuje raziskovalce, ki se želijo za 12-24 ali 24-36 mesecev pri njih zaposliti prek sheme MSCA IF. Shema je namenjena izkušenim podoktorantom oz. doktorskim raziskovalcem z najmanj štiriletnimi enakovrednimi raziskovalnimi izkušnjami (ER – Experienced Researcher), ki bi želeli razvijati svoje znanje v evropskem prostoru in napredovati v svoji raziskovalni karieri.
Ponudbe institucij, ki ponujajo pomoč pri pripravi skupnih projektov (raziskovalec-mentor) v okviru sheme MSCA IF so:
- Potential Marie Skłodowska-Curie supervisors in Germany (ponudbe različnih univerz v Nemčiji)
- Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italija (rok za najavo interesa je 15. junij 2015)
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Španija (podatka o roku najave interesa nismo našli)
- Universitat de Vic, Španija (rok za najavo interesa je 15. junij 2015)
- University of Helsinki, Finska (rok za najavo interesa je 15. maj 2015)
- Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES), Španija (podatka o roku najave interesa nismo našli)
- The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), Grčija (rok za najavo interesa je 12. junij 2015)
- Cooperative Research Centre energiGUNE, Španija (rok za najavo interesa je 30. april 2015)
- Charles University, Češka (podatka o roku najave interesa nismo našli)
- University of Macerata, Italija(rok za najavo interesa je 1.7.2015)
Albert Torres:
Dear all,
From LEITAT we are participating a proposal under the Call topic Horizon 2020 – Call LCE 11– 2015: Developing next generation technologies for biofuels and sustainable alternative fuels . That Call is two stage phase and after passing successfully the 1st Stage, we are addressing the second Stage and it has deadline on 5thof May.
The consortium needs a non - Spanish partner that could match with the following description and roles:
1- SME or Industrial Partner focused in the biofuel (butanol...
Za več informacij se obrnite na
A researcher and member of EURAXESS Links India (Dr.Hareesh K.S., Manipal University) is looking for research interactions with Europe in the following domains:
- Bioinformatics: We are trying to design a soft computing prediction model to identify protein – ligand binding sites and map with the drug for some of the diseases.
- 3D reconstruction of spine to assist for scoliosis disease diagnosis
- Design of soft computing model for Cervical cancer disease classification
- Understand and realize Cloud Breaching using machine learning and provide solutions.
Anyone interested to reply to this call should directly contact Dr. Hareesh K.S (his CV attached):
Dr.Hareesh K.S.
HoD, Department of Computer Applications,
Manipal Institute of Technology,
Manipal University,
Za CV se obrnite na
Osnutki delovnih programov Obzorje 2020 za leti 2016-2017
SBRA je pridobil večino osnutkov delovnih programov za Obzorje 2020 za leti 2016-2017, in sicer naslednje teme:
- Innovation in SMEs
- Risk Finance
- European research infrastructures
- LEIT Space
- LEIT Nanotechnologies, Advanced materials, Biotechnology, Advanced Manufacturing
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
- Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies
- Secure societies
- Personalised Medicine
- Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy
- Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency, Raw Materials
- Transport
Delovne programe smo vam že poslali po elektronski pošti, če jih slučajno niste prejeli in bi želeli, da vam jih ponovno pošljemo, nam prosim sporočite, kateri programi bi vas zanimali. Osnutki so prav tako objavljeni na intranetni strani UL.
Že junija bodo organizirani prvi informativni dnevi za predstavitev razpisov za 2016-2017, ki bodo povezani s predstavitvami in izmenjavami projektnih idej. Zato vas prosimo, da nam svoje projektne ideje in interes za sodelovanje v projektnih konzorcijih čim prej pošljete. V kolikor imate konkretno projektni idejo, prosim izpolnite Obrazec za predstavitev projektnih idej, v kolikor pa bi se želeli promovirati kot potencialni partner, pa prosim izpolnite obrazec Partnerski profil.
Research Professional
Univerza v Ljubljani je kupila enoletno naročnino za Research Professional, informacijsko platformo, ki se ponaša z največjo bazo odprtih razpisov na svetu. V bazo je vključenih več kot 12.000 financerjev, ki dnevno objavijo več kot 350 razpisov za raziskovanje, razvoj, izobraževanje, raziskovalne infrastrukture, potne stroške, nagrade in druge z raziskovanjem povezane možnosti. Vsi raziskovalci, študentje in ostali zaposleni Univerze v Ljubljani imate brezplačno možnost uporabe omenjene platforme, preko katere si lahko nastavite svoje iskalne kriterije (znanstveno področje, tip dotacije, vir financiranja, rok prijave, višina financiranja itd.) ter iskalno nastavitev shranite. Tako lahko shranite neomejeno število iskanj in si nastavite možnost »ALERT«, s katero boste vsak petek prejemali tedensko svež elektronski izbor razpisov, ki ustrezajo vašim vnaprej nastavljenim iskalnim preferencam.
Postopek registracije
Spletna stran:
Uporabnik se lahko registrira na naročniško verzijo programa samo iz računalnikov, ki so znotraj univerzitetnega omrežja. Preko gumba »REGISTER« (desno zgoraj) si izberete uporabniško ime in geslo. Če želite uporabljati program izven univerzitetnega računalniškega omrežja, morate biti registrirani, saj se vam pojavi samo možnost »SIGN IN«, ne pa »REGISTER«.
Za dodatna vprašanja smo vam na voljo:
Tjaša Nabergoj, 01 2414 666
Aktualne novice s področja evropskih skladov
Obveščamo vas, da je na voljo:
1.Odprti poziv deležnikom za opredelitev perspektivnih tehnoloških področij in produktnih smeri Strategije pametne specializacije. Več informacij na:
2.Izdelava predhodnih ocen za izvajanje finančnih instrumentov 2014-2020 - vprašalnik. Več informacij na:
OBZORJE2020: Javno posvetovanje o usmeritvah R&I na področju kibernetsko-fizičnih sistemov
Na spletni strani je odprto javno posvetovanje o prihodnjih raziskovalno inovacijskih prioritetah na področju kibernetsko-fizičnih sistemov. Končni dokument bo podlaga za politike EU na tem področju.
Horizon Prize on Materials for Clean Air
On 16 April 2015, the European Commission has launched the Horizon Prize on Materials for Clean Air.
It is a €3 million challenge prize that will be awarded to the person or team that develops at least a working prototype in operational environment of an innovative design-driven material solution to reduce air pollution in cities.
The objective is to stop the adverse effects of particulate matter on human health, climate change and ecosystems. The material solution can be made of any chemical substance (e.g. plastic, concrete, asphalt...).
The prize leaves applicants total freedom to come up with the most promising and effective solution, be it from an established scientist in the field or from an innovative newcomer. The award criteria just require the test to be affordable, sustainable, innovative and well-designed.
Since this is a major challenge, the period to develop a material solution will require a great deal of work and efforts. This is why the contestants will have 3 years to develop and test their working prototype. Contestants will be able to submit their application from 26 January 2017 to 23 January 2018, and the winner of the prize will be known in 2018. Contestants can already start preparing the application now. The proposal template is published on the call page on the Participant Portal.
Find out more about the Materials for Clean Air Prize on the website and via Twitter with the hashtag #HorizonPrize.
For questions, contact .
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Transatlantic postdoctoral fellowship for international relations and security
Več informacij: / Domača stran razpisaRok prijave: / 10.7.2015
/ The Transatlantic Post-Doc Fellowship for International Relations and Security (TAPIR) is open to candidates who have recently received their doctorate in social and political sciences or economics and whose research focuses on topics of international relations and/or international peace and security issues. Fellowships are granted for a duration of 24 months to prepare fellows for a career in policy-oriented and international research at renowned think tanks and political consulting research institutes. Fellows spend three eight-month stays at research institutions or think tanks participating in the program - at least one on the Eastern, and one on the Western side of the Atlantic
The fellowship consists:
- a monthly stipend of Euro 1.800,00
- a monthly allowance for health insurance of Euro 200,00 and
- a one-time travel allowance of Euro 3.500,00 for travel to and from the host institutions.
Štirje slovenski partnerji uspešni na pozivu Open days 2015
Slovenski partnerji bodo na letošnjih Open days for cities and regions, ki bodo potekali od 12. do 15. Oktobra 2015, sodelovali v štirik regionalnih partnerstvih. Slovensko gospodarsko in raziskovalno združenje zastopa tri svoje člane:
- Mestna občina Ljubljana sodeluje v regionalnem partnerstvu Attention! Eco-Connected Regions, kjer sodelujejo še Eskisehir Metropolitan Municipality (TR), Province of Gelderland (NL), , Lubelskie (PL), Picardie (FR), Pomorskie (PL), Varaždin County (HR). 13.10. bodo partnerji organizirali delavnico z naslovom “Drive me green! Partnership for Sustainable Mobility”.
- Univerza v Ljubljani sodeluje v regionalnem partnerstvu Regions 4 Innovation, kjer sodelujejo še Alentejo (PT), Algarve (PT), Andalusia (ES), Extremadura (ES), Lodzkie Region (PL), Osijek-Baranja County (HR), South Moravian region (CZ), Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (RS), Vysočina Region (CZ), West Wales (UK). Regionalni konzorcij bo 13.10. organiziral delavnico “Responsible Research and Innovation as a part of Regional Innovation Eco-systems”.
- Mestna občina Ptuj sodeluje v regionalnem partnerstvu Regions in the entrepreneurial discovery process, skupaj z Centre - Val de Loire Region (FR), Észak-Alföld (HU), Helsinki-Uusimaa Region (FI), Mazovia (PL), Region of Murcia (ES), Saxony-Anhalt (DE), Region of Valencia (ES). Partnerstvo bo razpravljalo o vključevanju regionalnih akterjev na delavnici “How the entrepreneurial discovery process contributes to growth and employment.”
Na Open days bo sodelovalo tudi ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve, in sicer v regionalnem partnerstvu Adriatic-Ionian macroregion.