Name: ______1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Number / Example / Temp / Color / Absolute Magnitude / Light Years away
1 / Naos / 30,000 K / Blue / - 6 / 1399.83
2 / Rigel / 25,000 K / Blue / -8.1 / 900
3 / Spica / 20,000 K / Blue / - 4 / 262.20
4 / Vega / 10,000 K / Blue / +0.6 / 25.31
5 / Sirius / 12,000 K / Blue / +1.4 / 8.58
6 / Canopus / 7,000 K / Blue to White / -2.5 / 313
7 / Procyon / 6,000 K / Blue to White / + 2 / 11.40
8 / Sun / 6,000 K / White to Yellow / +4.8
9 / Capella / 5,000 K / White to Yellow / +0.4 / 43
10 / Arcturus / 3,500 K / Orange to Red / +0.2 / 36.69
11 / Betelgeuse / 3,500 K / Red / -7.2 / 427.47
12 / Antares / 3,500 K / Red / -5.2. / 604.02
13 / Alpha Centauri / 2700 K / Red / +14 (15.5) / 4.22

Plot the above star’s NAMES on the HR diagram located on the back of the page.

1)  Which of the above is farthest from the Earth? ______

2)  Red stars tend to be______

3)  Stars in the top half of the graph tend to be ______

4)  Stars on the left side of the graph tend to be ______

5)  Which star is closest to Earth (other than the sun) ______

6)  Name the star that if it was viewing Earth today would be watching you walk into a kindergarten or 1st grade.______

7)  Which is the brightest star on the chart? ______

8)  Which is the dimmest star on the chart? ______

9)  Which is probably a red giant? ______

10) Blue stars tend to be ______.