Harborside PTSO Minutes
November 5, 2013
Attendees: Nicole Cramer, Judy Reuter, Liz Carlson, Karyn Johnson, Mark Stevens, Elizabeth Stevens, Peter Stevens, Pam Therrien, Angela Huang, Shari Pullen, Ben Jerry, Dana Adamezyk, Becky Lince, Jane Spaude, Georgette Ball, Carrie Greskoviak, Lisa Winter, William Haithcock.
/ Discussion / Recommendations/Conclusions / Action/
Follow-up /
Call to order 6:37
Approval of Minutes / Call to order by Carrie Greskoviak. Liz Carlson moved to approve minutes from January meeting. 2nd by Mark Stevens.
Treasurer’s Report / Motion to approve treasurer’s report by Shari Pullen. Angela Huang 2nd. Please see treasurer’s report on the Harborside website for PTSO. /
Principal’s Report / *sharing list of school clubs
*WKCE will take place next week
*there are online resources if you are having trouble with homework. Letters will be going out to families soon.
*Mr. H shared that a senior at Harborside was working on a senior project to China concerning Urban Gardens, which fell through. She is now looking into a trip to Rwanda. Discussion on whether we could use some of the general ELOB funds for student senior trips. Discussion on the appropriateness of using funds for senior trips. Shari Pullen made a motion that a student will be granted funds from the General ELOB matching the students fundraising efforts with the provision that said student develop a grant process for future students to apply for general ELOB for student projects, presented and approved by PTSO committee by the end of students senior year. Becky Lince 2nd. All in favor. /
Topic of the Month / Harborside Foundation: Shari Pullen explained that the foundation was established the first year of school. The dream was to raise $100,000 in hopes of creating an endowment for scholarships for students seeking post-secondary education. The Bowl-a-thon and Golf Outing are the two fundraisers for the foundation. Last year we raised $21,000. John Henningfield is running the Bowl-a-thon in February. The foundation is looking for volunteers to help with both. /
Fundraising Updates / *Poinsettia sale: the numbers are down, but you can still turn in orders. Cemetary wreathes are available for $30. We will add them to the list next year.
*Pancake breakfast: Patricia is in charge.
*Clothes Drive: we got a check for $318.00
*Pies: orders still coming in. Due November 12th. November 14th pick up.
*Market Day: $56.70 profit last month
*Sponsorzone: monies will go to ELOB accounts
*Bowl-a-thon: school, not foundation. Students get pledges, monies to student ELOB accounts. We need a date, March? And someone to chair? High school is seeming to lose interest. Possibly do middle and high school same day. One bus, PTSO pays for it. /
Teacher appreciation / October goody bag during parent teacher conferences. Next: November 15 which is snacks during teacher workday/training. /
Middle School Socials / Need a chair to organize in the future. This Thursday’s social, SADD group is organizing. Prom committee is organizing the Valentine’s Day social, which is a fundraiser for prom. /
New Business / Nothing to discuss /
Old Business / *Middle school scholarships. Principals and teachers decide on scholarship recipients. $50 scholarships which go into the student’s ELOB account. PTSO will consider paying for scholarships.
*In 2012, the process was started to get 501c3 status for the PTSO. It was finished at the state level, but not the federal level. Angie Edwards sister, who is an accountant, is going to complete it for us. There will be an $800 IRS fee. 501c3 gives us exemption from income tax and sales tax. Donations can be claimed on taxes with a 501c3. /
Adjournment / Lisa Winter won the raffle. Mark Stevens moved to adjourn at 8:00, Becky Lince 2nd. /