The PWSA will post all Sanctioned Tournaments on the PWSA email blast, as well as on the PWSA website.
Sanctioning may be granted to tournaments operated by affiliated teams or leagues with affiliated teams, Service Clubs, Umpire Associations, or similar Organizations fostering girls’ softball who agree to abide by the Association playing rules and By-Laws. Sanctioning SHALL NOT BE GIVEN to unaffiliated teams or individuals for personal monetary gains, nor when there is a conflict with the Association event dates for the requested Division.
A PWSA affiliated team that has entered an Ontario tournament that has not been sanctioned by the PWSA, will not have insurance coverage at that event.
If you are charging a gate fee at your tournament, this must be listed under Details on the Sanctioned Tournament Posting Form.
When you send in your tournament information, please use the Sanctioned Tournament Posting Form as this makes it easier for us to post the information. The fee to sanction tournaments for the 2018 season will be $40.00 for as many tournaments as your association or team sanctions. Please email the tournament posting form, your tournament rules and an email/letter from your local UIC confirming that they will be able to staff the tournamentand will be using Softball Ontario Registered Umpires, to and make your cheque payable to “PWSA” and mail to:
c/o P. O. Box 131
Port Colborne, ON
L3K 5V8
Please submit your tournament rules with your Sanctioned Tournament Posting Form. These rules will be posted to the PWSA website under the appropriate divisions.
***Your tournament will not be advertised on the above-mentioned sites until full payment is received. No exceptions. Once payment has been received, your tournament will be posted.
When you sanction your tournament with PWSA, an Accident Report Form, Team Information Form and Sanctioned Tournament Convenor/Witness Incident Report will be submitted to you.
Please note: We ask that once your tournament is finished, please send an email to with the results of all medal winners. You are no longer required to fill out a completed Sanctioned Tournament Results form. Any Accident Report forms and/or Sanctioned Tournament Convenor/Witness Incident Report forms are to be filled out and sent to as soon as your tournament is finished. The original copies are to be mailed to:
c/o P. O. Box 131
Port Colborne, ON
L3K 5V8
All PWSA teams participating in a sanctioned tournament must be affiliated with the PWSA prior to the start date of their first sanctioned tournament and submit the PWSA Sanctioned Tournament Roster to the tournament host. (This is not the PWSA team certificate)
For more information on affiliating, please contact the PWSA Registrar–Dorrie Jones, 3746 Highland Drive, P. O. Box 237, Ridgeway, ON L0S 1N0 Email: **Affiliated means affiliation form and fees have been received by the PWSA Registrar.
Please be sure to remind teams of this when they register for your tournament.
NOTE - VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The insurance company who holds the policy for sports activities is getting very strict on their policies. It is of utmost importance that you have a supply of Accident Report Forms at each and every tournament in the event of an accident. Please fill out a form for each accident or injury and email to Please send original in mail to:
PWSA, c/oP. O. Box 131, Port Colborne, ON L3K 5V8. All accident report forms must be filed immediately with PWSA.
Once you have sanctioned your tournament with the PWSA, a Convenor/Witness Report form will be sent to you. This form is to be completed in the event of a flagrant offence. These reports are to be sent within 48 hours by email to and originals to be mailed to PWSA c/o P. O. Box 131, Port Colborne, ON L3K 5V8.
Convenor/Witness Incident Report should be filled out if any action goes against our code of conduct, if a player is ejected from a game or a fight breaks out among teams.
Example: A Witness Incident Report should be filled out if a fight breaks out between two or more individuals, a parent or coach is asked to leave the facility, or an incident arises in the spectator area.
- If a team withdraws seven days or less prior to the start date of a sanctioned tournament, the tournament organization is entitled to keep any deposits or registration fees. (Fees are paid in advance to secure a team‘s position).
- If a team withdraws from a tournament because PWSA has removed sanctioning status, due to non-compliance of sanctioning rules, the tournament organizer must return all deposits and/or registration fees to the withdrawing team.
**NOTE** Teams that fail to appear will be subject to the following: the tournament organization is entitled to keep any deposits or registration fees. (Fees are paid in advance to secure a team‘s position).
All member clubs applying to host a sanctioned tournament must have their local UIC confirm they can handle the tournamentand will be using all Softball Ontario Registered Umpires. This confirmation can be sent to PWSA via email to
NOTE: Due to insurance liability, please ensure that your Officials are ALL insured through Softball Ontario.
Out of Province Teams/Houseleague Teams must provide proof of insurance to the tournament host club.
The Host application should identify Tier I or Tier II and/or the Division. It should also indicate if teams will be allowed to play up a Division.
- Tournament draw formats must be specified by the host club in their application.
- Final draws are to be submitted to PWSA prior to the tournament. These draws will be posted on the PWSA website under the appropriate division for sanctioned tournaments.
Tournaments will not be approved for sanctioning by PWSA under the following conditions:
- The PWSA Provincial Championships or Qualifiers are being held in the same region, on the same weekend, as the requested tournament.
- The PWSA Provincial Championships or Qualifiers are being held for the same age category on the same weekend, as the requested tournament.
- There is a PWSA special event for a specific age group – example Skills Clinic.
We recommend that all Sanctioned Tournament games be governed by Softball Canada Rules with ALL PWSA modifications.
All Tournament Rules must be submitted with your Tournament Sanctioning application and fee.
NOTE: It is of utmost importance that you send in the results of your medal winners for each division at the completion of each of your tournaments. This is to be submitted within five days after the tournament has been completed.
Failure to submit a written report or failure to follow tournament guidelines will result in future sanctioning of tournaments by the offending team/league/organization being withheld for a period of two years.
NOTE: If you have a team who has borrowed a player from another team, the team must obtain a Letter of Permission from the team that the player is registered with. If they do not have this Letter of Permission, they will not be covered by insurance. A copy of this Letter of Permission must also be sent to
The Letter of Permission is very important and we suggest that this point be added to your Tournament Rules.
For additional information or clarification, please email us at
(RevisedNovember, 2017)