Wisconsin Adolescent High School Health and Wellness Proposal
A Skilled-based Program – Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior
Program Development and Implementation Plan
September 29, 2008
Submitted by Children’s Health Education Center – BlueKids.org
Bridget Clementi, Executive Director
Richard O. Schafer, PhD e-Learning Consultant
The following proposal has been developed by the Children’s Health Education Center of Wisconsin to support Wisconsin School Districts in their effort to continue to provide the very best possible health education program through the implementation of the National Health Educations Standards – Achieving Excellence in Health Education Standards 1 - 8. At the completion of the grant and program implementation, this program will be available for nationwide distribution.
The Children’s Health Education Center, in full alignment with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Guidelines submits this proposal in full compliance with the research based initiatives as directed by DPI in alignment with State and National Standards. The purpose of the proposal is to seek a grant in the amount of $750,000 for the design, development and implementation of a series of BlueKids.org Programs consisting of eight free-standing modules for high school student’s grades 9 – 12. These programs will be provided free to all high schools in Wisconsin for 3 years. This program is in compliance with the Federal Title IV Part A of the No Child Left behind Act of 2001 which states:
Safe and Drug-Free Schools in the Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Safe and drug-free school environments are essential elements for student success. So critical are they that one of the six ESEA performance goals that states are required to adopt is: All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning.
The reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education Act, also known as the "No Child Left Behind" act, includes the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities program as Title IV-Part A. The purpose of this part is to support programs that prevent violence in and around schools, prevent the illegal use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs, and are coordinated with other efforts in order to support student academic achievement. The last line of this purpose statement is critical. Numerous studies have shown that students who do not feel safe and students who are not free of the effects of drugs and alcohol cannot achieve their full academic potential. The Department of Public Instruction agrees that safe and drug-free environments are essential for optimal learning, and these funds are essential for supporting effective efforts to reduce barriers to student achievement and success. School districts are encouraged to use these funds to continue this important support for drug and violence prevention programs.
BlueKids Online Program Descriptions Grades 9 - 12
The Children’s Health Education Center’s, BlueKids.Org Program is an online, game-base curriculum that is a fun, interactive, standards driven e-learning program for 9th through 12th grade students that fulfill state and national health educational requirements. The program consists of a Pre and Post test, interactive learning activities and games, and a core curriculum. It is designed to be used as a complete solution to your health education curriculum needs, or can be used as a modular specific program or as a supplement to your current curriculum.
The program was designed to tie into to all aspects of your classroom curricula, including communication, reading, mathematics, and science, and encourages students to exercise critical thinking and decision making.
The Curriculum is organized in a lesson plan format, which includes:
• Activity/Lesson Overview
• Learning Objectives
• Procedures
• Connections to State Standards and Core Concepts
Modules will include:
• Technical applications and information
• Alternative learning methods
• Health and wellness content
• Decision making skills
• Games
• Assessments
• Service Learning
Additional information is provided in the Appendices of the teachers guide and contains:
• A. Game and activity instructions
• B. Transcripts
• C. Technical Information
The program was designed to tie into to all aspects of your classroom curricula, including communication, reading, mathematics, and science, and encourages students to exercise critical thinking and decision making. The program will employ interactive techniques, such as peer discussion groups, and parent role playing that allow for active involvement in learning about drug abuse and reinforcing skills.
National Health Education Standards: Achieving Excellence HEALTH EDUCATION
STANDARD 1 – Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
The acquisition of basic health concepts and functional health knowledge provides a foundation for promoting health-enhancing behaviors among youth. This standard includes essential concepts that are based on established health behavior theories and models. Concepts that focus on both health promotion and risk reduction are included in the performance indicators.
STANDARD 2 – Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology and other factors on health behaviors.
Health is affected by a variety of positive and negative influences within society. This standard focuses on identifying and understanding the diverse internal and external factors that influence health practices and behaviors among youth including personal values, beliefs and perceived norms.
STANDARD 3 – Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information and products and services to enhance health.
Accessing valid health information and health-promoting products and services is critical in the prevention, early detection, and treatment of health problems. This standard focuses on how to identify and access valid health resources and to reject unproven sources. Application of the skills of analysis, comparison and evaluation of health resources empowers students to achieve health literacy.
STANDARD 4 – Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
Effective communication enhances personal, family, and community health. This standard focuses on how responsible individuals use verbal and non-verbal skills to develop and maintain healthy personal relationships. The ability to organize and to convey information and feelings is the basis for strengthening interpersonal interactions and reducing or avoiding conflict.
STANDARD 5 – Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.
Decision-making skills are needed in order to Identify, implement and sustain health-enhancing behaviors. This standard includes the essential steps that are needed to make healthy decisions as prescribed in the performance indicators. When applied to health issues, the decision-making process enables individuals to collaborate with others to improve quality of life.
STANDARD 6 – Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.
Goal-setting skills are essential to help students Identify, adopt and maintain healthy behaviors. This standard includes the critical steps needed to achieve both short-term and long-term health goals. These skills make it possible for individuals to have aspirations and plans for the future.
STANDARD 7 – Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.
Research confirms that the practice of health enhancing behaviors can contribute to a positive quality of life. In addition, many diseases and injuries can be prevented by reducing harmful and risk taking behaviors. This standard promotes the acceptance of personal responsibility for health and encourages the practice of healthy behaviors.
STANDARD 8 – Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family and community health.
Advocacy skills help students promote healthy norms and healthy behaviors. This standard helps students develop important skills to target their health enhancing messages and to encourage others to adopt healthy behaviors.
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s standards were adapted from and directly reflect the National standards:
A: Disease Prevention & Health Promotion
B: Health Behavior
C: Goal Setting & Decision Making
D: Accessing Accurate Information
E: Impact of Culture & Media
F: Communication Skills
G: Advocacy
Learner Objectives for grades 9 – 12 are in development based on the above principles
A. Violence Prevention
B. Nutrition
C. Fitness
D. Relationships
E. Media and advertising
F. Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Prevention
G. Environmental influences
H. Injury prevention and health care
I. Public health and resources
J. Communication and interpersonal skills
K. Decision making and collaboration skills
L. Health planning and evaluative skills
M. Advocacy and support behaviors
N. Obesity
O. Self Esteem
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has defined a set of technology standards that students are introduced to in kindergarten, reinforce through the years, and master by the time they complete grade 12. Because of the nature of this program, the curriculum provides an opportunity for students to meet all technology standards.
1: Basic Operations & Concepts
Students will demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems, and be proficient in the use of technology.
2: Social, Ethical, & Human Issues
Students will understand the ethical, cultural, and societal issues related to technology, and will practice responsible use of technology systems, information, and software. Students will develop positive an attitude toward technology uses that
support lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity.
3: Technology Productivity Tools
Students will use technology tools to enhance learning,
increase productivity, and promote creativity. Students will use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, prepare publications, and produce their work.
4: Technology Communication Tools
Students will use telecommunications to collaborate, publish, and interact with peers, experts, and other audiences, and will use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.
5: Technology Research Tools
Students will use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources, and to process data and report results. Students will evaluate and select new information resources and technological innovations based on the appropriateness for specific tasks.
6: Technology Research Tools
Students will use technology resources for solving problems and making informed decisions. Students will employ technology in the development of strategies for solving problems in the real world.
A: Media & Technology
Use technology to communicate information, solve problems, and construct new knowledge.
B: Information & Inquiry
Access, evaluate and apply information to meet personal and academic needs.
C: Independent Learning
Apply information and technology skills to issues of personal and academic interest.
D: The Learning Community
Work collaboratively in groups, respect and recognize intellectual property rights and information freedom.
The Children’s Health Education Center BlueKids e-learning consultants will provide in-service/staff training for all staff using the program and other interested parties at no charge to the school district for three years.
The Children’s Health Education Center and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction is seeking grants to defray the cost of designing, developing and implementing this Health Program throughout the state of Wisconsin at no charge to schools for 3 years. The chart below provides an overview of the cost components.
Year 1 /Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Total
Research, Design, Development / $150,000 / 100 school districts / 250 school districts / 400 school districts / $150,000
Implementation and Training of school personnel / $75,000 / $75,000 / $75,000 / $225,000
Hosting, Tech Support / $25,000 / $35,000 / $45,000 / $105,000
Materials Production / $10,000 / $15,000 / $20,000 / $45,000
Marketing / $25,000 / $25,000 / $15,000 / $10,000 / $75,000
Evaluation & Reporting / $25,000 / $25,000 / $25,000 / $75,000
Program Improvement / $25,000 / $25,000 / $25,000 / $75,000
Total / $175,000 / $185,000 / $190,000 / $200,000 / $750,00
Proposal Includes:
- Hosting by an agent of The Children’s Health Education Center
- Unlimited program access via the WWW.
- Free, unlimited teacher access.
- Tracking of pre- and post-test scores viewable online through the secure learning management system.
- One hard copy of the comprehensive teacher’s guide/teacher
- Support materials and resources.
- Teacher training provided by BlueKids e-learning consultants
- Service Learning applications