Newsletter No 9
23rd February 2018
Dear Parents/Guardians
School Visit to Whipsnade Zoo for Reception, Yr 1,2 and Pre-school
The trip will be on Thursday 24th May. Please can parents advise us if they have an annual pass for Whipsnade Zoo in which case your child will not be charged admission. The pass will need to be presented on entrance to the zoo on the day of the visit. Please fill in the reply slip and return this to school indicating if you have an annual pass. A more detailed letter will be sent out nearer the time. We can then take this into consideration when finalizing costs.
World Book Day – Thursday 1st March
As mentioned in Newsletter No 6 Mrs Forbes is organising World Book Day and would like to invite all the children to dress up as their favourite book character for the day. The staff will be organising a range of exciting activities for the children to take part in across the day. Miss Godwin will be holding a special assembly talking about her favourite books. All the children will have the opportunity to take part in a book character parade during the assembly. We are all very much looking forward to this day.
Railway Safety Talk – Tuesday 6th March
The Year 3 and 4 children will be visited by Colin Haring who will be talking to them about Railway Safety.
Year 4 Enrichment Afternoon – Friday 9th March
The learning community which we are part of have organised for all year 4 children across Leighton Buzzard to spend some time in middle schools to take part in different projects during the afternoon. Mr Wilkins will send out further details about this.
Year 3 and Year 4 Ukulele Concert – Friday 16th March, 2.45pm
The Year 3 and 4 children will be giving a special concert on the above date. All parents, friends and families are welcome to attend. We look forward to seeing you.
School Council Cake Sale – Friday 16th March
The School Council will be holding a Cake Sale at the end of the school day to help raise money for new benches in the Rosie Court area. The children who run the School Council would like to ask parents to donate cakes to sell. If you would like to donate cakes please send them into school before 1.30pm on Friday 16th March. Children who wish to purchase a cake may bring in £1 in a named envelope. Any unsold cakes will be available to purchase after school.
Year 2 Class Assembly – 20th March 2.45pm
The Year 2 parents are invited to watch their children showcase their learning across the term. We look forward to you joining us.
Parent Consultations - 22nd March,3.45 – 7pm
This term’s Parent Consultations will take place on 22nd March, 3.45pm - 7.00pm. Please fill in the reply slip below and return this to your class teacher, who will arrange and confirm appointment times. We look forward to seeing you all. Children are welcome to attend the consultations.
Parent Consultations for Pre-school: These will be held across the week beginning 19th March between 9.30 – 11am each day. You will be able to look at your child’s work and talk to the Pre-school Leader. This is a drop in session, no appointment is necessary. If you cannot make these times please speak to the Pre-school Leader to book an alternative appointment.
School Visit to Bletchley Park for Yr 3/4 – Wednesday 16th May
The Year 3 and 4 children will be visiting Bletchley Park to consolidate and bring to life learning focusing on World War Two. Mr Wilkins will send out further details nearer the time.
Parent Consultation – Reply Slip
Child’s Name: …………………………………………………………………………… Class: ………………………………………………………………………………………….
I would like to attend Parent Consultation Evening on 22rd March, 3.45 – 7.00pm
Parent to IndicateTime Preference / Teacher’s Confirmation of Appointment Time
Class Teacher / Literacy Teacher / Numeracy Teacher
Reception, Yr 1, Yr 2
Yr 3/4 only
I would like to speak to my child’s Literacy Teacher
Yr 3/4 only
I would like to speak to my child’s Numeracy Teacher
The class teacher will return this slip to you once appointment times have been confirmed.
Reply Slip - Trip to Whipsnade Zoo for Pre-school, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
I do have an Annual Pass for Whipsnade Zoo for my child/children.
Child/Children’s Names:
Parent’s Signature:
Diary Dates: These will be includedon the school calendar on the website. Teachers are currently planning school trips for their classes and other curriculum events will also be organised and as the teachers plan their topics for the term. You will be notified of these accordingly.
27th February / KS1/2 Inclusion Festival1st March / World Book Day – Details nearer the time.
6th March / Yr 3/4 Railway Safety Talk
8th March / KS1 Sport’s Hall Athletics
9th March / Year 4 Enrichment Afternoon at Middle Schools
14th March / Science Day
16th March / Ukulele Concert Year 3/4
16th March / Student Council Cake Sale
20th March / Year 2 Class Assembly 2.45pm
22nd March / Parent Consultations 3.45pm – 7pm
23rd March / Ukulele Concert in school (pm) time to be advised.
27th March / KS2 Netball
29th March / Last Day of Term
17th April / 1st Day of Term
18th April – 20th April / Yr3/4 Residential Field Trip to Grafham Waters
25th April / KS2 Football for Girls
3rd May / Year 3 Class Assembly 2.45pm
10th May / KS2 Tennis
16th May / Year 3/4 trip to Bletchley Park
17th May / Reception Class Assembly 2.45pm
21st May – 25th May / Community Week including whole school Victorian Day – details nearer the time
24th May / Pre-school, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 visit to Whipsnade Zoo.
28th May – 1st June / Half Term
7th June / KS2 Cricket
8th June – 9th June / The Great Stanbridge Sleepover – details nearer the time
13th June / KS2 Quad Kids
15th June / Sports Day 2pm
18th June / KS2 Sport Activity Afternoon
20th June / PS Class Assembly 2.45pm
21st June / KS2 Hockey
3rd July / KS2 Orienteering
10th July / Children meet their new teacher for the following year
11th July / Reports and New Class Lists to Parents
13th July / Open Afternoon 2pm
18th July / Yr 4 End of Term Treat
20th July / Yr 4 Award Ceremony
20th July / Last Day of Term
Yours sincerely
“We believe in our children”