Campus Programming and Relations (CPR) Event Producer Job Description
Mission of CPR
Campus Programming and Relations offers a diverse educational, cultural, social, and recreational entertainment for UW-Platteville students, staff, and faculty, as well as the surrounding community.
- Become familiar with the CPR workspace, storage rooms and files
- Maintain a clean and organized office space
- Be respectful of other staff members around you
- Maintain good working relationships with CPR staff members and supervisor(s)
- Uphold professional standards and ethical principles while managing Segregated University Fees and abide by allocated event budgets
- Answer the CPR phone when ringing. If it is not for you, take a clear message, date time of call, and phone number so whoever is responsible can return their call
- Respond to all CPR emails within 24 hours
- Represent CPR and the University of Wisconsin-Platteville in a professional and appropriate manner
Details of CPR Events
- Maintain the CPR S Drive for each event including a post evaluation form which discusses the strengths and areas of improvement of an event
- CPR events to which you have been assigned must be ready to go at least 10 days prior to the event
- Plan, promote, implement and evaluate CPR events based on UW-Platteville campus community needs
- Reserve all facilities, technical needs, food, lodging, etc. for each event based on contract requirements
- Be aware of all that is happening during Homecoming. Be prepared to answer any questions students may have or find out the answer and get back to them within 24 hours
Meetings, Conferences, Training
- Attend and participate in weekly CPR staff meetings and report on status of events in which you are responsible (be accurate and thorough)
- Attend and participate in all CPR staff trainings
- Attend bi-monthly one on one meetings with the supervisor during the school year
- Attend the National Association for Campus Activities (NACA) Northern Plains conference
- Attend weekly Residence Hall, Greek Life, and all UW-Platteville Governance meetings in which you are assigned and provide a report of CPR events
- Be on time for all of your scheduled appointments (If you are early, you are on-time. If you are on-time you are late)
Hourly Expectations
- 15 hours a week, including 10 office hours and 5 event staffing hours
- Fill out time sheet descriptions weekly for the hours in which you worked and were punched in
*This semester is utilized as a training semester requiring 5 hours per week.
The above hourly expectation will start Fall 2017
Campus Programming and Relations (CPR) Event Producer Application
Campus Programming & Relations is looking to fill a few Event Producer positions. We plan to have
the students we hire start on Monday, November 6, 2017. This position requires a 2.5 GPA. We are looking for motivated, organized individuals who are outgoing and enjoy working as a team.
Date of Application:
Last Name:First Name M.I:
Date of Birth:School Address:
Present Address:State:Zip:
Major/Minor: Year in School:
Expected date of graduation:GPA:
Credit load for Spring 2017:
How did you find out about this job?
What is your favorite color?
Are you available to attend NACA Northern Plains (Campus Programming Conference) March 30 - April 2? Yes or No
Are you related to anyone on campus? Yes or No
Name of Relative:Department:
Please answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper:
- Why are you interested in this position?
- What is your definition of diversity and why is it important?
- What sets you apart from other candidates that apply?
- If you were to open a business what would it be and why? Briefly explain how you would sell and market your business.
All candidates must have a 2.5 G.P.A. overall.
I authorize CPR to verify that my GPA is at or above 2.5.
Signature Date
References (do not list family members or friends):
Name: Relationship: Phone:
Name: Relationship: Phone:
Name: Relationship: Phone:
With this application, please include:
- A copy of your current resume.
- A copy of your current weekly schedule so that we may arrange an interview.Include classes, meetings, involvement or any other extra-curricular activities.
Disclaimer and Signature
All of the information on this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge, and I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application. I understand the department hiring authority may ask for additional information not included with this application. This information may be used to reach a decision about employment.
Signature Date
Please return all application materials to Rachel Bonnell or David Nevins by emailing orby submitting a hard copy of your application to the CPR office in the Pioneer Involvement Center by Monday, October 23atNoon.
(Minority and male students are encouraged to apply.)
Campus Programming and Relations
1326 Pioneer Student Center|608.342.1497|Fax: 608.342.1084
1 University Plaza|Platteville WI 53818-3099|