Rescue and Fire Fighting at Airports New chairman
CHAIRMAN Ole J. Hansen
PHONE: (+47)64 81 21 10
FAX: (+47)64 81 22 01
ADDRESS: Lysaker Brygge 10
1366 Lysaker
CTIF Commission
“Rescue and Fire Fighting at Airports”
Minutes of Meeting
Helsinki – 13.06.2007
Subject: CTIF airport commission meeting, Helsinki
Participants: Crichton, Gillies, BAA, England
Egger, Walter, President, CTIF
Gould, Peter, Kidde Fire Trainers
Hahn, Karl_Christian, Fire Chief Frankfurt Airport, Germany
Hansen, Ole J., Fire Chief Oslo Airport, Norway
Hartmann Claude, Fire Brigade, France
Hitzler, Jørg, Albert Ziegler GmbH & Co, Germany
Hozbor, Zoltan, Interpreter Hungary
Johansson, Lars, Civil Aviation Authority, Sweden
Kassimitis, George, ARFF department, CAA Greece
Kohl, Patrick, Fire Brigade Luxembourg Airport, Luxembourg
Lindgren, Gøran, Kidde Fire Trainers
Metcalf, Steve, UK, CAA
Moorshead, Gary, BAA, England
Moravec, Karel, Fire Brigade Prague, Czech Republic
Nikula, Alpo, Civil Aviation Authority, Finland (Finavia)
Phillips, Gary, Civil Aviation Authority, UK
Relyea, Bob, Crash Rescue Equipment Service, USA
Relyea, Sharon, Crash Rescue Equipment Service, USA
Saaskilathi, Veli-Matti, Civil Aviation Authority, Finland (Finavia)
Soti, Jozsef, Directorate for Disaster Management, Budapest Airport, Hungary
Thirion, Jean-Luc, Service Technique de l’Aviation Civile, France
Trew, John, IAFPA
Tscumperlin, Peter, Federal Office for Civil Aviation, Switzerland
Valois, Bernard, Transport Canada Civil Aviation
Voraberger, Wolfgang, Rosenbauer International AG
Webb, Simon, Civil Aviation Authority, UK
1. Welcoming chairman of CTIF commission “Rescue and Fire Fighting at Airports” – Ole J. Hansen.
The chairman welcomed the members of the CTIF Airport Commission – and especially Mr. Walter Egger – the president of CTIF – to the meeting at Helsinki – Vaanta Airport. He thanked Finavia for the hospitality and for hosting this year’s meeting.
The chairman explained the goals of the meeting. The main issue was to attend the presentations, to discuss the different items and to exchange ideas. The commission would like to continue to work together with ICAO working group and GASR group – where the commission have members.
The Airport Commission had also invited IAFPA to the meeting. The goal was to work closer to IAFPA and other organizations that have the same goal as our commission: to make Airport Fire Services better and to make aviation as safe as possible.
2. Welcoming Director Finavia Mr. Reijo Tasanen.
Mr. Reijo Tasanen, Director Finavia welcomed the CTIF Airport Commission to Finland and Helsinki Vantaa Airport. He presented the Finnish Civil Aviation – Finavia – and the work they do in the Civil Aviation Administration and on the Finnish Airports. He wished all the participants a good meeting.
3. Presentation of the Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting Services in Finland.
Mr. Veli-Matti Saaskilahti presented the airport rescue and fire fighting services at the Finnish Airports . He also presented the work that is done concerning rescue and fire fighting in the civil aviation administration – Finavia.
4. Presentation of the participants - new members – regrets.
All participants introduced themselves.
The commission welcomed the new members:
- Mr. Ivan Illiev, Commissioner – Bulgaria.
- Mr. Pascal Elskens, Fire Chief – Belgium.
- Mr. Noe Escobar, Fire Chief – El Salvadore.
- Mr. Nikos Sachinidis, President ESEPA – Volutary Corps of Greek Firemen.
Mr. Jens P. Larsen, Fire Chief - Denmark had informed the chairman that he was not able to come to the meeting.
5. Approval of the minutes and the agenda.
The minutes from the commission’s latest meeting in Prague June 14th 2006 were approved.
The agenda was reviewed and agreed upon.
The meeting continued with presentations followed by discussions and questions from the participants.
A CD of all the following presentations will be sent to the participants.
6. News from ICAO working group. Presented by Mr. Bernard Valois, Transport Canada Civil Aviation.
7. News from Industry. Mr. Bob Relyea presented Crash Rescue Equipment Service.
8. News from GASR (Group of Aerodrome Safety Regulators). Presented by Mr. Peter Tschumperlin, Federal Office for Civil Aviation, Switzerland.
9. News from Industry. Rosenbauer International AG was presented by Mr. Wolfgang Voraberger.
10. Aircraft Removal at Airports. Presented by Mr. Karl-Christian Hahn, Fire Chief Frankfurt Airport, Germany.
11. Aircraft Accident at Stord Airport, Norway. The accident was presented by Mr. Ole J. Hansen, Fire Chief, Oslo Airport, Norway.
12. Security procedures and problems to Fire and Rescue Services and Municipal Fire Brigade. Presented by
13. News from Industry. Mr. Peter Gould presented Kidde Fire Trainers Gmbh.
14. Skills and competence. Presented by Mr. Simon Webb, UK CAA.
15. Finavia Foam research. Presented by Mr. Alpo Nikula, Finavia, Finland.
16. News from Industry. Albert Ziegler Gmbh & Co was presented by Mr. Jørg Hitzler.
17. News from NFPA. Presented by Mr. Bernard Valois, Transport Canada Civil Aviation.
18. IAFPA. The organization and their work was presented by John Trew.
19. Next meeting. Any other business, ending discussion and next meeting.
There were no other business and the meeting ended 16.00.
Next year’s meeting will take place in Chesterfield, England June 11th 2008 with Kidde Fire Trainers Gmbh as host.
I look forward to see you all in England next year.
Ole J. Hansen
Chairman, CTIF Commission Rescue and Fire Fighting at Airports.
Copy to:
- Walter Egger, President CTIF
- General Secretary Christophe Mignot, Ecole Nationale Supeérieure des Officiers de Sapeurs-Pompiers, BP 40 470, F-13592 Aix en Provence
- CTIF Permanent Office, Reinhardtstrasse 65, D-10117 Berlin
- Members of Commission „Rescue and Fire Fighting at Airports”
- Web site CTIF Norway
447.00 – pts 4 07.11.07