(i) / the particulars of its organisation, functions and duties; / High Commission of India is headed by High Commissioner and has three wings: 1.Chancery 2. Commercial and 3.Defence.
Functions of the Mission include inter-alia, political, economic, commercial, consular services, trade and investment promotion, cultural interaction, liaison with press and media. The Mission functions under the ambit of business allocated to the Ministry of External Affairs under the Government of India’s Allocation of Business and Transaction of Business Rules.
(ii) / The powers and duties of its officers and employees; / Administrative powers are derived from IFS(PLCA) Rules and other general rules pertaining to Administration and Establishment of Government of India. Financial Powers are derived from General Financial Rules and Delegated Financial Powers of the Government of India’s Representatives Abroad. Consular, Visa and Passport issuing powers are derived from relevant rules prescribed by Government of India. Officers and staff function under the overall guidance and supervision of the High Commissioner.
(iii) / The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability; / Decisions are taken as per instructions and under the supervision of the High Commissioner.
(iv) / The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions; / Norms are set locally under instructions and supervision of High Commissioner.
(v) / The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions; / IFS PLCA Rules
Delegated Financial Powers of Government of India’s Representatives Abroad
Passport Manual
Visa Manual
Consular Manual
Manual of Office Procedure
Other relevant rules issued and amended time to time by Government of India
(vi) / A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control; / Files pertaining to Political, Commercial, Economic, Administration, Accounts, Culture and Media.
(vii) / The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof; / High Commission functions as per norms of India’s Foreign Policy formulated by the Ministry of External Affairs and implemented accordingly under the supervision and guidance of the High Commissioner.
(viii) / A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public; / High Commissioner regularly interacts with think tanks, academics and other relevant public figures to further the objectives laid down for the High Commission.
(ix) / A directory of its officers and employees; / May be seen at Annexure I
(x) / The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations; / May be seen at Annexure II
(xi) / The budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made; / May be seen at Annexure III
(xii) / The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes; / Not applicable
(xiii) / Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorisations granted by it; / Not applicable
(xiv) / Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form; / All such details have been posted on the High Commission’s website.
(xv) / The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use; / Information has been posted on website.
(xvi) / The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers; / N.Ram Prasad
Second Secretary
Public Information Officer
Tel: 00-234-7080622800-4
(xvii) / Such other information as may be prescribed; and thereafter update these publications every year. / High Commission’s website is updated on a regular basis.





15, Rio Negro Close, Off Yedseram Street,
Maitama, Abuja (Nigeria).
Tel. 234-7080622800-4
Fax. 234-7080622805
E-mail: ,
dhc. , ,
sdfg g ,
Designation / Name / Office phone
High Commissioner / Shri Mahesh Sachdev / 07080622800-4
07080622805 (F)
Counseller (Pol/Cons/Eco) / Shri S.K Makhijani / 07080622800-4
Defence Attache / Col.Rajesh Sethi / 07080622800-4
07080622805 (F)
Second Secy (PIC & HOC) / Shri N.Ram Prasad / 07080622800-4
Second Secretary (PPS) / Shri Kuldip. K.Abrol / 07080622800-4
Attache (1) / Shri Sandeep Sood / 07080622800-4
Attache (2) / Shri Tej Krishan / 07080622800-4
Attache (3) / Shri L.P. Gupta / 07080622800-4
Assistant / Shri U.S Negi / 07080622800-4
PA to DA / Shri Naresh Kumar / 07080622800-4
IBSG/ HC’s Res / Shri Ranjeet Singh
IBSG/Chancery / Shri Shyam Lal / 07080622800-4


S.No / Post / No. of Posts / Pay Scale / Grade Pay
1. / High Commissioner / 1 / Rs.67000-79000
2. / Counsellor / 1 / Rs.37400-67000 PB-IV / Rs.8700
3. / Defence Attache / 1 / Rs 37400-67000 PB-IV / Rs.8700
4. / Second Secretary / 2 / Rs.15600-39100 PB-III / Rs.6600
5. / Attache / 2 / Rs.15600-39100 PB-III / Rs.5400
6. / Attache / 1 / Rs.9300-34800 PB-II / Rs.4800
7. / Assistant / 1 / Rs.9300-34800 PB-II / Rs.4800
8. / PA / 1 / Rs.6200-20200 PB-I / Rs.2800
9. / Security Guard / 1 / Rs.5200-20200 PB-I / Rs.2000
10. / Security Guard / 1 / Rs.5200-20200 PB-I / Rs.1900

Apart from Basic Pay, India Based officials are paid Foreign Allowance which is fixed by Ministry of External Affairs from time to time.



(in thousands)
S.No. / Head / Actuals 2009-10 / Actuals 2010-11 / BE 2011-12
1 / Salaries / 19048 / 18376 / 14574
2 / Wages / 0 / 2 / 57
3 / OTA / 288 / 266 / 297
4 / Medica / 707 / 529 / 894
5 / Local Tours / 830 / 528 / 2211
6 / TE(Others) / 4573 / 2740 / 4328
7 / Publicity / 158 / 274 / 1024
8 / Office Expense / 7705 / 8673 / 12094
9 / IT / 696 / 1025 / 979
10 / RR&T / 23373 / 8665 / 17204
11 / Minor Works / 887 / 1102 / 1401
12 / Other Charges / 344 / 332 / 187
Grand Total / 58609 / 42512 / 55250


S.No / Head of Account / Actuals 09-10 / Actuals 10-11 / BE 2011-12
1 / Salaries / 6777576 / 5324729 / 9000000
2 / Medical / 101722 / 312668 / 300000
3 / Travel Expenses (Others) / 1968563 / 1137213 / 1200000
4 / Office Expenses / 1058563 / 1254124 / 2000000
5 / RR&T / 2808849 / 3952567 / 1200000
6 / Trade Promotion / 6163 / 3154 / 50000
TOTAL / 12721436 / 11984455 / 13750000


Ser No / Financial Year / Budget Head No. and Name / Allotment / Expenditure
1. / 2009-10 / Minor Head 101 – Pay and Allowance / 89,74,000/- / 63,51,430/-
Minor Head 800 (A) – Unit Allowances & Misc / 49,00,000/- / 35,44,384/-
Minor Head 800 (E) – Tele & Trunk Calls / 7,00,000/- / 2,95,563/-
Minor Head 105 – Passage and Conveyance / 38,00,000/- / 16,34,884/-
2. / 2010-11 / Minor Head 101 – Pay and Allowance / 96,00,000/- / 58,87,028/-
Minor Head 800 (A) – Unit Allowances & Misc / 45,00,000/- / 25,84,159/-
Minor Head 800 (E) – Tele & Trunk Calls / 7,00,000/- / 3,31,381/-
Minor Head 105 – Passage and Conveyance / 38,00,000/- / 9,21,188/-
3. / 2011-12
(Till 30 Nov 11) / Minor Head 101 – Pay and Allowance / 87,00,000/- / 47,05,953/-
Minor Head 800 (A) – Unit Allowances & Misc / 40,00,000/- / 7,27,336/-
Minor Head 800 (E) – Tele & Trunk Calls / 5,00,000/- / 2,53,399/-
Minor Head 105 – Passage and Conveyance / 35,00,000/- / 17,75,932/-


High Commission of India


No.Abuj/HC/551/1/2011 December 15, 2011


Following would be the allocation of work in the Mission:

1. Shri S.K.Makhijani, Counsellor-Political, Commercial,

Consular, Passport & Visa

2.Col.Rajesh Sethi, Defence Attache-Defence related matters

& Chief Security Officer

3.Shri N.Ram Prasad, Second Secretary-Economic, Administration, Press,

& Head of ChanceryInformation, Culture and all

scholarships and education related

matters, PIO and RTI related matters

4.Shri K.K.Abrol, Second Secretary/-Secretarial assistance to High

Principal Private SecretaryCommissioner and all work

Pertaining to HC’s office

5.Shri Tej Krishan, Attache/Pol & PS-Maintenance of all political files,

matters pertaining to diplomatic

bags and secretarial assistance to


6.Shri L.P.Gupta, Attache (Eco & Comm) -Commercial and Economic work

Administrative work pertaining to

Chancery Project, Telephones,

Hotels, Cars and other

Miscellaneous administrative work

7.Shri S.Mahesh, Attache (Admn & Cons) -Consular, Passport & Visa related

work and Administration.

8.Shri U.S.Negi, General Assistant -Primary work, Accounts,

Information and other

Miscellaneous administrative work

9.Shri Naresh Kumar, Personal Assistant -Work assigned by Defence

Attache, AMA scheme, work

relating to stationery and IT


10.Shri Ranjeet Singh, Security Guard -Security related work and other

work assigned by CSO/HOC

11.Shri Shyam Lal, Security Guard -Security related work and other

work assigned by CSO/HOC

(Mahesh Sachdev)

High Commissioner

All Concerned

Website for posting under Right to Information Link