Block 1. DATE PREPARED. Enter date of preparation, year/month/day;e.g., 20130102.
Block 2. TO. Local/State/Federal Law Enforcement authority as indicated by Military Deserter Information Point.
Block 3. FROM. Enter the absentee's organization or activity andplace from which absent. If UA occurs while in transit, list old and new units in Block 19, Remarks. (Source of information: MCTFS).
1. Forward the original DD Form 553 to CMC (PSL) as soon as possible. Immediately fax the DD Form 553 to PSL. DD Form 553s forwarded with missing/incomplete information will be returned to the parent command via their chain of command for corrective action.
2. Copy to units assigned reporting and prisoner escort responsibilities. (See MCO 5800.10_).
5a. NAME. Enter the last name, first name, and middle initial, in that sequence. (Source of information: MCTFS).
5b. GRADE/RANK/RATE. Enter the military grade/rate (name and code) of the named absentee; for example; Private, Airman Basic, Seaman Recruit, E-1; Corporal, E-4; etc. (Source of information: MCTFS).
5c. SEX. Enter the absentee’s sex/gender; i.e., Male (M), or Female (F). (Source of information: MCTFS).
5d. RACE. Enter the absentee’s race code. (Source of information: MCTFS).
5e. ETHNICITY. Enter the absentee's ethnicity code. (Source of information: MCTFS).
5f. PLACE OF BIRTH. Enter the city,state, and country, in that order. (Source of information: MCTFS).
5g. DATE OF BIRTH. Enter the year, month, and day, in that order. (Source of information: MCTFS).
5h. HEIGHT. Enter the absentee's height in inches; e.g., 72”. (Source of information: MCTFS).
5i. WEIGHT. Enter the absentee's weight in pounds. (Source of information: MCTFS).
5j. EYE COLOR. Enter the color of the absentee's eyes; i.e., blue (BL), green (GR), brown (BR), or hazel (HA). (Source of information: MCTFS).
5k. HAIR COLOR. Enter the color of the absentee's hair; i.e., brown (BR), black (BK), blonde (BL), gray (GR), red (RD), bald (BA), or white (WH}. (Source of information: MCTFS).
5l. DIP CONTROL NUMBER. (Deserter Information Point Control Number) Enter the appropriate sequential DIP Control Number assigned by the using agency to account for cases entered into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) of the FBI. If unknown, leave blank.
5m. BRANCH OF SERVICE. Enter the code for the absentee's branch of service; i.e., Army (A), Navy {N), Marine Corps (M), or Air Force (F).
5n. SOCIAL SECURITY NO. Enter the absentee's full SSN. (Source of information: MCTFS).
5o. CITIZENSHIP. Enter the country of which the absentee is a citizen. (Source of information: MCTFS).
5p. MARITAL STATUS. Enter the code for the absentee's marital status; i.e., Married (M), Single (S}, or Divorced (D). (Source of information: MCTFS).
5q. MILITARY OCCUPATION. Enter the absentee’s occupational title; i.e., Legal Services Specialist, Rifleman, Motor Vehicle Operator. (Source of information: MCO 1200.17).
5r. CIVILIAN OCCUPATION. Enter the absentee's prior civilian employment. Enter specific job skills. (Source of information: ESR).
5s. PERMANENT RESIDENCE ADDRESS. Enter the absentee's permanent residence address, including ZIP code. (Source of information: MCTFS).
6a. DATE. Enter the most recent date of entry the absentee signed an enlistment or appointment contract, i.e., year/month/day (20121025). (Source of information: MCTFS).
6b. PLACE. Enter the most recent location the absentee signed an enlistment or appointment contract, e.g., MCAS Miramar, CA. (Source of information: MCTFS).
7a. DATE. Enter the date of entry that the absentee physically reported for active duty on current enlistment, i.e., year/month/day (20061025). If the date is the same as the date entered in 6a,
enter"Same as 6a." (Source of information: MCTFS).
7b. PLACE. Enter the place of entry that the absentee physically reported for active duty on current enlistment, e.g., MCAS Camp Pendleton, CA. If the place is the same as the date entered in6b, enter "Same as 6b." (Source of information: MCTFS).
Block 8. ATTACH PHOTOGRAPH. If available.
9a. DATE. Enter the date that the unauthorized absence commenced ensuring that it is the same date that was processed inthe unit diary, i.e., year/month/day (20121025).
9b. HOUR. Enter the hour the absence commenced, per the unit diary, i.e., 1830.
Block 10. ADMINISTRATIVE DATE OF DESERTION. Enter the date on which the absentee was administratively classified a deserter (31st day—see exceptions to the 31st day in the Manual)i.e., year/month/day (20121124).
Block 11. ESCAPED OR SENTENCED PRISONER. Enter the status of absentee by marking the appropriate box. For escaped or sentenced prisoners, indicate in the appropriate space the specific offense (civil or military) of which convicted. If military, include reference to the appropriate punitive article of the UCMJ.
Block 12a-b. DISCHARGE STATUS. Enter the absentee's discharge status by marking the appropriate boxes.
Block 13a-c. OPERATOR'S LICENSE. This block is self-explanatory. Information for this block will normally come from the ProvostMarshall Office. If information is unknown, enter the word "unknown."
Block 14a-d. VEHICLE LICENSE. See Block 13 comment.
Block 15a-f. VEHICLE. See Block 13 comment.
Block 16. RELATIVES AND/OR PERSONS KNOWN BY ABSENTEE. Enter the absentee's nearest relatives, friends, and other persons most likely to have some knowledge or indication of the absentee's whereabouts. Enter their names, addresses, and ZIP codes. List additional names in Block 19, Remarks. (Source of information: MCTFS).
Block 17. CERTIFICATION. (May be used by military and civil law enforcement authorities to obtain search or arrest warrants). Complete each line carefully. The information displayed in this block will likely be the determining factor in whether the request for a warrant by law enforcement authorities is approved or denied. Complete every block in this part with precision and detail.
18a. TYPEDNAME. Enter the last name, first name, and middle initial, in that sequence.
18b. RANK. Enter the military rankof the named commanding officer or designee, e.g., Colonel (Col), Lieutenant Colonel(LtCol), Major (Maj), etc.
18c. TITLE. Self-explanatory.
18e. SIGNATURE. Allcopies must contain an original signature.
18f. DATESIGNED. Enter the date, i.e., year/month/day(20121125).
Block 19. REMARKS
1. List peculiar habits and traits of character, unusual mannerisms and speech, peculiarities in appearance, clothing worn, aliases (names), marksandscars, tattoos, facial characteristics, complexion, posture, build, other SSNs used by the individual, or other data that may assist in identification.
2. If the Marine is considered an escape risk, pending charges or under investigation for violations of the UCMJ other than unauthorized absence or desertion, dangerous to him/herself or others, a violator of previous stragglers orders, or drug or alcohol addicted,place appropriate cautionary statements in the remarkssection of the DD Form 553 in CAPITAL LETTERS.
3. WESTPAC units with FPO and APO addresses will include a comment to the effect that the absentee deserted in CONUS or in a specific foreign country.
4. When a Marine is dropped to desertion prior to the 30th day of UA, the unit will indicate the reason for dropping the Marine to desertion.
5. Use letter-size bond paper for continuation of remarks or blocks on the front of the form.
Updated: 20May 2014