Roger Louis Martínez-Dávila, Ph.D.

History Department, 1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO 80918

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education• educación

2002-2008Department of History, University of Texas at Austin, Doctor of Philosophy

Dissertation: From Sword to Seal: The Ascent of the Carvajal Family in Spain (1391-1516). Dr. Ann Twinam, supervisor.

Major Field:Late Medieval/Early Modern Europe with an emphasis on Spain

1992-1994University of California at Berkeley, Master of Public Policy

1988-1992University of Texas at Austin, Bachelor of Arts in Humanities

academic positions •plazas en universidades y empleo

2010-Assistant Professor of History

PresentUniversity of Colorado at Colorado Springs

1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway

Columbine Hall 2046

Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 USA

2008-2010Burton Postdoctoral Fellow

Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

5600 City Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19131 USA

fellowships and awards• becas de investigación y premios (desde 2005)

2011•The International Institute for Jewish Genealogy (IIJG) and Paul Jacobi Center

Research Grant; National Library of Israel, Givat Ram Campus of the Hebrew

University, Jerusalem; primary recipient

•Maurice Amado Faculty Incentive Grant for archival research in La Paz, Bolivia, and
Sevilla, Spain (sponsored by Univeristy of California at Los Angeles’s Maurice

Amado Program in Sephardic Studies and Center for Jewish Studies.

2010•University of Colorado President’s Fund for the Humanities award for the
Sephardic Memory and Movement Conference.

•University of Colorado Diversity and Excellence Grant award for the
Sephardic Memory and Movement Conference.

2008-2010•David H. Burton Postdoctoral Fellowship, Saint Joseph’s University (PA)

2007-2008•2007-08 University Continuing Fellowship, UT-Austin

2006-2007•2006-07 Academic Year Departmental Fellowship, UT-Austin

•Medieval Studies Program Research Subvention, UT-Austin

2005•Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Pre-dissertation Fellowship,
Council for European Studies, Columbia University (NY)

•Program for Cultural Cooperation Research Grant, Spanish Ministry of Culture

•Mellon Summer Institute in Spanish Paleography, The Huntington Library (CA)

•2005-06 Academic Year Departmental Fellowship, UT-Austin

•US-Mexico/Borderlands Student Research Award, UT-Austin

•Dora Bonham Fund Research Grant, UT-Austin

archival experience •investigaciónes en los archivos y Biblioteca

In the course of conducting my dissertation research, I have accumulated extensive research experience in multiple archives, libraries, and museums in Spain, Mexico, and the United States. These institutions include:

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•Archivo HistoricoMunicipal de Bejar


•Archivo Municipal de Burgos

•Archivo Historico de la Catedral de Burgos


•Archivo Historico Provincial de Caceres


•Archivo Historico Municipal de Coria


•Archivo Municipal de Leon

•Archivo Historico de la Catedral de Leon

•Archivo Historico Provincial de Leon

•Archivo del la Basilica de San Isidoro


•Real Academia de la Historia

•Archivo Historico Nacional

•Biblioteca Nacional

•Museo Naval


•Archivo Municipal de Plasencia

•Archivo de la Catedral de Plasencia


•Biblioteca y Archivo de la Universidad de Salamanca

•Archivo Historico Provincial de Salamanca


•Archivo General de Indias


•Archivo Municipal de Talavera de la Reina


•Sección Nobleza del Archivo Historico Nacional


•Fundación Xavier de Salas, Convento de La Coria

•Archivo Muncipal de Trujillo


•Archivo de la Real Chancilleria – Valladolid

•Archivo General de Simancas


•Archivo de la Catedral de Zamora

•Archivo Historico Provincial de Zamora


•Archivo y Biblioteca Nacionales de Bolivia, Sucre, Bolivia

•Archivo-Biblioteca Arquidiocesanos Monsenor Taborga, Sucre, Bolivia


•Archivo General de la Nacion, Mexico City, Mexico


•Benson Latin American Library, Austin, TX

•Center for American History, Austin, TX

•Huntington Museum, San Marino, CA

•The Morgan Library, New York, NY

•New Mexico State Research Center, Santa Fe

•Rare Books and Manuscripts Library,

University of Pennsylvania, PA

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current book project •investigaciónes y proyecto de libro


In 2013, I plan to deliver my manuscript, Blood, Faith, and Fate: Jews, Conversos, and OldChristians in Early Modern Spain and Colonial Spanish America to an academic press. The text unravelslong-held historical misconceptions about the identities and interrelations of fifteenth and sixteenthcentury Castilian families that hailed from Old Christian, Jewish, and converso ancestries. It exploresthe complex familial, political, patronage, religious, and socio-economic networks that bound thesefamilies together. Further, it argues that while expansive anti-Jewish initiatives and culturallydestructive blood purity laws had a chilling effect on clan and political collaborations, thetransformative impact of interreligious marriage and social alliances created an equally powerfulcounterweight. By tracing the path of the Carvajal, Santa María, Estúñiga, and associated families of

Plasencia to colonial Spanish America, the full range of Old Christian, converso, and Jewish outcomescan be fully explored. Cumulatively, the life paths of these families reveal a far more nuancedcultural and religious history than is typically acknowledged in Spanish historiography.


Mi libro es sobre la transformación social y eclesiástica de la familia Carvajal, quien eran caballeros durante la edad media, pero una familia de construcción nueva después de su asociación con los Santa Marías (una familia conversa de judaísmo). Mis tésis doctorado que eran una investigación de estas familias en Plasencia, España, desde 1390 a 1511, aducé por la mezcla de una familia de orígenes caballero, noble y de sangre cristiano viejo (los Carvajales) y una de orígenes judío, rabínico, y muy sabios (los Santa Marías), los dos crearon una nueva clan. Un clan afinado para un tiempo de mas hostilidad a familias con sangre nueva (por ejemplo, leyes sobre limpieza de sangre), pero también un edad que necesité los talentos de estos familias de sangre judío y sangres mezclados. Mis investigaciones doctorados aducé que los Carvajales agregaron los Santa Marías entre su línea en Plasencia para su protección y los Santa Marías prepararon los Carvajales para los rigores de trabajos eclesiásticos (como obispos y cardenales, por ejemplo Cardenal Bernardino López de Carvajal y Sande, 1456-1523) y burocráticos (como Doctor Lorenzo Galíndez de Carvajal, Correo Mayor del Consejo de Indias para los Reyes Católicos).

Como los Carvajales participaron en la conquista del Inca, y eran casados con la familia Pizarro, la historia de Bolivia («Charcas») es muy significo para mi libro. Por eso, tengo un interés en los Carvajales (y sus clanes asociados) y sus actividades en la iglesia, comercio, y gobierno en Bolivia y Mexico durante el siglo XVI y la primera parte del siglo XVII. En particular, estoy buscando documentos (1) personales (testamentos, codicilos, cartas de dote, fundaciónes de capillas y misas); (2) eclesiásticos que tienen detales de sus trabajos entre las iglesias y sus gobernación (libros de actas capitulares, censos, contractos del las catedrales y iglesias y monasterios); y finalmente, (3) burocráticos de la audiencia y cabildos municipales.

languages and international experience • IDIOMAS

Spanish•Advanced translation, advanced reading, and good speaking skills.
(Translation skills certified by UT-Austin, Department of History, October 2002)

Portuguese•Advanced translation and reading skills.
(Translation skills certified by UT-Austin, Department of History, October 2004)

French/Italian •Basic translation and reading skills.

International•Resided in Caracas, Venezuela, and La Paz, Bolivia, for five years.

Experience•Extensive personal and academic travel in Spain and Latin America.

publications, conference papers, and lectures •

publicaciónes y conferencias academicos

“Trans-Atlantic ‘Hebrew’ and Converso Networks: Conquistadors, Churchmen, and Crypto Jews in the Spanish Extremadura and Colonial Spanish America.” Journal of Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian Crypto-Jews, Volume 4, Spring 2012, (forthcoming).

“Finding Spain’s Identity: Américo Castro and His Exploration of Convivencia in Medieval Spain.” HaLapid, The Journal of the Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies (SCJS), (forthcoming).

“Framing a New Museum Exhibition on Sephardic Jews, Conversos, and Crypto-Jews: Collaborative Efforts with the New Mexico History Museum in Santa Fe, New Mexico.” HaLapid, The Journal of the Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies (SCJS), (forthcoming).

“Conference Proceedings from the Sephardic Memory and Movement Conference, March 10-11, 2011 at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.” HaLapid, The Journal of the Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies (SCJS), Volume XIX/XX, Issues 2 and 3, Spring/Sumer 2011/5771.

“An Introduction to the Sephardim, Conversos, and Crypto-Jews.” Unpublished paper presented at the Sephardic Memory and Movement Conference, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Colorado, March 10, 2011.

Book Review of Howard J. Erlichman’s Conquest, Tribute, and Trade: the Quest for Precious Metals and the Birth of Globalization (2010), The Sixteenth Century Journal, forthcoming.

Book Review of Fernando González de León’s The Road to Rocroi: Class, Culture, and Command in the Spanish Army of Flanders, 1567-1659(2009), The Sixteenth Century Journal, Volume XLI, No. 4, Winter 2009: 1162-63.

“Disparate Identities, Failures in Unity: The Complicated Social Realm of Doña Gracia Mendes Nasi.” HaLapid, The Journal of the Society for Crypto Judaic Studies (SCJS), Volume XVII, Issue 2, Spring 2010.

“Finding Tolerance, Accommodation, and Authority: Reflections on Medieval Islamic al-Andalus and Christian Spain.” David H. Burton Postdoctoral Fellowship Lecture, Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 21, 2010.

“New Archival Evidence on the Family Relations of Luis de Carvajal and his Mexican Inquisitors.” Unpublished paper presented at the Third Annual Crypto-Jewish Symposium, Texas A&M Hillel, College Station, Texas, April 9, 2010.

Book Review of J.H. Elliot’s Spain, Europe, and the Wider World, 1500-1700 (2009), The Americas, Volume 66, No. 4, April 2010: 563-564.

“Jews, Catholics, and Converts: Reassessing the Resilience of Convivencia in Fifteenth Century Plasencia, Spain.” Journal of Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian Crypto-Jews, Volume 1, Spring 2009: 95-119.

“Abraham’s Cathedral: Jewish, Muslim, and Catholic Co-existence in Late Medieval Spain.”

David H. Burton Postdoctoral Fellowship Lecture, Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 16, 2009.

“Becoming a Part of the Society.” HaLapid, The Journal of the Society for Crypto Judaic Studies (SCJS), Volume XV, Issue 4, Fall 2008.

“Promoting Family Piety and Nobility: Creating Cardinal Juan de Carvajal of Plasencia, Spain 1440s-1470s.” Unpublished paper presented at the Sixteenth CenturySociety Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, September 23-26, 2008.

Book Review of Vincent Barletta’s A Memorandum for the President of the Royal Audiencia and Chancery Court of the City and Kingdom of Granada(2007), The Sixteenth Century Journal, Volume XL, No. 2, Summer 2009: 615.

"Before the Collapse of Co-existence: The Collaboration of the Catholic Carvajal Family and the Jewish Ha-Levi Family in the Bishopric of Plasencia, Spain 1400-1440." HaLapid, The Journal of the Society for Crypto Judaic Studies (SCJS), Volume XIV, Issue 1, Winter 2007. Paper presented at the SCJS16th Annual Conference, El Paso, TX, August 6-8, 2006.

Book Review of John Martin’s Myths of Renaissance Individualism (2004), The Sixteenth

Century Journal, Volume XXXVII, No. 1, Spring 2006: 1173-1174.

“A Revenant Sabbath: New Evidence of the Melding of the Jewish Ha-Levi and Catholic Carvajal Families in Late Medieval Spain.” Unpublished paper presented at the Texas Medieval Association 16th Annual Conference, Baylor University, October 6, 2006.

"Remaking Spain's Jews: Early Modern Spanish Conversos and the Carvajal Family." Unpublished paper presented at the Early Spectacles of Race Conference, University of California-Irvine, May 15, 2004.

“In God’s Name: Authority and Accommodation in Early Medieval Iberian Islamic Coinage.” Unpublished paper presented at The Heritage of the High Caliphate: Dinars, Dirhams and Coppers of the Late Umayyad and Early Abbasid Periods, ca. 700-950 CE Conference, American Numismatic Society, New York, NY, June 25, 2004.

Academic Associations • Asociaciónes académicos

Journal of Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian Crypto-Jews; Book Review Editor (2009-current)
•Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies, First Vice President (2007-11), V.P. for Conferences (2008-09)

•Scholarly Community for the Globalization of the "Middle Ages", Member

•Sixteenth Century Society, Member

•American Historical Association, Member

•Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Member

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