SAS Doctors Specialty Specific Development Funding 2016/2017
Bidding Guidance & Application Form
Please read carefully before completing page 2 and 3
- The bidding process for specialty specific funding is open to SAS Specialty Leads within the east of England only.
- Any bids for funding must be submitted on the application form provided with all boxes on page 2 and 3 completed in full.
- The fully completed application must be returned to the SAS Doctor’s Administrator, Chloe Nicholson () for assessment at least 4 weeks prior to the event / course / project start date.
- Applications for specialty specific funding for this financial year will be accepted up to 17.00 on Friday 10th February 2017.
- Funding application outcomes will be communicated via email following approval from HEE and the Associate Dean for SAS Doctors. We aim for this to be no later than 3 weeks after submission of this form where possible.
- Bids will be assessed and scored against their demonstration of meeting the following criteria:
- Incorporation of NHS values.
- Enhancement of patient safety.
- Development of specialty specific skills.
- Cross-professional learning and working across organisational boundaries i.e. with Consultants and trainee doctors in the same specialty (where appropriate).
- Demonstration of value for money.
- Training / courses benefiting a large number of SAS doctors in the given specialty.
- Bids will not be considered for:
- Purely overseas courses, unless in exceptional circumstances where the skills or development cannot be attained by local providers. These bids must be approved by the Associate Postgraduate Dean.
- Courses for generic skills e.g. cultural competencies, IT skills.
- Individual personal development (a separate funding stream for this is held at Trusts and can be accessed via SAS Tutors).
- Capital equipment.
- Funding to create or support Trust Doctor posts.
- Preference will be given to applications that demonstrate investment in big picture projects / ideas that are clearly innovative and will benefit a number of SAS Doctors in the given specialty.
- Courses and events should be held at Trusts where possible to keep costs to a minimum.
- In order to maximise engagement and attendance rates courses and events should be mirrored in different counties on different dates where possible (e.g. Norfolk & Suffolk / Beds & Herts / Cambridge / Essex).
- Any potential reimbursement of travel and subsistence costs should be applied for through the SAS Doctor’s employing Trust. It may sometimes be necessary for individuals to fund travel and subsistence themselves.
- This funding is not intended for and should not be used as a replacement for the normal Trust study leave budget.
- Any attendees at courses or events funded by HEE must complete a HEE evaluation form.
- Any presentations, papers etc. arising from the use of this funding should acknowledge the role of HEE in providing financial support. For those who have been successful in the past, future applications will only be considered if these requirements are met.
- It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure any approved funding is honoured by the Trust within the financial year it is allocated or by 01/03/2017 at the very latest.
- An award cannot be transferred to another hospital if the applicant resigns or moves Trust.
- SAS development funding is non-recurrent funding and can never be guaranteed from year to year.
- A funding return must be submitted to HEE by the SAS Specialty Lead at the end of the financial year upon request.
Details of Bidder– all boxes must be completedFull Name of bidder (must be a SAS Specialty Lead):
Bidder Job Title: / Specialty:
Bidder Email: / Bidder Telephone No:
Name of Bidder’s Employing Trust:
Name of Trust to Receive Funds: / Trust Contact Name (e.g. MEM):
Trust Contact Email Address: / Trust Contact Telephone No:
Details of Bid – all boxes must be completed
Event/Project/Course Title:
Name of Supplier/ Organisation: / Full Address of Supplier/Organisation:
Date(s) of Event/Project/Course: / Number of Days:
Location of Event/Course (full address):
Is this course/event to be advertised to all SAS Doctors in the east of England? / If no, please specify who this course/event is to be advertised to
Total Cost:
If we were in a position to award part of your funding only, what would be the minimum workable amount?
Please outline in less than 1000 words why HEE should fund the proposed bid under ALL of the following headings:
Course/event content and expected outcomes/skills:
How does this course/event/project meet the developmental needs of the specialty:
Intended benefits for patients, department, and wider organisation:
Will this course/event/project enhance patient safety? If yes, please explain how:
How does this course/event/project align with the NHS values:
How does this course/event represent value for money:
Breakdown of costs:
Intended attendees of course/event? (e.g. SAS Doctors, Trainee Doctors, Consultants etc.)
Has SAS specialty funding previously been granted to you for the current financial year?
Once completed in full, please email this application to for HEE to review
HEE Decision (for SAS Associate Dean to complete)Application Approved ☐
(funding confirmation letter and invoicing instructions to follow) / Amount Awarded £
Application Rejected ☐ / Comments:
Hold – Query ☐ / Comments:
SAS Associate Dean Signature