Greenwood PTO Minutes
October 13, 2011
President: Jennifer Cohrs
Co-Vice Presidents: Julie Raymond and Shalome Mahan
Treasurer: Melissa Gault
Secretary: Denise Cholewa
Principal: Diane Koenig
Teacher Representatives: Susan Carlson Russell and Diane Koch
Members in attendance: Jen Cohrs, Stephanie Day, Shalome Mahan, Denise Cholewa, Diane Koch, Jennifer Roy, Julie Raymond, Diane Koenig, Enna Bavhelor, Amiee Young, Pat Herman, Tina Earl, Jon Earl, Dea Goodman, Melissa Gault, Nichole Beem
Meeting called to order by President Jennifer Cohrs at 6:35.
Review of minutes from the September meeting. Noted change re: Entertainment Book fundraising profit per book – corrected from $10.00 per book to $8.75 per book. If there were over 500 books sold then the profit would be $10.00 per book. Change Motioned by Julie – Seconded by Melissa.
Guest Speaker Julie Bloss – Lakeview Representative for MISD PAC
Julie is a parent at Ardmore Elementary and she is the chair for the MISD PAC which stands for Parent Advisory Committee advocacy group. At the November 8th election there will be a special millage on the ballot requesting 27 mills for the MISD – which funds will remain in Macomb County not just in Lakeview. There are 131,000 children currently in the Special Education Program just in Macomb County. The passing of this millage will cost each household in Macomb County approximately $72.00 per year. You can learn more about this very important program and what is being requested at the next election by visiting Please spread the word to all of your family and friends residing in Macomb to help make people aware of what this proposal is about.
Officers’ Reports:
President Report:
· Picture day went smoothly and was finished in record time. Picture re-take day is scheduled for November 18th in the morning.
· Boo Grams – there were over 200 sold in the first week. Teri donated 100 pre-made grams for delivery. The goal is to sell over 800 this year as that was the amount sold last year.
· November 17th is the Vendor Fair to be held during conferences. Some vendors will be returning from the 2009 vendor fair. Please spread the word via facebook and any other outlet you may know of and if you know of anyone that would be interested in being a vendor please put them in touch with Greenwood as soon as possible.
· The December meeting will be moved to December 15th due to a scheduling conflict.
Vice Presidents’ Report:
· No new business to report.
Treasurer’s Report:
· There is a new report format which was motioned by Julie and seconded by Jen. All in favor.
· This year all receipts will need to be turned in with the request form before getting reimbursed.
Teacher’s Report:
· Mrs. Thomas wrote a wonderful thank you note to the PTO thanking us for the welcome back gift. (A copy of which is attached hereto).
· The safeties have already had a pizza party
Principal’s Report:
· The MEAP pep rally was very positive and got the students and teachers interested and excited to “MEAP IT”. The Lakeview High School Marching Band was also in attendance and assisted in getting students excited to be a part of it by performing a tune to the beat of Michael Jackson’s Beat It! There is a link on the Greenwood website for those that wish to see it. Also all students participating in the MEAP were given a special note each day by a parent, teacher or Mrs. Koenig which was a very positive part in their enthusiasm. Thank you to Mrs. Roy for providing the snacks for all the students.
· Reminder of the Kids Against Hunger assembly of food baskets at Bethel Church on Little Mack & Frazho on Sunday, October 16th.
· The district assessment testing (NWEA) has been completed in reading, writing and math and the results will be provided to parents at conferences.
· The annual Halloween Parade will take place at 1:30, beginning at Greenwood and proceeding around the block and returning to the school.
· The first PBS Assembly has already taken place and the school wide goal of 300 PAWS slips is half way there. Mrs. Line’s class won the trophy.
· Enrollment is currently at 352. Salturelli Preschool approximately130.
Committee Reports:
a. Fall Fundraiser – Entertainment Books. Greenwood raised over $4,000. There were almost 450 distributed and only 4 were not returned. There is an early incentive if we sign by December to sell again next year. It was decided to wait for now. The Glendenning Family purchased 1 book, however donated a flat $150.00 toward the fundraiser
b. Box Tops – Greenwood earned $800 in box tops at the time of the meeting the total for soup labels were not yet in. Mrs. Koch’s class had over 200 box tops for one student alone! Don’t forget to register your Kroger card and then you shop line to purchase items that have box tops – there is a complete list at the box top website. The new goal for Greenwood is to earn enough to purchase digital cameras for each class to use.
c. Family Dinner Night: September Coney raised $120.24. Next Family Dinner Night is scheduled for 10/27 at Wendys 5-8 drive thru or walk in.
d. Apple Wishes – Sherri was not in attendance.
e. Harvest Desserts – Pat already has some volunteers set up.
f. Spooky Courtyard – Shalome. It will be called the Spooktacular Courtyard. There are some volunteers to set up and to work the event. Would still be grateful for any decorations that could be donated i.e., fog machines, lab coat, black lights. Please label all items so they are able to be returned timely. There will be a photo booth and trick or treat for kids in the court yard. Pat will pass out a bag to each child with their tickets at the door.
g. MEAP Snacks – Jennifer Roy all went smoothly.
h. Spirit Wear – Stephanie Day. Wants to offer this one time a year so there will be better prices by limiting the number of items offered. Possibly sending out a flier sometime after Halloween with the delivery date before Christmas. The existing logo of either the paw print or the tree. If there are only 6 items offered it could be a difference of $2.00 to $4.00 per item. Maybe offering a canvas bag or hoodie, track suit, hat, has not yet determined what items will be offered. Jen wants the orders to be available twice per year so as to accommodate any new students that may start after the new year. Stephanie will forward ideas to Jen and Mrs. Koenig for approval before preparing and sending out flier.
i. Movie Night – Melissa Gault. The movie night will be 11/11 @ 6:30. May sell pizza but not going to offer popcorn as this is a popcorn Friday.
j. Santa Event – Doughnuts and Bagels breakfast with Santa. Will have activities for the children. Santa Shop will be opened for business during this event.
· There will be a new fundraiser making chain-link decorations in addition to our annual Snowman Village. Each grade will make their links with a different color and the chains will be hung throughout the hallways for the kids to see the progress each grade makes. Each link will sell for $.25.
k. Relay for Life June 9th. Will possibly do a Bug Theme “you have been bugged by Greenwood” as an advertisement on lawns to raise awareness and possibly obtain further donations. Julie, Pat, Amiee and Denise have all offered to host the lawn bug. Amiee thinks she can get 6 lady bugs for $22.00 but will research this.
9. Unfinished Business
a. Talent Show – Stephanie to chair event May 4, 2012.
b. Fun Run – Possibility but will be reassessed after Santa Shop.
c. Field Day – June 4th – rain date is June 11, 2012
10. New Business
a. Box Top – Melissa found new ideas on the website i.e., a Suomo Wrestling, scooter race between Mrs. Koenig and gym teacher as a possible fundraiser.
b. Square One – 45 minutes to an hour will be needed in each class during a one month time frame in order for the students to prepare their artwork to submit to Square One for personalized gift items. Hoping to complete by end of February in order to have items ready by May/June for Mothers Day and Fathers Day gifts. Motion made and approved.
11. Open Agenda
a. PTO Carts. The specials teachers have been using the PTO carts to house their classroom supplies, Diane Koenig indicated the teachers need to have their own carts. Denise to look into pricing, where to order, etc.
Diane Koch pulled the name from Market Day drawing – Amiee Young won
Meeting Adjourned @ 8:05 p.m.
This month’s attendance winner is Mrs. Baird!
Next meeting: November 10th @ 6:30 p.m.
Submitted by Denise Cholewa – PTO Secretary
October 23, 2011