Goedeke, K., Everyman, Homulus, and Hekastus, Hanover, 1865
Best, Thomas, "Everyman and Protestantism in the Netherlands and Germany," Daphis, 16, 1-2, 1987, 13-32
A Bibliography of the Prodigal Son Theme in Art and Literature
Robert Baldwin
Published in Bulletin of Bibliography, 44, 3, 1987, 167-171
A rich literature on the prodigal son has developed in a variety of fields. Unfortunately, the scattered nature of these studies has often prevented historians in one field from exploiting research published elsewhere. In the hopes of encouraging more synthetic scholarship, I have compiled this interdisciplinary bibliography. My efforts are dedicated to Barbara Joan Haeger whose work is fundamental to the subject.
Abrams, M. H.. "The Prodigal's Return," idem, Natural Supernaturalism. New York and London: W. W. Norton & Company, 1971, 164-169.
Adell, Arvid. "Nietzsche and a Man with Two Sons." Religion in Life 45 (Winter 1976): 499-509.
Alpatov, Michail. "Rembrandt's Rückkehr des verlorenen Sohnes." idem, Studien für Westeuropäischen Kunst. Cologne: Verlag M. Du Mont Schauber, 1974, 124-141.
Araki, S. and Y. vanden Bemden. "Medaillons representant l'histoire du fils prodigue." Meded. Geschied- en oudheidkundige kring voor Leuven en omgeving 11 (1971): 126-147.
Backscheider, Paula R.. "Defoe's Prodigal Sons." Studies in the Literary Imagination 15 (Fall 1982): 3-18.
Baldwin, Robert. "'On earth we are beggars, as Christ himself was': The Protestant Background to Rembrandt's Imagery of Poverty, Disability and Begging." Konsthistorisk Tidskrift 54 (3 1985): 122-135.
------. "Rembrandt's Return of the Prodigal." idem, Christian Art and Apostolic Piety in Northern Europe, 1400-1700. (in progress).
Barnard, Leslie. "To Allegorize or not to Allegorize." Studia Theologica 36 (1982) 1-10 (patristic exegesis).
Beck, Jr., Ervin. "Prodigal Son Comedy: The Continuity of a Paradigm in English Drama: 1500-1642." Thesis, Indiana University, 1972.
Beck, Jr., Ervin, "Terence Improved: The Paradigm of the Prodigal Son in English Renaissance Comedy." Renaissance Drama 6 (1973): 107-122. *
Bergström, Ingvar. "Rembrandt's Double Portrait of Himself and Saskia at the Dresden Gallery: A Tradition Transformed." Nederlands kunsthistorisch Jaarboek 27 (1966): 143-169.
Beemelmann, W. "Bilder aus dem Kölner Volksleben des 16. Jahrhunderts; Aufführungen des verlorenen Sohnes." Jahrbuch des Kölner Geschichts-Vereins 13 (1933): 135-152. *
Bernet Kempers, A. J.. "De oblieman. Metamorfosen van een koekjesverkoper." Volkskunde 74 (1973): 1-43.
Bernoulli, Rudolph. "Matthäus Merian und seine Bedeutung für die Wanderung von Bildmotiven." Zeitschrift für Schweizerische Archäeologie und Kunstgeschichte 10 (1948-9): 169-175. *
Bialostocki, Jan. "Der Sünder als tragischer Held bei Rembrandt." in Otto von Simson and Jan Kelch, (eds). Neue Beiträge zur Rembrandt Forschung. Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1973, 137-150.
Bocharov, A.. "Vremia vozvrashcheniia, bremia vozvrashcheniia." Oktiabr 4 (April 1984): 186-192 (Russian literature).
Boekenoogen, Gerritt Jacob. (ed). De Historie van den verloren sone, naar den Antwerpschen Druk van Godtgaf Verhulst uit het Jaar 1655. Leiden: Boekhandel en Drukkerij voorheen E. J. Brill, 1908.
Bolte, J.. "Bilderbogen des 16. Jahrhunderts." Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche Taal-en Letterkunde 14 (1895): 122-126 (1541 series of allegorical prints on prodigal). *
Brown, Jonathan. "Hieroglyphs of Death and Salvation: The Decoration of the Church of the Hermandad de la Caridad, Seville." Art Bulletin 52 (September 1970): 271-2; reprinted in Brown, Images and Ideas in Seventeenth-Century Spain. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1978.
Busch, Werner. "Zur Deutung von Rembrandt's 'Verlorenem Sohn' in Leningrad." Oud Holland 85 (1970): 179-182.
------. "Rembrandt's 'Ledikant': der verlorene Sohn im Bett." Oud Holland 97 (1983): 257-65.
Calas, Nicolas. "Hieronymous Bosch and the Prodigal Son." Harvard Art Review (Winter 1967): 15-20. *
------. "Hieronymous Bosch and the Parable of the Two Brothers." Coloquio: Artes 37 (June 1978): 24-33. *
Callahan, John F.. Augustine and the Greek Philosophers. Villanova: Villanova University Press, 1967, 47-74 (early Christian Odysseus-prodigal).
Campbell, Colin. "The Identity of Rembrandt's 'Polish Rider'." in Otto von Simson and Jan Kelch, (eds). Neue Beiträge zur Rembrandt Forschung. Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1973, 126-136.
Carlston, Charles. "Reminiscence and Redaction in Luke 15:11-32." Journal of Biblical Literature 94 (1975): 368-390.
Carter, Nancy. "The Prodigal Daughter: A Parable Re-Visioned." Soundings 68 (1985): 88-105.
Chapman, Perry. "Rembrandt and the Historical Self-Portrait." Thesis, Princeton University, 1983.
Chew, Samuel, The Pilgrimmage of Life. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962.
Clark, Kenneth. "Motives." Studies in Western Art. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1963, IV, 189-205.
Claudel, Paul and André Gide. Correspondance. (ed). Robert Mallet, Paris: Gallimard, 1949. (English edition, trans. John Russell. London: Secker & Warburg, 1952).
Collier, James and Ken Wales. "Does Christian Film Work in the Neighborhood Theatre?: Makers of 'The Prodigal' Believe It Will." Christianity Today 27 (October 7, 1983): 14-20.
Craig, Kenneth. "Rembrandt and the Slaughtered Ox." Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 46 (1983): 235-239.
Denny, Don. "Some Narrative Subjects in the Portal Sculpture of Auxerre Cathedral." Speculum 51 (1976): 23-34.
Derrett, J. Duncan. "The Parable of the Prodigal Son: Patristic Allegories and Jewish Midrashim." Studia Patristica 10 (1970): 219-224.
------. "Law in the New Testament: The Parable of the Prodigal Son." New Testament Studies 14 (October 1967) 56-74.
Dietz, Donald Thaddeus. The "Auto Sacramentale" and the Parable in Spanish Golden Age Literature. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1973, 34-49.
Doebler, John. "Beaumont's 'The Knight of the Burning Pestle' and the Prodigal Son Plays." Studies in English Literature 5 (1965): 333-344. *
Domeier, Sister Renee. "The Parable of the Prodigal Son in the Theatre of Tirso de Molinä." Thesis, University of Michigan, 1970.
Dorival, B.. "Callot modele de Murillo." Revue des-arts 1 (1951): 94-101.
Dörrer, A.. "Der verlorene Sohn." Germanisch-romanische Monatsschrift 24 (1936): 21-35.
Dutton-Stuckey, Marsha. "A Prodigal Writes Home: Aelred of Rievaulx's 'De institutione inclusarum'." in E. Roxanne Elder (ed). Heaven on Earth: Studies in Medieval Cistercian History. Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publishers, 1983, 35-42.
Eisenbichler, Konrad. "From Sacra Rappresentazione to Commedia Spirituale; Three Prodigal Son Plays." Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance 45 (1983): 107-112. *
Emmens, J. A.. Rembrandt en de regels van de Kunst. Utrecht: Dekker & Gumbert, 1964, 164-169.
Fairman, Marion. "The Prodigal's Way." idem, Biblical Patterns in Modern Literature. Cleveland: Dillon and Liederbach, 1972, 111-130.
Feldman, A. B.. "Gnaphaeus in England." Modern Language Notes 67 (May 1952): 325-328 (de Volder's "Acolastus"). *
Ferrari, Leo C.. "The Theme of the Prodigal Son in Augustine's Confessions." Recherches Augustiniennes 12 (1977): 105-118.
Fisher, L. R.. "Amarna Age Prodigal." Journal of Semetic Studies 3 (April 1958) 113-122.
Frankle, P.. "A Stained Glass Roundrel in Boston." Gazette des Beaux-Arts 60 (1962): 521-528.
Galama, Egidius G.A.. Twee zestiende-eeuwse spelen van de verlooren Zoone door Robert Lawet. Utrecht: N. V. Dekker, 1941.
Geisberg, M.. "Der verlorene Sohn aus dem Verlage Jobst de Negkers im Kupferstichkabinett." Mitteilungen aus dem sächsischen Kunstsammlungen 2 (1911): 25-30.
Gnapheus, Gulielmus. Acolastus. A Latin Play of the Sixteenth Century. Latin text, intro. and trans. by W. E. D. Atkinson, London, Ontario: University of Western Ontario, 1964. *
Haak, Bob. "Man en vrouw bij spinnenwiel." Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 7 (1959): 55-66.
Haeger, Barbara Joan. "The Religious Significance of Rembrandt's 'Return of the Prodigal Son'." Thesis, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1983.
------. "The Prodigal Son in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Netherlandish Art: Depictions of the Parable and the Evolution of a Catholic Image." Simiolus 16 (2/3 1986): 128-137. *
------. "Cornelis Anthonisz's Representation of the Parable of the Prodigal Son: A Protestant Interpretation of the Biblical Text." Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek 37 (1986) 133-150. *
Halewood, William. Six Reformation Subjects: A Preface to Rembrandt. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1982, 52-65.
Hamburger, Käte. "Die Geschichte der Verlorenen Sohnes bei Rilke." in Dietrich Rössler, (ed). Fides et Communicatio: Festschrift für Martin Doerne zum 70sten Geburtstag. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1970, 126-143.
Hartog, Curt Hardin. "The Prodigal Motif in Defoe and Robinson Crusoe." Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1971.
------. "Authority and Autonomy in Robinson Crusoe." Enlightenment Essays 5 (1974): 33-43.
Held, Julius. "R.-A. d'Hulst, 'Jordaens Drawings'." Art Bulletin 60 (December 1978): 721-722.
Helgerson, Richard. "The Prodigal Son in Elizabethan Fiction." Thesis, Johns Hopkins University, 1970. *
Herrick, Marvin. Tragicomedy: Its Origins and Development in Italy, France, and England. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 1961, 16-62. *
Holmes, Joan E.. "Rodin's Prodigal Son and Rilke's 'Malte'." in Frank Baron, (ed). Rilke and the Visual Arts. Lawrence, Kansas: Coronado Press, 1982, 19-25.
Holstein, Hugo. Das Drama vom verlorenen Sohn. Halle: Druck und Verlag von Otto Hendel, 1880.
Hyman, Timothy. "Solaris." Film Quarterly (1975-76): 54-58.
Hunter, J. Paul. The Reluctant Pilgrim. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1966, 33-4, 133-139. (Daniel Defoe).
Ingham, N.W.. "Irony in Povest' o Gore i Zlocastii." Slavic and East European Journal 24 (Winter 1980): 333-348.
Jeremias, Joachim. The Parables of Jesus. rev. ed., New York: Charles Scribner, 1963, 128-132.
Jursch, Hanna. "Der verlorene Sohn in der Kunst Rembrandts." Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena 8 (1958-59). (Gesellschafts-und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe) Heft 1: 59-69).
Kallensee, Kurt. Die Liebe des Vaters: Das Geschichte von vorlorene Sohn in der christliche Dichtung und bildenden Kunst. Berlin: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 1960.
Kane, Patricia. "The Prodigal Daughter in Alice Walker's 'Everyday Use'." Notes on Contemporary Literature 15 (1985): 7.
Kat, J. F. M.. De verloren zoon als letterkundig motief. Amsterdam: J. Babeliowsky en Zonen, 1952. *
Keisch, Claude. Abschied, Reise, Heimkehr, eine Motivgruppe zwischen Empfindsamskeit und Biedermeier. exhibition catalogue, National Gallery, East Berlin, 1979.
Kelly, G.. "Drama of Student Life in the German Renaissance." Educational Theatre Journal 26 (October 1974): 291-307. *
Knipping, J. B.. The Iconography of the Counter Reformation in the Netherlands. 2 vols. Nieuwkoop: B. de Graaf, Leiden: A. W. Sijthoff, 1974.
Lea, Henry.. "The Prodigal Son in Werfel's Fiction." Germanic Review 40 (1965): 41-54.
Lecomte, Guy. "'Un homme avait deux fils': Péguy et la parable de l'enfant égaré." La revue des lettres modernes 731-734 (1985): 125-140.
Leiblein, L.. "Thomas Middleton's Prodigal Plays." Comparative Drama 10 (Spring 1976): 54-60. *
Lengl, Georg. "Bemerkungen zu der Müncher Rembrandtzeichnung 'Zwei Männer, einen Ochsen schlachtend." Münster 27 (1974): 276-279.
Leppert, Richard D.. "The Prodigal Son: Teniers and Ghezzi." Minneapolis Institute of Art Bulletin 111 (1974): 80-91.
Levi, Les Bert. "The Prodigal Youth Morality and Elizabethan Domestic Tragedy." Thesis, Columbia University, 1982. *
Liebnitz, Jennifer. "The Image of the Prodigal Son in Rilke's Poetry." in Frank Baron, (ed). Rilke and the Visual Arts. Lawrence: Coronado Press, 1982, 11-17.
Linnik, I. V.. "Once More on Rembrandt and Tradition." Album Amicorum H. E. van Gelder. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1973, 223-235.
------. "The Return of the Prodigal Son." in V. Loewinson-Lessing (ed). Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn: Paintings from Soviet Museums. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Leningrad: Aurora Art Publishers, 1975.
Loewinson-Lessing. "On the History of the Collection of Rembrandt's Paintings in Soviet Museums." idem, (ed). Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn: Paintings from Soviet Museums. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Leningrad: Aurora Art Publishers, 1975.
Luce, Gordon H.. "Riang-Lang: Parable of the Prodigal Son." in Jacques Barrau, (ed). Langues et techniques, nature et société. Paris: Klincksieck, 1972, 169-172.
Lunsingh Scheurleer, D. F.. "Engelse creamware-borden met de geschiedenis van de Verloren Zoon." Mededelingenblad Vrienden van de Nederlandse Ceramiek 73-74 (1974): 30-37. (late 18th-early 19th-century English plates decorated in Holland).
Maekawa, Masako. "Hotomusuko Geki: Renaissance no Otoshigo." Oberon 46 (1983): 41-56 (prodigal son in Renaissance literature).
Maher, Michael K.. "Shakespeare's 'Timon of Athens' and Elizabethan Prodigal Son Plays." Thesis, University of Georgia, 1974. *
May, James E.. "The 'Prodigal Son' at Bartholomew Fair: A New Document."
Theatre Survey: The American Journal of Theatre History 21 (1980): 63-72.
Mayer-Meintschel, Anneliese. "Rembrandt und Saskia im Gleichnis vom Verlorenen Sohn." Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (1970-71): 39-57.
McCarthy, L.. "Two Gothic Stained Glass Rondels." Krannert Art Museum Bulletin 1 (1975-76): 6-23.
Michel, Kurt. Das Wesen des Reformationsdramas entwickelt am Stoff des verlorenen Sohns. Düren: Spezial-Dissertations Buchdruckerei, 1934. *
Munz, Ludwig. "Rembrandts Bilder von Mutter und Vater." Jahrbuch kunsthistorischen Sammlungen in Wien 50 (1953): 184-6.
Neuman, Carl. Rembrandt. Munich: Verlag von F. Bruckmann, 1922, 491-523.
Owst, G. R.. Literature and Pulpit in Medieval England. 2nd. ed., New York: Barnes and Noble, 1961, 102-108.
Parr, Anthony Neil. "A Critical Edition of Ben Jonson's 'The Staple of News'." Thesis, University of Toronto, 1984.
Patte, Daniel. "Structural Analysis of the Parable of the Prodigal Son: Towards a Method." in Daniel Patte, (ed). Semiology and Parables. Pittsburgh: Pickwick, 1976, 71-149.
Pigler, Arnold. Barockthemen. Budapest, 1956, 1, 360-364.
Pugliese, Anthony. "The Prodigal Son in Prints." Thesis, New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, 1932.
Reau, Louis. L'iconographie du l'art chrétienne. 3 vols., Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1955-59, II, 2, 333-338.
Regteren-Altena, J. Q. van. "Rembrandt und die Amsterdam Bühne." Kunstchronik 10 (1957): 135-6.
Renger, Konrad. Lockere Gesellschaft: Zur Ikonographie des verlorenes Sohnes und von Wirtschausszene in der niederländischen Malerei. Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag. 1970. *
Robbins, Jill. "Prodigal Son and Elder Brother: The Example
of Augustine's 'Confessions'." Genre 16 (1983): 317-333.
Rowe, Jr., George E.. "Prodigal Sons, New Comedy, and Middleton's 'Michaelmas Term'." English Literary History 7 (Winter 1977): 90-107. *
Savage, Catherine. "Gide et la tentation du catholicisme claudélien." Kentucky Foreign Language Quarterly 9 (2 1962): 97-104.
Schlienger-Stähli, Hildegard. Rainer Maria Rilke - André Gide: Der verlorene Sohn. Vergleichende Betrachtung. Zurich: Juris Druck und Verlag,
Schmidt, Expeditus. "Ein Spiel von Verlorenen Sohne am Pfalz-Zweibrückener anmerkungen." Analecta Germanica. Hermann Paul zum 7 Aug. 1906. Amberg: 1906, 170-260.
Schniewind, Julius Daniel. Das Gleichnis vom verlorenen Sohn. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1940.
Schweckendieck, Adolf. "De Historie van verloren sone." Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche Taalen Letterkunde 51 (1932): 8-42.
------. "Bühnengeschichte des verlorenen Sohnes in Deutschland, 1527-1627." Theatergeschichtliche Forschungen. Leipzig: Verlag von Leopold Voss, 1930. *
Shaw, J. T.. "Pushkin's 'The Stationmaster' and the New Testament Parable." Slavic and East European Journal 21 (Spring 1977): 3-29 (inspired Ballanchine's ballet).