Computer Technology – PowerPoint Test

Storyboard for Ethics Case Study #3

Flaming Mad

Use this storyboard to create a slide show about a computer-ethics dilemma. Unless noted, the slide layouts are Blank with text boxes you create. Include the text, hyperlinks and action buttons that are listed below. You must customize the slide show with the following: your own choice of design theme, slide transitions, at least three graphics, animation of the graphics, and other enhancements of your choice (font styles, etc.).

Save as: PowerPoint Test. Run the presentation for your instructor.

Slide 1 Title Slide Layout
Flaming Mad
By: (Student Name) / Slide 2
A football game was scheduled between two teams that had an intense rivalry.
Slide 3
A fan from the green team believes he can make a “play” that will help his team. / Slide 4
The green fan posts a message on an Internet bulletin board.
Slide 5
The message reads . . . / Slide 6
“The yellow team members must use drugs to enhance their performance. How else could explain all those muscles?”
Slide 7
Is this legal?

YES (Make the word YES a hyperlink to slide 8)

NO (Make the word NO a hyperlink to slide 9)
Is this ethical?
YES (Make the word YES a hyperlink to slide 10)
NO (Make the word NO a hyperlink to slide 11) / Slide 8
Yes, it’s legal.
Strong opinions can be expressed online.
Slide 9
No, it’s not legal.
If specific lies are posted which cause damage, it may be proven to be illegal and criminal punishment may be attached. / Slide 10
Yes, it’s ethical.
Some flames can be fun when they allow people to vent their feelings.
Slide 11
No, it’s not ethical.
Flaming insults can lead to flame wars which destroy good will and damage reputations. / Slide 12
(fill in your name) is my name.
Ethics is my game!
Slide 13
Hilton, Dr. Thomas, et. al. “Ethics Teaching Module.” tests/ET/index.html