1st Draft sent to SEfor checking on17/03/11


Thursday 20th January 2011

17:30 – 19:00

Pfizerconference room at the Lister

Present / Deanery: Nina Cuckow, Simon Edgar, The Dean -William Reid, Ian Jones (LAY)
TAG Members:Robert Johnston, Ingibjorg Gudmundsdottir, Lucy Wells, Aravinthan Subbarayan, Victoria Campbell, Kate Struthers, Lisa Bashford, Abha Gupta, Drinthan Subbo, Janine Thoulass, Gavin MacPherson, Kirsten Wade, Liam Reilly
Author / Niall Heseltine
DESCRIPTION / Responsibility
1 / Welcome an Introduction
2 / Minutes of Previous Meeting
Minutes Approved
3 / Matters Arising
4 / New Chair – Vote/Discussion
The rationalisation for the TAG is to optimise trainee experience locally – the group could be a powerful unit if utilised to full capacity.
WR communicates the advantages of harnessing the TAG as a means of a two-way exchange, and cites the IDT & ARCP as processes that have so far benefitted from the involvement of the TAG.
TAG members offered suggestions on how the format of the group could be improved. The result of this was that trainees were keen to meet, prior to/post the session and debate without Dean representation to encouragefree dialoguethat could then be taken to the Deanery members and discussed.
The TAG Chair stepped down and members were invited to nominate a new lead. Victoria Campbell was voted in as Chair with Abha Gupta acting as deputy. / Format to be reviewed VC & AG
5 / PAQ: Update
The PAQ closes Monday 24thJan. Nina Cuckow shall then review the data, and publish to TPDs. She is hoping to compile the relevant statistics in the third week of February which can be sent to other parties.
The purpose of the PAQ is to triangulate findings of other surveys. The only surveys approved for mail out are the Deanery’s own, the GMC, and additional Deanery agreed surveys; such as College approved evaluations.
To date the PAQ yielded a 76% response rate in the South East.
6 / Recruitment Website
WR: informed the group that on the 19th December the Cabinet Minister signed off recruitment numbers. We were asked to wait for the verified numbers, and obliged, so that we did not over recruit.
Having just received confirmation. The post numbers are down 49 Scotland wide. These posts will be deducted proportionally across all regions.
WR voiced concerns that Foundation trainees are not fully aware that when leaving to study abroad for a year, they return to a situation where they will be applying to roles with fewer posts and stiffer competition.
A Foundation Rep explained that his cohort feels pressured to make a decision quicker than they’re comfortable with, and that it is almost better to go overseas for a year, contemplate their options, and return with a more informed decision.
Job offers in Scotland and England are meant to be released in synchrony. This is a UK wide agreement. This was meant to happen last year, it did not. It will this year.
Emergency Medicine
Different forms of jobs for CCT leavers might be advertised.
A TAG member voiced that should this happen itsimportant that rebranded roles do not appear diminished in terms of responsibility.
Deanery Website
The Deanery is currently restricted to a one way dialogue of communication, not the two way flow it had hoped for. It was recognised that an increased trainee input needed to be arranged.
7 / AOCB
Revalidation is under review to attempt to downscale the level of testimony needed for the process of revalidation.The plan is to make the procedure through the GMC easier by coordinating the flow of relevant information into a single source – SAW.
SAW is in talks with all eportfolio’s, anda pilot is being planned for May. With the idea of one specialty programme being utilised as a focus group.
Next meeting: 5th May 2011