Goal: To create a cartoon caricature of yourself and successfully put it in your TIJ1O folder on the Colonel By Novell server.


  1. Open Photoshop.
  2. Open an unmodified picture of yourself (preferably your school picture).
  3. Save the picture as: firstnamelastinitial_cartoon.psd (MikeD_cartoon.psd) in your folder. NOTE: This extension (.psd) indicates the document is a photoshop document. This will save the file with all of the layers.
  4. Remove the background. Use the magic wand tool to select and remove the background.
  5. Use various effects to make yourself look like a black and white cartoon. The filter menu has a number of effects to choose from – liquify is a fun one.
  6. Add in your name in a font on your choice, in a bright colour of your choice; make sure the font size and style is readable. Notice your name is on its own layer. You can move and alter only your name when you are on this layer.
  7. Use the internet to find a technology related image. Something fairly simple – too much detail will take away from your picture.
  8. Copy and paste the tech image into your photoshop picture. You can move it to the background by dragging the top layer (the layer with the tech image) to the bottom in the layers window. If you do not see the layers window, go to the window menu and choose show layers.

  1. Open your original picture file.
  2. Copy and paste the original onto your new picture. Don’t let it get in the way of the alterations. Make sure it is just a small picture so I can easily see the differences you made. Use edit – transform to adjust the size of the original.
  3. Save your file.
  4. Now Save the picture as a gif file. Go to File – save for web. Choose a .gif extension. The .gif extension allows you to maintain any transparency you want in your picture. The save for web option helps to reduce the file size.
  5. Close Photoshop. Do not try to save directly from a program onto the Novell server. You do not have edit capabilities in this folder. It is only a drop box for me to collect your work.
  6. Copy your cartoon into the “cartoon” folder in your Photoshop folder in your Novell account.

Marking Scheme:

Removed background(s) appropriately/2

Cartoon-like effects applied/2

Tech graphic added/2

Original picture added /1

Name added/1

File named properly/1

File saved in correct folder on server/1