Official Investigation Report

Edenton Jail/ Jailer’s House

Location: Edenton Jail/ Jailer’s House (Edenton, NC)



Investigators:Andrew, Rahat, Kim, Eric, Synique, and Crystal. Also present were three members of CAPA (Carolina Association for Paranormal Activity) Mat, Jesse and Meghan, to help us with setup.

Weather Conditions:Clear skies, warm

Inside temperature of 75-78 degrees in the jail and 80-82 degrees in the Jailer’s House.

Outside temperature of 75-78 degrees

Significant Personal Experiences:

1045pm Rahat and Eric hear strange buzzing sound on the first floor of the Jail.

1130pm Crystal, Synique, Jesse and Meghan all expierence footsteps above them while on the bottom floor of the jail.

12am- Matt, Jesse and Meghan hear a footstep above them while on the first floor of the Jail.

1235am-1245am- Andrew, Matt and Jesse all watch as the k2 (emf) meter goes off by itself without any power in that building.

130am- Rahat and Eric hear strange banging sound coming from the first floor of the Jailer’s House.

3am- Courthouse Bell Rings (To our knowledge there is no bell In the courthouse anymore?)

Debunking/ Alternative possibilities to paranormal:

-There is lots of tricky shadow play in the jail itself which can lead you to believe someone is walking while you are walking by the cells.

-On the weekends especially, lots of people walk around outside the building creating noise and can even sound like it’s inside the Jailer’s House.

-There are holes in the walls of the cellblocks that allow light to come in through to the other side.

Video Evidence:

1245am K2 (EMF) meter is shown going off by itself on the first floor of the jail where there is no power. (We do not have this video, but CAPA does)

Audio Evidence:

1100pm a footstep that Matt, Jesse and Meghan heard is caught.

1215am footsteps are recorded but not heard at the time on the first floor of the jail (Rahat, Synique, and Crystal)

1225am whisper is heard before Rahat asks a question

Photo Evidence:


Summary and Opinion:

All in all, these properties were amazing. We had a great time investigating the Jailer’s House, as well the jail itself. We lucked out with the perfect weather to investigate that night with clear skies mid 70’s. A couple of teams did have strange experiences and some controversial evidence was caught on audio. So at this point, we cannot say without a doubt this place is haunted. We had some experiences that led us to believe there is a possibility of something still hanging around the jail, but we would really need to come back and investigate again to try and figure out exactly what we are dealing with. Again, it was a incredible place with extensive history. We were honored to have the opportunity to investigate such a interesting (and creepy!) place. We would love the opportunity to come back!


Level 2

Suspicious Activity

(check our website for more details on what this means) (