JUNIOR SCHOOL / Juniper Road
(023) 8022 7692

8thFebruary 2018

Dear Parent/Carer

Year 3 Visit to Highclere Castle – Tuesday 24th April 2018

We are planning a school trip for Year 3 to visit Highclere Castle; the home of Lord Carnarvon, who, with Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamen’s tomb in 1922. The trip will be an exciting opportunity for the children to gain an extraordinary insight into the Ancient Egyptian Civilisation. There will be a child friendly tour of Egyptian Exhibition as well as a hands on room, where the children can handle, dress up and explore replica relics , artefacts that the children can handle and explore as well as making their own cartouche with their name in Hieroglyphics. The children will be able to use their new knowledge and experience back in the classroom when continuing their topic about the Ancient Egyptians.

We will be travelling by bus, leaving school at approximately 9.00am and returning by 3.00pm. The children should wear school uniform and sensible shoes and all children must bring coats with them as some of the trip will be based outside. (Please note that the year group will be going over two separate days, your child will go on the above date.) The children will also need to bring a packed lunch and drink with them in a rucksack. If your child is entitled to a free school meal, they will be provided with a packed lunch; however you must indicate this on the reply slip.

We ask for a contribution of £14 per child to cover the cost of this visit. You are welcome to pay by instalments if you wish, however the total should be paid by Monday 23rd April 2018.

Please pay on-line or by cash/cheque (cheques made payable to Beechwood Junior School). If insufficient contributions are received, unfortunately this visit may need to be cancelled.

Please complete the reply slip below and return to the school office together with your payment by Monday 23rd April 2018.

Yours sincerely

Miss Paddock

Year 3 Leader

Please return to the school office by the Monday 23rd April 2018


I understand that my child will be going on Tuesday 24th April 2018

I have enclosed / paid online (please circle) the contribution of £14.00

I wish to pay by instalments and have enclosed ______in cash/cheque. I understand that the remaining balance must be paid by 23rd April.

Please provide my child with a packed lunch for this visit as they are entitled to free school meals.

Child’s Name: ______Class: ______

Parent/Carer signature: ______Date: ______

Hamwic Education Trust. Registered Address: Unit E, Mill Yard, Nursling Street, Southampton SO16 0AJ.

A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (Company Number 10749662)