1st Lesson: Matthew 23:8
But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.
2nd Lesson: John 10:16
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold and one shepherd.
Golden Text: Galatians 3:28-29
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Brethren, after reading the three texts, it will be clear to you what the mind of God, the mind of the Son of God and the mind of the Holy Spirit is. Before delving into the discourse of the gospel, I want to narrate to you the genealogy story.
It is said that the generation of the third grade, that is the grand children stands polluted. You are not to blame because you do not know how this generation comes about but I am now to tread a little so that you realise that all the inhabitants of the world are one.
Do not claim the nationality of Nigerian, or Britain or United States of America, or to have belonged to the African, European or Asian continent. If you do that, you are only expressing short-sightedness because you do not know the full implication of what you claim.
If two persons meet for the first time, unless each of them introduces himself and traces his genealogy, each will claim, he has never known each other. Some times, you will be ignorant that your great grand father is related to his great grand father, may be he went to live in India and yours lived in Ethiopia. It is only when you meet and introduce yourselves and trace your pedigree tree that you will know the extent of your relationship with him.
As we are here, we do not know that some of us came from India, some from Russia, others from Ghana, or Cameroon or America and other places. It is only when the pedigree tree is traced that you will actually ascertain the relationship and that you both come from the stock. The tracing of the genealogy is a different story, and it is by way of digression but today that is not the theme for our sermon today.
A great many people complain that the words of the Father are not easy to hear. This is true because except you posses spiritual ears, you cannot hear and understand even one word. Even the village you hail from, when the elderly fellow starts to narrate the history of the village, you will not understand unless you have ears to hear.
What is causing confusion in the world is that there is not honest person. If we were to have even a singular man of truth, then everything would have been alright, but our problem is that we are hungry people. Assure me how a hungry person can tell the truth.
It is sin that bring about division; it has also brought about hunger. That was why our Lord Jesus Christ said when he the Comforter, even the Spirit of truth comes, He will lead you unto the accurate wisdom of the truth. There is nothing else whether man or angel, or tree, or water, or spirit or any other thing conceivable, which can lead man to the accurate wisdom of the truth except the Holy Spirit.
Since our Lord Jesus Christ had made a far-reaching statement, "Before Abraham was I am," He is the only person who has the right to reveal the secret of this kingdom unto mankind. I believe that you have the ears to hear.
In the past it used to be said let those who have ears to hear but now you have all been given the ears to hear because this is the era in which every person has to hear the word of God.
Do not be anxious about what is going on because when you predict, unless it is the fullness of time, the prediction cannot be manifested. When he says a certain thing would happen, hold on to that statement, because come what may, it will come to pass as he had said.
If you want to know what is in this world, and in the world to come, take up the Bible, which is the Ark of Covenant, and search diligently. It contains absolutely everything in the world.
All other books you write, publish and read are useless. The only book is the Bible, which is invariably the Ark of Covenant, the mind of God, the will of God, the plan of God, the covenant of God and contains everything which has happened, and which will happen.
All other books are elementary spirit, because they contain the voices, the wisdom, the mind and the plan of man. But the Bible was written by the inspiration of God.
It was God himself who passed through certain spiritually inspired people to write it, that is why from Genesis to the Revelation of John the Divine the contents are but the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Do not, therefore, doubt how the whole world will be amalgamated. Do not ask any question. If you are led by the Holy Spirit, you will discover that the whole world is now invited into one fold, both the whites and blacks are one indivisible entity. You have now come to realise that God is one, who promises and fulfils. He plans and executes. He is the truth and His words are true.
God made a promise to our father Abraham that he would be the father of all nations at a time when Abraham did not yet beget even a child. He also showed him the land on which he would grow and inherit for himself and for all his descendants.
Who, in the whole world, can mention the location of the land given to him by God? Who can mention that one child of Abraham, not children, that his only child? You will realise that I am not a preacher, not a visioner and not a prophet, neither do I come to bear testimony, but I come to reveal God and his glory plainly, in His totality, to mankind and all that was hidden.
Because the judgement Book, the Ark of the covenant has now been brought, whoever, therefore denies that he is a child of God should come out and I will trace his antecedents until he will see his nakedness and accept the truth.
If a white man comes, I will call him brother, if he argues that he is not my brother, I shall trace his genealogy until he discovers where he originated and accept he is my brother.
No person should continue to doubt. Call in here every person in the world to come and look at himself at the mirror. Whatever you claim to be, once you come in here you will be revealed so that you know yourself and depart from stupidity.
Do you conjecture that the gospel of God is spoken off head or is preached as a result of high education, or as a figment of imagination? What has Paul said? He says "For Christ did not send me to baptise but to preach the gospel, not with wisdom of words, not with intelligence, not legal edge or craftiness, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect."
I also wish that a Muslim is brought to me and I will ask him who his father is. I will also call him a brother, if he denies that he is my brother, I will also show him inexplicable terms and he will confirm and confess that he is a brother.
If he is a brother, why then does he not agree with and accept me? If a white man confesses that he is my brother why can we not sit on the same table and discuss issue of common interest?
I want to show to you that the promise, which God made with Abraham, our father, is today manifested. It is said as concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sake, but as touching election, they are beloved for the father’s sake. God does not regret for our election.
The land God promised to give to Abraham to live on, inherit and inhabit with his children, is this world the earth and the child promised Abraham by God refers to mankind, you are that child, note what is read to you. "There is neither Jew nor Greek nor Hebrew, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus our Lord, and if you are of the Christ, then are you Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise."
You have heard that it was what Abraham did, he became the friend of God. God also was his friend. What does it mean to be one’s friend? He was not his own child or servant, you know what the concept of friend means. The son mentioned is the Christ. Note that Abraham is the father and the Christ is the Lord.
If you now begin to trace the origin of the various races, tribes, clans and ethnic groups, in the whole world, you will trace their pedigree tree to Abraham. Abraham begat Isaac, Isaac begat Jacob and Jacob begat the twelve prominent men we all know about from the Bible.
Ishmael was also the child of Abraham. Forget about the argument that the mother of Ishmael hailed from Egypt, but one thing is certain and that is Ishmael was the first son of Abraham and Isaac was the second. This explains why the Moslems accuse us of worshipping the child of the second son instead of the first.
But can you see the source of the misunderstanding between the Christians and the Moslems? It is not that the Moslems have not known about Abraham. They have known him as the father. God had assigned him specially as the father of all the nations of the world and his children to rule.
It is similar to what used to obtain traditionally in our culture. If you begat a child but you did not pay the bride price for the mother of the child, then the child will be regarded as an illegitimate child and, therefore, does not share the inheritance of the father.
But what happens today? Once you have impregnated a woman, any child who is born as a result of the pregnancy, belongs to you, he is your legitimate child. There is now no question of illegitimacy.
If you impregnate another person’s wife: I have not said you should impregnate or have affair with any person’s wife, this is only an illustration. I want to use earthly things to illustrate heavenly things for you.
Once you enter yourself into such an involvement, you have to empty the water in the pot and hand over the pot to the husband of the woman. That child is your blood once the child is delivered, you take your child and the husband takes the wife away.
Do not shift the ancient boundary and do not trespass. This means that the Holy Spirit has come into the world to lead you and to remove the scales from your eyes because you claim that you are wise, whereas, there is no wise man among you.
The Moslems argue that the Christians are foolish for worshipping the child of the second son of Abraham and that they are the wise and right thinking men since they worship the child of the first son of Abraham. Who are the wise, between the Christians and Muslims?
Both Christians and Muslims know Abraham, but neither do the Muslims know the Christians nor the Christians know the Muslims, each claiming to be wise and calling the other foolish. Which of them is foolish or wise?
Both Christians and Muslims are blind leading the blind. Who is Isaac and who is Ishmael? Are the two not begotten of Abraham? This is one aspect of it.
Isaac came and begot two children, Esau and Jacob. The two of them were twins but Esau first touched down on the ground. That was why he was regarded as the first son. If Jacob were the first to come out of the mother’s womb, he would have been the first son.
But that it might be fulfilled that which was written in the scriptures that it is not him who wills or him who runs the race but of God who shows mercy. If Esau were to know that before they were born, there had been a prophecy that the elder will serve the younger, Esau would not have struggled to come out first, he would have stayed back in the womb for a little while to allow Jacob to come out first.
But since he struggled to come out first, and it was prophesied that the elder will serve the younger, and he came out as the elder, that prophecy was fulfilled in him.
But take note that knowledge will vanish away, prophecies will fail and tongues and languages will cease but love will not pass away forever. Who are these twins, Esau and Jacob? They are two nations. Which nations are they?
This symbolises the white and the black races. All whites no matter their stations and dispositions in life, are the children of Jacob. In the same token, all blacks of any description are the children of Esau.
So both the whites and the blacks are of the same parentage. I want a white to argue for or against this statement. I am making this declaration from high heaven, and so I want this gospel to be written, published, disseminated, circulated and distributed to all parts of the world, to men of all walks of life, if their eyes will not be opened, and they confess that they had all along been foolish and in darkness. All the inhabitants of the world are brothers and sisters.
Can you tell me what excludes Esau from the family of Isaac? He was a hunter, he loved his father, and served him and he was not blame-worthy but simply because it was prophesied that the elder will serve the younger, the prophecy was fulfilled and having been fulfilled it was away. But the truth has now stood up. Jacob came and begat twelve tribes of Israel. Israel was the tribe of Jacob but what about the tribe of Esau and all the tribes and nations not included among the twelve tribes of Israel. They are referred to as the other sheep I have, which are not of this fold. Them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice and there shall be one fold and one shepherd.