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Position of Teaching and Learning
(specific duties to be negotiated)
Ngaruawahia High School
Application and Information Pack
The Ngaruawahia High SchoolSenior Leadership Team has set the following timeline for the appointment of the available position(s). Every effort will be made to keep to the following schedule in determining the successful candidate.
Timeline for the appointment ofPosition of Teaching and LearningOnline Gazette Advertisement / 13th December
Closing date for applications / 8th January
Short listed Candidates Notified / 10th January
Interviews / 15th January, by negotiation
Contacting Referees / 16th – 17th January
Candidates advised of outcome / 18th January
Starting date / Negotiable
Information for Applicants
Thank you for applying for a teaching and learning position at Ngaruawahia High School. Please ensure you have a copy of the appointment criteria and person specification before completing this application.
- Please complete this form personally. Read it through first and then answer all questions. Make sure you sign and date where indicated on the last page.
- Attach curriculumvitae containing any additional information relevant to the position. If you include written references, please note that we may contact the writer of the reference.
- Copies of qualification certificates should be attached. If successful in your application, you will be required to provide originals as proof of qualifications.
- Failure to complete this application and answer all questions truthfully may result in any offer of employment being withdrawn or appointment being terminated if any information is later found to be false.
- In terms of a Criminal Conviction, the Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004 provides certain convictions do not have to be disclosed providing:
• You have not committed any offence within 7 (consecutive) years of being sentenced for the offence and
• You did not serve a custodial sentence at any time (this would exclude serious offences such as murder, manslaughter, rape and causing serious bodily harm) and
• The offence was not a specified offence (specified offences are in the main sexual in nature) and
• You have paid any fine or costs
Custodial sentences include a sentence of preventive detention and corrective training. Non-custodial sentences include fines, reparation orders; community based sentences and suspended sentences. Please note that you are not obliged to disclose convictions if you are an eligible individual but can do so if you wish. If you are uncertain as to whether you are eligible contact the Ministry of Justice.
- This application form and supporting documents received from the successful applicant will be held by the school. That person may access it in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act.
- CVs provided from non-successful applicants will not be returned, unless a stamped self-addressed envelope is provided. Application forms and CVs from non-successful applicants will be held until the appointments process is completed and then be destroyed.
- All information collected from referees will be destroyed at the end of the selection process.
- All information received will be confidential to the Senior Leadership Team.
- Terms and conditions will be as set out in the Secondary Teachers’ Collective Agreement 2015 to 2018.
- If you are selected for an interview, you may bring whanau and or a support person at your own expense. Please inform the appointments secretary if this is your intention.
Person Specification
The Ngaruawahia High School Board of Trustees is seeking a new member of our teaching and learning team with the following vision, qualities, practices, and work experience:
- Vision
- Has a clear vision of what it is to be aninnovative, collaborative teacher who can work within a modern learning environment
- Can describe what teaching and learning might look like in a modern learning environment
- Supports their vision of education with a strong research base
- Can articulate what 21st Century Learning looks like in practice and is able to reference it to current practice
- Qualities
- Expects excellence.
- Displays passion, enthusiasm, and a desire to see all of our rangatahi succeed
- Has a sense of humour
- Sees listening as an essential component of being a good communicator
- Can contribute towards creating and sustaining a new learning culture
- Prepared to take co-curricular activities
- Practices
- Is an active member of professional learning communities to strengthen teaching practices
- Develops students to become independent and lifelong learners
- Adds value through utilising own passions to provide authentic learning opportunities
- Pursues excellence
- Understands the relevance of the key competencies
- Ability to operate within a flexible learning programme
- Work Experience
- Has proven ability to lead to significant projects in a school-based setting
- Designs teaching and learning programmes based on current school data
- Shows clear strengths in collaboration with other staff
- Demonstrates a willingness to involve students in programme design
Application for Teaching and Learning position atNgaruawahia High School
- Personal Details
Full name
Preferred Title
Telephone (Home)
Telephone (Work)
Telephone (Mobile)
Teacher Registration #
Expiry Date
Qualifications relevant to the position
Please state your specialist curriculum area:
- Summary of positions held over the past 10 years
School / Position held / Reason for leaving / Period employed
- Referees
Please provide the names of three people who could act as referees for you. One of these should be your current or past Principal. Please ensure your selected referees are able to attest to your professional competencies.
Referee 1Full name
Telephone (Work)
Telephone (Mobile)
Relationship to applicant
Years known to applicant
Referee 2
Full name
Telephone (Work)
Telephone (Mobile)
Relationship to applicant
Years known to applicant
Referee 3
Full name
Telephone (Work)
Telephone (Mobile)
Relationship to applicant
Years known to applicant
- General
1)Have you ever been convicted of an offence against the law? / YES / NO
(Please circle)
If ‘YES’, please supply relevant details:
2)I give permission for the Ngaruawahia High School Board of Trustees to check my record with the New Zealand Police. / (Please sign here to confirm)
3)To the best of my knowledge the statements in my application and Curriculum Vitae are true and accurate. I give permission for these claims to be verified. I understand that the conditions of my employment may be jeopardized if the claims are found to be false. / (Please sign here to confirm)
4)I give permission for the Ngaruawahia High School Board of Trustees to gather information from any person or organisation that the Board deems necessary in relation to the job description and person specification. / (Please sign here to confirm)
- Do you wish the Interview Panel to consider any other information?
Please use the following space to provide any additional information that you wish the interview panel to consider when reflecting on your application.
- Signature and Date
(Signature) / (Date)
Office use only:
Date the application was received: