Elite Care Solutions Ltd
Home Support Worker
Job Outline
Job Title: Home Support WorkerResponsible to:Managing Director/or other delegated person
Overall purpose of the Job:
To undertake duties as per support plan ensuring consistency and smooth running of the service in place. You will also undertake a range of personal care, domestic and social care tasks to meet the needs of the services user within the agreed hours. Service Users are identified as adultswho live in the community with various needs and children who live with family members.
- In accordance with the agreed support plans and legal requirements of any service agreements in place.
- Attends to the physical and emotional needs of the service user (adult or a child) where appropriate and offer advice and encouragement to those service users who wish to perform such tasks independently.
- Assists and supports family members, carers and other statutory, voluntary agencies where appropriate.
- Supervises service users or assists with administration of medicines in the required dosage in line with risk assessment and support plan. Arranges for collection of repeat prescription as appropriate and attends to any medical appliances used by the service user, e.g. catheter bags (subject to policies and training).
- Attends to social and domestic duties, e.g. laundry, cleaning, meal preparation, shopping etc. These tasks will only be carried out as part of the assessment and within the service agreement and in accordance to Elite Care Solutions Policies.
- Attends service user reviews/service related meetings and update support plans and as directed by the Registered Manager.
- Completes relevant forms e.g. contactsheets, financial transaction forms and incident forms.
- Works within agency policies and procedures with the identified services users at all times e.g. Health & Safety, Confidentiality. Any issues or concerns should be reported the Registered Manager immediately.
- Engage in the training and development as and when directed to.
- Attends meetings as required and directed by the registered manager when required.
- Performance of other duties which reasonably correspond with the general character of the post and are commensurate with its level of responsibility.
General Information:
- The above mentioned accountabilities are not exhaustive and may vary without changing the character of the post or level of responsibility.
- The Health & Safety at Work etc. Act, 1974 and other associated legalisation places responsibilities for health & Safety on all employees. Therefore it is the post holder’s responsibility to take reasonable care for Health & Safety and the welfare of him/herself and other employees in accordance with legislation.
- The above duties may include access to information of a confidential nature which may be covered by the Data Protection Act, and by Part 1 of schedule 12A to the Local Government Act, 1972. Confidentiality must be maintained at all times.
- Elite Care Solutions Ltd is committed to the protection of vulnerable adults and children, therefore safeguarding and promoting their welfare. We expect all employees shares the same commitment.
Post Holder’s Signature: Date:
Elite Care Solutions Ltd
Health Questionnaire
Name: ......
Position Offered:...... (Subject to satisfactory health checks)
If the answer is yes to any of the questions on this form, please give full details in the space provided of the dates, duration and outcome of the illness or condition. If we have any concerns about your fitness for work employment will be subject to satisfactory medical reports.Have you ever had: / *delete as applicable / Additional Information to “Yes” response
Tuberculosis, asthma, bronchitis or chest problems? / *Yes/No
Chest pain, heart condition or raised blood pressure? / *Yes/No
Blackouts, fits or attacks of giddiness? / *Yes/No
Depression, mental illness or nervous breakdown? / *Yes/No
Rheumatism or arthritis? / *Yes/No
Back trouble? / *Yes/No
Typhoid, paratyphoid or other glad trouble? / *Yes/No
Digestive or bowel disease? / *Yes/No
Diabetes, thyroid or other gland trouble? / *Yes/No
Bladder or kidney trouble? / *Yes/No
Dermatitis or skin trouble? / *Yes/No
Varicose veins? / *Yes/No
Any other accident, operation or illness? / *Yes/No
Have you any reason to believe you may be infected with any communicable disease? / *Yes/No
Any other current or recent medical condition or treatment which might affect your attendance or performance at work? / *Yes/No
Do you intend to work night duties on a regular basis? / *Yes/No
Any illness or medical condition that prevented you from attending work on your normal duties or activities for more than one week during the past year? / *Yes/No
Any physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long term effect on your ability to carry out day to day activities? If yes, please specify and special adjustments required in relation to work? / *Yes/No
Do you smoke? / *Yes/No
How many units of alcohol do you drink per week? / ______/ (one unit = ½ pint beer = 1 glass wine = 1 single whisky)
Elite Care Solutions
Reference Form
Reference in respect of:
Post Applied For: Home Support Worker
1: Date he/she started employment with you If applicable ……………………
2: Length of time you have known him/her………………………………………
3: Capacity in which they were employed or job title…………………………….
4: Main duties (if applicable)………………………………………………………..
5: Employment Reference: Yes/No
Please give your assessment of his/her performance
6: Character Reference: Yes/No
Please give your assessment of this person’s character bearing mind the nature of the post
Employment Reference only
6: Attendance record: number of days absent in the last full year or, if employed less than one year, during this period of employment.
Number of separate occasions when absence has occurred……………………
Reason for absences………………………………………………………………………………
7: Current Salary/Hourly Rate...... ………………………………………………..
8: If no longer working for you: Date of Leaving:………………………………..
Reason for leaving……………………………………………………………………
9: Are you aware of any unspent convictions recorded against them? (This post carried statuary Criminal Record Bureau Check) …………………………...
10: Do you know of any reason why this person should not be employed? If so please specify i.e. pending investigations or disciplinary action……………….
11: What is your assessment of his/her:
Excellent / Good / Fair / PoorHonesty
Time Keeping
Relationship with others
12: Any further information you would like to share/comment on about the person applying for the post………………………………………………………….
13: In accordance with Data Protection Act please indicate if you consent to the reference being seen by the data subject, should this be requested:
Yes / No
Signature:…………………… Name:………………………………….
Date:………………………… Position:……………………………….
Telephone Number: ………………………………………………………………….
Name and Address of Company or Home address…………………………….....