PH: 9305 9897 Education Support Centre
PH: 9305 9011 Primary School
FAX: 9305 9725
Dear Parents,
RE: Interschool Summer Carnival– Thursday 30th March 2017
The Year 5 and 6 students of Merriwa Primary School will be participating in the Interschool Summer Sports Carnival against Clarkson and Somerly Primary Schools on Thursday 30th March commencing at approximately 9:30am.
Sports will be played at the following locations: Basketball at Merriwa Primary School, Speedball at Clarkson Primary School and T-ball at Somerly Primary School. Games will commence at approximately 9:30am and continue throughout the day concluding at approximately 2.00pm.
This year the Cricket will be played at Butler College against feeder schools from their district.
The children will be travelling to the other locations by bus. There will be a charge of $2.00 for all students so that we can cover the cost which includes buses, equipment and trophies.
Parents and spectators are very welcome.
The carnival will only be cancelled if there is severe weather (lightning, heat etc).
Students require hats, suitable footwear and sunscreen as well as providing their own lunch and drink. Please sign the consent form below and return it to school as soon as possible.
21st March 2017
PARENT/GUARDIAN CONSENTI have read and understood the information about the excursion to Interschool on Thursday 30th March 2017 and give my consent for my son/daughter ______to attend.
Staff accompanying students on excursions will take all reasonable care while the students are in their charge to protect them from injury and to control and supervise their behaviour and activities. Parents/Guardians should be aware that staff members are not responsible for injuries or damage to property which may occur on an excursion where, in all circumstances, staff have not been negligent.
I understand that if my child is absent on the day and does not attend the excursion, the cost of buses etc must be met. Therefore, full refunds cannot be given.
If my child’s medical details have changed since I completed the Student Information Sheet I will contact the school to update this information.
I enclose $2.00 as payment for the excursion.
Signed: ______Date: ______
NOTE: Failure to return this form means the teacher does not have the authority to include your child in the planned activity. Your child will have to miss out on the activity and will not be able to draw upon those educational experiences when the class is doing follow up work and the event.
C:\Users\e4005006\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\ZBZBWCND\Interschool summer carnival note 17.doc