SAN DIEGO, CA 92106-1699
(619) 223-3121 FAX (619) 225-1298
Bobbie Samilson, Principal
Kevin Gormly, Vice Principal
Brian Mihalka, Vice Principal
Aldona Lederis, Special Education Administrator
Laurie Hurl, Head Counselor
Jesus Acosta
Teresa Bellini
Bill Henry
Gini Holcomb
Sarah Weiss
Holly Cook, Life Skills Counselor
*Counselors are available in the Counseling Office each school day from 7:15 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
for students & parents who have questions.
Sincere thanks and appreciation to the following people for their help
in the production of this catalog:
Laurie Hurl - Head Counselor
Lauren Johnson - Art for Cover
David Kietzman - Cover Design
Maddie Tolpen - Editing
Welcome to Point Loma High School, an award winning school with a tradition of excellence in academics, athletics and extra-curricular activities. PLHS is an exciting place to be since opportunities for growth and learning abound here. Become involved in all aspects of high school life and add to its proud traditions.
As you read the catalog, plan to make the most of your high school career. Choose challenging academic classes that will provide you with even more opportunities when you graduate. Also, take time to study the requirements for graduation and college admissions.
The staff at Point Loma and I are here to help you succeed, and we look forward to getting to know you and supporting you throughout your years as a Pointer. Point Loma is a place where you can feel connected to school, take on academic challenges, and upon graduation, leave with the confidence that you are ready to make a difference in the world.
Bobbie Samilson, Principal
The Point Loma Staff and community set high expectations for scholarship and citizenship for all students, and we hold our students accountable for demonstrating achievement of the PLHS Expected School wide Learning Results (ESLRs), as well as meeting State and district content and performance standards. As students complete their education at Point Loma High, they will develop the skills to be:
• Complex Thinkers who identify, analyze, integrate and apply information to develop solutions to problems.
• Effective Communicators who read, write, speak, and listen reflectively and critically as well as receive and interpret the messages of others in an effective manner.
• Healthy Life Style Advocates who establish, practice and support appropriate hygiene, proper nutrition, and life long physical fitness as well as demonstrate skills in resolving conflicts through positive, non-violent actions.
• Involved Citizens who contribute time, energy, and talents to improve the quality of life in their school, community, state, nation, and the world.
• Responsible Self Directed Learners and Workers who work independently and overcome obstacles by effective application of skills until a task is complete.
The purpose of this Course Catalog is to provide students and parents with accurate information to use in making wise program choices. Be sure to read this catalog thoroughly before completing your program-planning card. You should pay special attention to graduation requirements and college admission requirements as detailed in this catalog. It is important to check course prerequisites and eligible grade levels before making your course selections.
Our goal is to have a master schedule prepared before school starts so our students will have the least disruption to their class schedules. Therefore, please carefully consider your course selections.
Some class changes may be necessary due to class size and availability.
Every attempt has been made to provide, within these pages, all the information needed to plan class schedules. It is hoped that you will carefully study the contents of this catalog and keep it for future reference.
A careful review of the table of contents below will direct you to the wide variety of information contained in this catalog. The "Planning Information" pages include information on academic policies as well as on a variety of topics related to college admissions.
The "Course Information" pages describe in detail each course that will be offered during the 2007-2008 school year. Read this catalog and the program-planning card carefully before making course selections.
Remember that when you turn in your completed card you are making your FINAL choices of your courses for the entire school year!
Fill out the program-planning card in pencil. Be sure to list six classes and your elective choices in priority order.
Counselors at Point Loma High School assist students in becoming better informed academically, occupationally, and socially in order to deal effectively with critical decisions. Counselors also assist students with class selection and scheduling. They are available to assist with planning, interpretation of tests, school programs, parent/teacher conferences, and referrals to tutoring, testing and community agencies. They provide information for college, financial aid and scholarships.
In addition to individual appointments, counselors work with students in special groups and classroom presentations. Parents are encouraged to email or call their student's counselor for information or an appointment for a conference 619-223-3121, extension 1129.
Students may make appointments with his/her counselor in the counseling office before school, during lunch, or after school. A “Request for Counselor Appointment” form should be filled out and left on the counselor's door clip. The counselor will then send for the student at the most advantageous time.
The Employer Outreach Specialist works cooperatively with the business community to provide students with career information, guidance, and experiences. Through one-on-one sessions or classroom dialogues students are given the opportunity to examine themselves, assess their interests and abilities and explore different career options available to them. The EOS can also assist the students with career related course options, work permits, job shadows, volunteerism, and opportunities to interact with the business community.
10th – 12th Grade
· 2.0 Grade Point Average (Based on Progress Reports and semester grades)
· 2.0 Citizenship
· Point Loma High School ID card required.
· Adequate progress towards graduation:
o Required number of credits for grade level
o Required courses completed for the previous grade level
o Record of satisfactory attendance.
All students choose their courses in the months of February and March. During this period, students and parents have an opportunity to talk with teachers and counselors about the courses they plan to take for the next school year. The student should develop a schedule (including alternatives) based upon teacher recommendations, grades, test scores and preferences. The subjects should be checked on the student’s course selection card. Parents are to review the choices and then sign the card, indicating their approval and commitment to the schedule. If a form is not returned with parent signature, the choices made at the counselor interview will automatically go into effect.
Adjustments may be requested for courses listed on course selection cards through the last week of May. Any such adjustments must be signed by a parent. The card signed by the student and parent is a COMMITMENT to take and complete the courses selected. Changes requested after May will be considered only under the following circumstances:
o Errors – such as processing mistakes, etc.
o Level changes – based upon teacher recommendation after the intervention process
o Requirements – needed to graduate at the close of that school year
o Summer School – making up a deficiency or meeting an unfulfilled prerequisite
Students must complete a petition in order to drop or change a class after the first three weeks of each semester. After that time, a grade of "F" may be recorded on the student's permanent record. After the first nine weeks of each semester, students may not make any level to level changes; i.e., U.S. History and Geography 1,2 from AP American History 1,2.
The purpose of assigning a final grade to students at the completion of a course is to measure progress toward established course objectives. The classroom teacher is accountable for evaluating student achievement in relation to academic standards. The student has the responsibility to meet course standards by completing all necessary requirements.
A student may receive the final grade of “F” in a course. In this case, the student must repeat the same course by attending Summer School or Extended Day classes.
Students who receive the final grade of “D” may elect to repeat the same course and replace the original grade with another with another earned grade by following the outlined procedures.
1. Yearlong courses eligible to be retaken must be in the core curriculum departments of English, mathematics, science, social studies, computer science and foreign language.
2. A grade received from the repeat course will replace the original grade for the same subject on the student’s transcript.
3. Grade point average (GPA) and class rank will be recalculated at the end of each semester.
Caution must be observed when athletes replace courses on their transcript. Families should contact the NCAA Clearinghouse, in advance, to understand the ramification, if any, in the altering of a transcript which has been sent to the NCAA Clearinghouse for processing.
In order for students to advance to the next grade level, they need to complete the following credits:
· Grade 9: Students with 9 or fewer credits
· Grade 10: Students with a range of credits between 10 – 20 credits
· Grade 11: Students with a range of credits between 21 – 30
· Grade 12: Students with 31 or more credits
A total of 44 credits must be completed to participate in the graduation ceremony. Listed below are the course and subject requirements:
Most subject areas offer Regular, Advanced, Advanced Placement, or college level courses.
English Language Arts – 4 years required
MATHEMATICS – 3 years required (Algebra, Geometry, and either Intermediate or Unifying
Physical Education – 2 years required
Science - 3 years required (2 credits each of Biology, Physics or Chemistry, and UC approved science course work)
Social Studies – 3 years required
WORLD LANGUAGES and Visual, Performing, and practical Arts - 3 semester credits:
Option A: 2 semesters of a world language (a one-year course) AND
1 semester of visual, or performing, or practical arts
Option B: 2 semesters of visual and/or performing arts AND
1 semester of practical arts
§ Visual & Performing Arts include courses in art, music, drama/theater arts, and public speaking.
§ Practical Arts include all courses in business education, family and consumer science, industrial technology education, vocational and occupational programs, journalism, and yearbook.
Computer Literacy Competency (beginning in grade 7) 1 semester required (1 credit)
The following courses at Point Loma High meet this requirement: AP Computer Science, Computer Applications in Business, and Computer Science.
Additional credits needed to reach a total of 44 semester credits may be earned by completing additional courses in the above subject areas and/or elective courses.
Students are required to successfully develop and complete a senior portfolio and exhibition in order to receive a high school diploma. Students will receive detailed information about completing the portfolio and presentation at the beginning of their senior year.
All students attending a California public high school who will be graduating must pass the California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) in order to receive a diploma.
Students must meet a minimum standard of 2.0 average in citizenship during their senior year in order to participate in the graduation ceremony.
All students must attend six periods, unless approved by the principal.
Diploma “With Academic Distinction”
The Board of Education of the San Diego Unified School District awards high school diplomas inscribed “With Academic Distinction” to students whose achievements have been outstanding. Only those students who have attended a district high school for their entire senior year are eligible for this diploma. Midyear graduates recommended by the principal may be granted this diploma providing they have qualified in all respects.
Two options are open to students who wish to graduate "With Academic Distinction":
Option 1 The student must maintain a weighted grade-point-average of 3.5 (B+) or higher for all courses taken in grades 10 and 11 and the first semester of grade 12. (Students who raise their cumulative grade-point-average to 3.5 by the end of the sixth-, ninth-, or 12th-week progress report of their senior year may also receive the diploma.)
Option 2 a. Grades 9-12: Complete a minimum of two years’ credit in both science and world languages. Credit received prior to grade 9 in world languages, if the courses are judged to be equivalent to those offered in grades 9-12, may be counted toward meeting this requirement.
b. Grades 10-12: Complete 14 semester credits with grades of A or B from among the courses listed below. These courses must be taken in grades 10, 11, and 12.
c. Grade 12: Complete four of the 14 semester credits required in item 2 above.
The valedictorian of the graduating class will be that student with the highest cumulative weighted grade point average, including Physical Education, in grades 10 through the first semester of the senior year. The salutatorian will be that student who has the second highest grade point average as calculated above.