Food Truck Midterm / Poor 11 pts / Fair 15 pts / Good 17 pts / Excellent 20 pts
Truck Design / Poor
Restaurant name doesn't fit the theme of the truck. It is not displayed well on the truck visible by 1 angle. The truck design is not neat or very attractive to the customer. / Fair
Restaurant name somewhat fits the theme of the truck. It is displayed well on the truck visible from 2 angles. The truck design is not neat or very attractive to the customer. / Good
Restaurant name fits the theme of the truck. It is displayed in several locations to be visible from different angles of the truck. The truck design is in a way that is somewhat neat and attractive to the customer. / Excellent
Restaurant name fits the theme of the truck. It is displayed in several locations to be visible from different angles of the truck. The truck design is displayed neatly and in a way that is attractive to the customer. The name and truck shows creativity.
Menu / Poor
Menu has no selections or prices. No pictures of food shown. No daily specials or specialties. / Fair
Menu has fewer than 2 selections or more than 2 sections that are not labeled correctly. Food is not labeled correctly with prices. Prices and menu does not reflect current market. Have a few pictures to show food items. / Good
Menu has 3 selections that are clearly labeled correctly. 3 sections of food labeled with prices and pictures. Some prices and menu reflect current market. Has some pictures to show food items. / Excellent
Menu has 5 main dishes and 5 sides/beverage selections that are clearly labeled with prices. All prices and menu reflect current market. Menu design is creative and attractive. Menu shows creativity with pictures that represent the food items.
Marketing Material-logo/slogan / Poor
Marketing material doesn't fit the theme of the truck. The material design is not neat or very attractive to the customer. / Fair
Marketing material somewhat fits the theme of the truck. The material design is not neat or very attractive to the customer. Opening event does not reflect target market. / Good
Marketing material fits the theme of the truck. The material design is in a way that is somewhat neat and attractive to the customer. Opening event does reflect the target market. / Excellent
Marketing material fits the theme of the truck. The material design is displayed neatly and in a way that is attractive to the customer. The marketing material and opening event shows creativity.
Creativity/Effort / Poor
No evidence of effort put forth by the student. Menu and restaurant are not organized, colorful, or creative. / Fair
Some evidence of effort, but menu and restaurant are not creative. / Good
Some evidence of effort. Menu and restaurant are somewhat colorful, organized, and creative. / Excellent
Clear evidence of effort put forth by the student. Menu and restaurant are organized, colorful, and very creative.
Food Preparation / Poor
No items are prepared for the class. / Fair
Only one item is prepared for the class. / Good
Two or more recipes are prepared for the class, but are not accompanied by the recipes. / Excellent
Two or more menu items are prepared for the class and the recipe is typed and turned in.
Time Management / Poor
Not completed on time. / Fair / Good / Excellent
Presented on the day due.
Team work / Poor
Members of the group quit the project, argued regularly and could not work out differences. / Fair
Team members had conflict but were able to work out differences with teachers help. Conflict occurred on a daily/regular basis throughout the project. / Good
Team members felt they were valued only for certain parts of the project. No major conflict occurred. Minor conflict was resolved with teacher's help. / Excellent
Team members felt valued for their efforts and abilities. No major conflict occurred. Members were positive and used constructive criticism to work through issued of the project.
Attendance / Poor
All team members had poor attendance (unexcused) / Fair
Most of the team had poor attendance, but for reasonable reasons (ill, dr. appt., excused) / Good
Most team members were present most days. Some absences, but most absences were excused. / Excellent
Great attendance by all members (1-3 absences total for each member)
Problem Solving / Poor
Team had lots of problems that went unresolved. / Fair
Team had some problems that were difficult to resolve, but in the end, most team members were still not satisfied with the result. / Good
Team encountered problems with a negative attitude, but quickly came to a solution with the input of other team members. / Excellent
Team encountered problems and saw them as challenges to overcome. Input was given by most team members and solutions were developed quickly.
Equality of Work / Poor
All the project requirements were completed by one person. Others did little or nothing / Fair
All requirements of the project were done by 2 people. Others did little or nothing / Good
Project requirements were done by most of the group. One person did little or nothing / Excellent
All requirements of the project were shared by all the members of the group. Equal sharing of responsibilities were evident.
Menu / Poor
Menu has no selections or prices. No pictures of food shown. No daily specials or specialties. / Fair
Menu has fewer than 2 selections or more than 2 sections that are not labeled correctly. Food is not labeled correctly with prices. Prices and menu does not reflect current market. Have a few pictures to show food items. / Good
Menu has 3 selections that are clearly labeled correctly. 3 sections of food labeled with prices and pictures. Some prices and menu reflect current market. Has some pictures to show food items. / Excellent
Menu has 5 main dishes and 5 sides/beverage selections that are clearly labeled with prices. All prices and menu reflect current market. Menu design is creative and attractive. Menu shows creativity with pictures that represent the food items.

The Great Food Truck Race

Components of the Project


•Local Laws, licenses, permits etc.

•Include prices (if any) and name of documents required

•Food Truck Facilities Planning – what and where to place equipment

•Print out of food truck (price, facilities layout, equipment needed and prices)



•Menu Items – Full menu must be created - At least 5 specialty items 5 side items and recipes must be provided before midterm with menu costing sheets and pricing

•Two will be prepared for the judges

•Target Market

•Marketing and Advertising

•Teamwork – This is YOUR business!!!

Recipe: / Yield:
degrees / minutes
Ingredients / Weight/Amount / Preparation

Food Cost % Budget is your budgeted food cost %

Food Cost % Actual is the food cost % for this recipe. Change the Selling Price or ingredient costings and this % will change.

Ideal Selling Price =
Recipe Cost/Number of Portions/Food Cost Budget %
It is a suggested selling price to meet your food cost. It is only a reference point to help determine the Selling Price you want based upon food cost, margin, and sales mix.