MARCH 18, 2010

The January 21, 2010, meeting of the Cambridge Place condominium Association was

called to order by President Sam Viola at 7:00 PM with the members of the Cambridge community reciting thePledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence for our veterans.

Officers roll call: Present were Sam Viola, Joyce Siska, Bernadette Miller, andCathieStevanovich. June Tunelius is still recovering and was absent. EPI was represented by

Scott Adler.

The November minutes were NOT read as the secretary’s computer crashed and

she was unable to recover her typed minutes. President Sam Viola proceeded to

the Treasurer’s report.

Scott Adler from EPI gave the Management Report for January. A motion was made to

accept the report as given, Joyce Siska seconded it. Motion carried.

Roof repairs were discussed. Bids were sent out for bids to replace the roof on Building

#2 in the spring. President Viola noted that the roofers wanted $30,000 per building – where last year we had paid $26,500 per roof. Only 1 roofing company (RCH) had responded.

A discussion followed regarding “Door Masters” having sent around a promotion piece.

The management agreement we have with EPI is do to expire on January 31, 2010.

The renewal contract with EPI is for a 3 year term at a 2% increase. The annual cost

for EPI’s services will be $1,832 a month, $21,984 for theyear. The board voted to sign

on with EPI for another 3 years.

We had raised our monthly assessment fee to $180 due to rising costs. After we raised

our fee, we were notified that Tinley Park had raised the water fees – we are now

paying 28% more for our water – so our increased assessment will not give us as much

of an extra cushion that we had been hoping for. Sam noted that the village had changed

to a flatbilling rate which will affect our water costs we will most likely pay an extra

$13,500for water this year.

President Viola reminded everyone that should you have a problem with your drains that

you contact EPI. An owner had brought in another company who after some serious

dismantling of her family room wall, had been unable to clear the line. Sam called in

Reid and Pederson who were able to clear the line within 45 minutes.

President Viola thanked Bernadette Miller for her outstanding newsletter.

There are 4 units on the MLS for sale ranging from $196,500 to $239,900.

We had 2 units sell. One sold for $177,000 and the other $192,000.

President Viola thanked Scott Adler for his service to Cambridge and noted that Scott

will be moving on to another complex, and that Steve Elmore will be returning to

our meeting. Sam thanked everyone for showing up and that the violation hearings

would start after the meeting. A motion was made to adjourn, seconded by Cathie

Stevanovich. Motion carried. The next meeting will be March 18, 2010 at 7 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Cathie Stevanovich