Boosting Eco-innovationthrough joint cooperation in research
Project Acronym*:
Project Coordinator**:
2.1The role and expertise of each partner….
3.1Objectives of the project
3.2Current state-of-the-art and progress beyond the state-of-the-art
3.3Originality and/or innovation of the proposed approach
3.4Work plan
3.5Market analysis
3.6Expected market, environmental and social impacts at the European or international level
Applicants are requested to contact their funding organisation before submission!
Contact details available at
1.summary of the project
Acronym/Short name(max. 20 characters)
Proposal Full Name
(max. 250 characters)
Project Coordinator / Name / Email
Organization / Country/
Address / Telephone
Total Project Costs (€) / Total Requested Funding (€)
Project Duration
(in months - max 36 months) / Total Person
Topic(one choice) /
- System Innovation □
- Sustainable processes and products □
- Recycling, re-use of water and waste □
Conflict of Interest
(max. 3 people)
(The following persons are declared in conflict of interest by the consortium and may not be contacted for reviewing the proposal) / Name / Organisation / Country / Type of conflict
Project Summary (up to 1 page)
Project Summary, including: specific innovation objectives and expected results, state-of-the-art, needs addressed, market impact and potential benefits
2.CONSORTIUM of the project
Partners / Partner name / Partner 1Coordinator / Partner 2 / Partner 3 / Partner 4 / Partner 5
Legal Status1
Main Focus2
Region/ Country
Organization Registration Number3
Size (Employees)
Turnover (k€)
Person months
in the project
Person / Contact person in the organization
Project data / Person contacted in the Region for funding programme4
Funding Programme full name5
1 UNI-University, PRC-Private Research Organization, PUR-Public Research Organization, SME-Small Medium Enterprise, IND-Large Enterprise, NPO-Non Profit Organisations.
2 Main focus of research activity within the project (FR-Fundamental Research, IR-Industrial Research, ED-Experimental Development).
3It is recommended to contact ECO-INNOVERA contact person in your region/country about registration number (VAT number or other registration number).
4It is necessary to contact ECO-INNOVERA contact person in your region/country for further information about funding rules, prior to the submission of a pre-proposal.
5The name of the funding programme for which the partner is applying.
2.1The role and expertise of each partner (up to 1 page for each partner)
Describe the role of each partner in the project and partners' qualification in the field of proposal, including their past experiences and expertise. Please provide a qualification profile (brief CVs) for the Project Consortium Coordinator and each Project Partner Principal Investigator with a list of up to five relevant publications within the last five years demonstrating the competence to carry out the project (max 1 page each).
Partner 1 (Coordinator):
Role in the project:
Team qualification in the field of proposal:
Partner 2:
Role in the project:
Team qualification in the field of proposal:
Partner 3:
Role in the project:
Team qualification in the field of proposal:
Partner 4:
Role in the project:
Team qualification in the field of proposal:
Partner 5:
Role in the project:
Team qualification in the field of proposal:
3.Description of the project(up to 3 pages)
Remind the main relevant topic (1, 2 or 3) and describe the innovation and project outcome(s), in particular the originality of the proposed approach compared to the state-of-the-art, and the market needs addressed by the project. A detailed work programme is not necessary at this stage.Please specify quantitative and qualitative goals and criteria in order to be able to verify at the end of the project if expected results have been reached.
3.1Objectives of the project (as specific as possible)
3.2Current state-of-the-art and progress beyond the state-of-the-art
3.3Originality and/or innovation of the proposed approach
3.4Work plan
Short description including an overview of the work packages (titles)
3.5Market analysis
3.6Expected market, environmental and social impacts at the European or international level
Describe the impact of the results and the impact for each partner on the three aspects. Please quantify as much as possible.
Partner / Person Months / Total Costs (€) / Requested Funding(€)
Partner 1 (Coordinator)
Partner 2
Partner 3
Partner 4
Partner 5
Please consider that not all types of expenditure are fundable by all funding organisations (please read the eligibility criteria and/or contact the relevant Eco-Innovera national/regional contact point for details).
Partner 1 Project Consortium CoordinatorFirst Name
last Name
Institution: / Signature:
Partner 2 Principal Investigator
First Name
last Name
Institution: / Signature:
Partner 3 Principal Investigator
First Name
last Name
Institution: / Signature:
Partner 4 Principal Investigator
First Name
last Name
Institution: / Signature:
Partner 5 Principal Investigator
First Name
last Name
Institution: / Signature:
The proposal conforms to the call guidelines.Every project partner has been in direct contact with his/her national or regional funding agency and has checked that their collaboration and their project contribution are eligible for funding.
All partners who are not eligible for 100% funding are able to provide financial resources for their own contribution.
The consortium is aware of the necessity to have an consortium agreement, including amongst others the agreements on intellectual property rights (IPR) and publication rules for a funded project (depending on the national/regional regulations, this could be a pre-condition for transferring the first payment).
The national/regional applications have been submitted by all consortium partners to their local funding bodies, if necessary.
Please go to submit the pre-proposal form on-line.
Deadline for submission: 8 April2013, 12:00 noon CET
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