An FA Charter Standard Community Club
Girls 5,6 & 7 a sideTournament
Wewould like to invite your club/team(s) to join us in our forthcomingTournament on the grass pitchesat Hillgrounds Road Playing Fields, Hillgrounds Rd, Kempston, Bedford, MK42 8QG
Sunday 8thJuly2018
Sunday AM – U9s playing 5 a side, U11sU13s, playing 7 a side & U15splaying 6 a side.
Sunday PM – U10s playing 5 a side,U12s U14s playing 7 a sideU16s& Ladies playing 6 a side.
Under 9s –5 a side non-competitive games, all participants will receive a medal. Maximum squad size9.
Under 10s – 5 a side competitive games, Trophy to winning team and individual awards for players of both teams to reach the final. Maximum squad size 9.
U11s, U12s, U13s & U14s – 7 a side competitive games. Trophy to winning team of each age group with individual awards for players of both teams to reach the final. Maximum squad size 11.
U15s, U16s& Ladies – 6 a side competitive games. Trophy to winning team of each age group with individual awards for players of both teams to reach the final. Maximum Squad Size: 10.
Entry will be on a first come, first served basis, based upon receipt of a completed application form, entry fee and your local FA Affiliation Number for the Season 2017-2018.
Closing Date for entries is strictly by15th June2018 without exception.
Managers of successful entrants will be informed via email or as per the entry form after 15th June 2018. Playing schedules will not be supplied until the day of the tournament. A complimentary program of events will be available from the registration point at the time of registration.
Due to the nature of the event parking will be available on the grass at Hillgrounds Road with the purchase of a tournament program (price £2). Please be reminded that all visitors must park legally.
CLOSING DATE 15th June2018
Entry Fees:£30per team
Entries & payments received by 1stMay 2018 will receive a £2.50 discount.
Please make sure your email address has been entered clearly as incorrect information can lead to delays with your application.
Your application will not be final until the entry fee and current seasonsaffiliation number has been received.All successful applications will be confirmed by email to the team contact given below, please indicate if you should not be contacted by email.
Do not hesitate to contact us with any queries you may have.
Tournament Entry Form 2018
Name of Club
Club ColoursCounty FA & Affiliation Number
Name and Address for Correspondence
E-Mail Address
Other Contact Number
Age Group / Places Req. /
Managers Name
/ Contact email and phone Number / Tick if paid by BACS / Tick if paid by chqU9 Sun AM
U10 Sun PM
U11 Sun AM
U12 Sun PM
U13 Sun AM
U14 Sun PM
U15s Sun AM
U16s Sun PM
Ladies Sun PM
Payment can be made by cheque or by BACS, if paying by cheque please return all entry forms and cheques made payable to Kempston Rovers Girls & Ladiesto:Doreen Moon, 32 Miller Road, Bedford, Beds MK42 9NZ. If paying by BACS please use your team name and age group as the reference and the account details are as follows:
Barclays Bank
Sort Code – 20-05-74
Account Number – 10466565.
Please remember to post the completed entry form to the address above if paying by BACS.
We look forward to seeing you in July
Tournament Organiser: Doreen Moon, 32 Miller Road, Bedford, Beds MK42 9NZ07899 893 113 email: