Minutes of Board Meeting

St Ives BID board meeting held at Tregenna Castle on Wednesday 4th May 2016, 6pm – 8 pm


Simon Sharp (Chair) Damian Sargent (arrived 6.20pm)

Sherry Siefken-Glossop Alex Ward

Belinda Hanks James Watson


Cllr Andrew Mitchell, St Ives Town Council & Cornwall Council

Nik Read, Meor Design

Carl Lamb, BID Manager

Kate Woodstock, BID Administrator

1. Welcome & Apologies for absence

SS opens board meeting at 6pm. Apologies given from Ryan Wilce, James Deseta, Neil Whitham and John Hill.

2. Celtic Cup Euro Tour

Glenn Eldridge from Ocean Sports was unable to attend the meeting and will be invited to the next board meeting.

3. St Ives Arts Festival update

No update from Pete Giles this month. Pete to provide an update for next board meeting.

4. The minutes of the April board meeting were approved.

5. Food Festival update

After approval from the board at the last meeting the flags have been ordered and will be arriving the week commencing 9th May. The guide book for the weekend has gone to print and should also arrive the week commencing 9th May. Kate & Carl to distribute as soon as they arrive. Two photographers have been booked.

6. Christmas Update

After the sad loss of Paul Ford the board have asked Carl and Kate to find out where Paul was up to with organising this years’ St Ives In December. Carl & Kate have been looking for alternative little Christmas trees and have found that it is more cost effective to carry on having the real small Christmas trees. Carl & Kate to continue to look for alternative large Christmas trees.

7. Festoon Lights update

We are currently waiting for SSE to get back to us with quotes.

8. Website update

Meor Designs quote was the most competitive for the development of the website. The first stages of development has commenced.

9. Coastal Communities update

The planning permission has all been approved. Carl and Kate have been asked to gather twenty quotes and sayings to be inscribed on the new benches. These are in the process of being proof read.

10. Pedestrian Signage update

Carl to arrange a public consultation event as soon as possible. Once date is set Kate will arrange a suitable venue and inform the press.

11. Seagulls

The seagull deterrent spikes are due to be installed on all lampposts along the harbor week comm. 9th May.

12. Town Safety & Security

The newly formed town centre security group are meeting 12th May. Carl and/or Kate will attend the meeting.

13. AOB

Madeleine Parkinson-Evans

The board discussed Carl and Kate’s meeting with Madeleine Parkinson-Evans from Madeleine’s Tea Room. They agreed to incorporate a financial into the board meetings but rejected her offer to attend and record the minutes of future board meetings.

BID Open Meeting

The board agreed to hold regular open meetings with the next one scheduled for Wednesday 13th July 2016.

15. Date of next board meeting Wednesday 15th June, 6pm at Una, Carbis Bay.

Meeting closed at 8pm.

Minutes approved

Date: …………………….…………………

Signature: ………………..………………

Name: …………………….……………….

Position: ………………………………….