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EAHP Academy Camp “PHARMACOECONOMICS – tools, strategies and beyond” 13-15.09.2013, Lisbon, Portugal.
Jean-Christophe Devaud, Olivia Wu, Stefan Vegter, Francisco Ventura Ramos
Helena Jenzer and Cees Neef, supported by the competent organisation by Taviana Caminiti and Martina De Gregorio from the EAHP headquarter
Jean-Christophe Devaud, Olivia Wu and Stefan Vegter were present throughout the seminars in all blocks, not only in the “own” one. Modifications compared to the plans made in advance were moderate and concerned manly the workshops. Since the number of participants was open until a few days before the camp, the organisation of the workshops had to be adapted as no longer 30 but 72 delegates were registered.
Francisco Ramos was only present in his own block on Saturday afternoon. Communication with him was rather difficult and could only be maintained via the assistant at his Institute of Oncology of Lisbon. Last arrangements and copies of handouts for “his” workshops were made during the introductory presentation.
The delegates’ attendance was throughout the camp almost 100%. The 3 delegates from Latvia withdrew their registration. One delegate from Spain was only present on Saturday due to an unforeseen HR-problem in his pharmacy.
Delegates were asked to give their feedback and to help EAHP to improve several times on both days.
Discussions were held after each presentation as well as after the workshop summaries. They were very well animated and actively fed by the delegates, mainly the blocks of Jean-Christophe Devaud, Olivia Wu and Stefan Vegter.
Jean-Christophe Devaud gave an overview and introduction to the pharmacoeconomics domain on an intermediate level, dominated by useful and suitable practical contributions.
Olivia Wu brilliantly introduced to the scientific methodology of pharmacoeconomics. The topic was put on the programme because most abstracts submitted for the congress’ poster presentations remained at an descriptive level only. EAHP hopes that in the future a more scientific approach will be covered. The presentation began at an intermediate level and went on to an advanced one in the second half.
Stefan Vegter delivered as well an intermediate to advanced level in his presentation. Marketed medicines were more discussed than investigational. This was all right as it gives a more practice oriented dimension.
Francisco Ramos as non-pharmacist but economist elucidated financial restrictions and tight budgets from a typical administrator’s point of view and with many figures from all European countries. As expected, no substantial innovation approach to resolve actual problems related to hospital pharmacy could be detected.
A proposition from a participant for next Academy Camps is to groupe those countries in a workshop which have similar practical and structural conditions, e.g. eastern, western, northern and southern countries. Workshops are always difficult to animate until the group itself is constituted. The proposal could help to override this initial phase quickly. However, the objective to attain a harmonisation all over Europe would be lost.
Next years Camp should be planned much earlier. This year’s schedule was built in a few months since the order to the Scientific Committee to organise the Camp came rather late. The speaker’s recruitement therefore was rather difficult.
It shall be wise to look for alternatives to traditional workshop scenarios. A world café style has been used in two seminars this year. The use of further creativity tools seems to be more promising than usual discussions which easily can go into a direction which is distant from the problem to focus on.