2014 - Present CoordinatorforStudentOutreach andDevelopmentalServices, OhioUniversity,Athens,Ohio
2015 - Present FounderandProgramDirector,Ohio ReachFosterCareScholarsProgram, OhioUniversity,Athens,Ohio
2015 - Present FounderandProgramDirector,International Service-LearningProgramin, Jamaica,OhioUniversity,Athens,Ohio
2015 - Present HonorsTutorial College,ThesisAdvisor, OhioUniversity,Athens,Ohio
2012 - Present AdjunctFaculty,HigherEducationandStudentAffairs, OhioUniversity,Athens,Ohio
2009 - Present AdjunctFaculty/AcademicAdvisor,UniversityCollege, OhioUniversity,Athens,Ohio
2011 – 2014ResidentDirector,Departmentof ResidenceLife, OhioUniversity,Athens,Ohio
2011-2013Mental HealthCounselorResident,CounselingPsychological Services, OhioUniversity,Athens,Ohio
2007-2008FamilyMaritalIntern Psychotherapist, UnitedStatesDepartmentofDefense,FortMeade, Maryland
2002-2006Community PeaceBuildingConflict Transformation–AfricaPeacePointEducationalInstitute, Nairobi, Kenya.Director of Youth Programs, College Access & Psychosocial Development
2001-2002St. Francis Youth Center, Mwanza, Tanzania
2000-2001Programs Coordinator, Immigrant Student Wellness & Educational Services United Nations High Commission for Refugees/Jesuit Refugee Services Karagwe, Tanzania
1996-2000Academic Advisor & Student Support Specialist, Immigrant Students United Nations High Commission for Refugees/ Jesuit Refugee Services Harare, Zimbabwe
PhD, HigherEducationandStudentAffairs, OhioUniversity,Athens,Ohio2014
Recipient:OutstandingDoctoralStudentAwardforbringingtheory,knowledge andpractice tobearonthe potentialsolutionof a significanteducational problemrelated to accessand retentionofunderrepresentedstudents inhighereducation.
Master of Science, Counseling Graduated Alpha Sigma Nu, Loyola University Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland 2008
Bachelor of Arts (Honors), Philosophy Graduated Summa Cum Laude, University of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe 2000
Higher Education and Student Affairs Program, College Student Development: Theory and Practice, Advanced Special Topics in Higher Education & Student Affairs, International Service Learning in Jamaica Spring, Special Topics in Student Development, Academic Achievement & Student Engagement, Understanding Service-Learning through Critical Thought, Self-Management and Psychosocial Development,HTC undergraduate Thesis
2014 – Present Coordinator for Student Outreach & Developmental Services , Office for Multicultural Student Access & Retention, Ohio University
2009 – Present Instructor/Academic Advisor – Ohio University, University College
2012- PresentAdjunct Faculty – Ohio University, Department of Counseling & Higher Education
2011–2014 Resident Director, Department of Residential Housing, Ohio University
2011- 2013Mental Health Counselor Resident, Counseling & Psychological Services - Ohio University
2010–2012Teaching Assistant/Research Projects Advisor, Global Leadership Center - Ohio University
2007–2008 Marital and Family Intern Psychotherapist - US Department of Defense: Fort Meade, Maryland
2002–2006 Faculty/Academic Programs Advisor, Community Peace Building & Conflict Transformation – Africa Peace Point Educational Institute Nairobi, Kenya.
2001-2002Director of Youth Programs: College Access and Psychosocial Development, St Francis Xavier Youth Center - Mwanza, Tanzania.
2000-2001Programs Officer: Immigrant Student Wellness & Educational Programs, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees/Jesuit Refugee Services Joint Project Kagera – Tanzania
1996-2000Academic Advisor & Student Support Specialist, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - Urban Refugee Project Harare Zimbabwe
2015-2016OHIOReachScholarsMentoringGrant.3year; $60,000; Principal Investigator
2015-2016NewStudyAbroadProgram DevelopmentGrant.1Year; $1250; Principal Investigator
2012-2013PaulP.FidlerResearchGrant.1year; $5000; PrincipalInvestigator
2011-2012InternationalTravelGrant. 1Year; $500; Principal Investigator
2011-2012PattonCollegeGraduateResearchGrant. 1Year; $1000; Principal Investigator
2006-2007FlawilSt.GallenCanton,SwitzerlandInterculturalGran, 1Year; $3000; Principal Investigator
2006-2007PontificiaUniversitàGregoriana-IgnatianSpiritualityCenterGrant (Rome,Italy).IYear; $3500; Principal Investigator
2003-2004JesuitSchoolofPhilosophyHumanitiesSummerFrancophone-ArabicImmersionGrant (Franceand theRepublicofChad). 1Year; $5000; Principal Investigator
2011-PresentCollaborates with Counseling & Psychosocial Services at Ohio University to design and implement a series of psychosocial outreach programs for Multicultural & International Students as a retention effort
2012-PresentFounding Faculty Advisor for the National Society for Collegiate Scholars, Ohio University Chapter
2015-Present Founder and Program Director, Ohio Reach Foster Youth Scholars Program at Ohio University
2015- Present Founder and Program Director, International Service Learning Program Jamaica
2013-2014Reviewer, Journal of First Year Experience $ Students in Transition
Recently instrumental and able to initiate, propose and successfully design and include in the Ohio University undergraduate application form a voluntary self-identifying question for potential Ohio University students with foster care experience in order to help the Division of Diversity & Inclusion foster relevant strategies to promote recruitment, access and retention of additional underserved student population at Ohio University.
Designed and implemented credit bearing 3 two-semester long credit bearing classes for multicultural students at Ohio University namely: Understanding Service Learning through Critical Thought, Academic Achievement & Student Engagement and International Service Learning.
Serves as the Ohio University’s OHIO Reach Liaison.
Serves in various Ohio University’s search and student development committees including and not limited to Counseling & Psychological Services Outreach program; Residential Housing Outreach to Ohio University’s traditionally under-served and under- represented student, Diversity & Inclusion Staff search and Residential Housing Paraprofessional Development & Learning Outcomes task force; the Office of Admissions & Campus Community Response Team (CCRT).
Core Trainer: Bobcats for Suicide Prevention (in collaboration with the Division of Student Affairs).
Collaborates with Athens County Mayor’s office to implement multicultural students community engagement projects.
LicensedProfessional Counselor(LPC),StateofOhioLicensure(C1100060)
CollegeStudent EducatorsInternational–ACPA
National AcademicAdvisingAssociation–NACADA(The Global Community forAcademicAdvising)
James O. Okumu
Okumu, J. O. (2014). Meaning-making dynamics of emancipated foster care youth transitioning into higher education: A constructivist-grounded theory. Journal of First Year Experience & Students in Transition, 26(2), pp. 9-28.
Okumu, J.O. (2012). Character formation and service: Millennial student’s experience. Journal of College
& Character 13(4), ISSN (online) 1940-1639.
Okumu, J.O. (November, 2015). Developing a vision for former foster youth with disabilities to succeed academically in a college setting. Southeast Ohio Disability Consortium Conference. Chauncey, Ohio
Okumu, J.O. (July, 2015). Access & retention of former foster youth in college: A Case Study of Ohio University Athens. Southeast Ohio FAK Quarterly Training. Athens, Ohio
Okumu, J.O. (April, 2015). ABC’s of self-esteem & tools for self-management in a college campus environment. Multicultural Students Psychosocial Workshop Series. Athens, Ohio
Okumu, J.O. (October, 2012). Developmental Meaning-Making Dynamics of Emancipated Foster Care Youth Transitioning into Higher Education. 20th National Conference of Students in Transition. Atlanta, Georgia
Okumu, J.O. (February, 2012). Character Formation & Service-Learning. 2012 Jon C. Dalton Institute on College Student Values - Keynote Speaker, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida.